What does the "html" plugin do?

Created by sebikul

This plugin includes a variety of useful functions to manage strings, the following functions are included:


//searches for $find in $string and replaces it for $repleace
$html->string_replace($string, $find, $replace);

//converts all characters of $string to lowercase

//converts all characters of $string to uppercase

//counts all the characters of $string (included spaces if second arg is true, default is false)

//escapes all characters of $string if they are $esctype (default "spechtml" using charset $char_set (default "UTF-8")
//possible $esctype: htmlall, spechtml, url, hex, mail, nonstd
$html->escape_char($stemp, $string);

//transforms to uppercase the first character of each word of $string, if second argument is true only the first word will be transformed

//returns a full formated string ready to be inserted in a template to include an image
possible parameters are:
// * - file = file (and path) of image (required)
// * - height = image height (optional, default actual height)
// * - width = image width (optional, default actual width)
// * - basedir = base directory for absolute paths, default is environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT
// * - path_prefix = prefix for path output (optional, default empty)
$html->html_image($stemp, $params);

//counts the number of sentences of $string

//indents $string with $chars_no (default is 4) times $character (default is ' ' /space/ )
$html->string_indent($string, $chars_no = 4, $character = " ")
