I simply cannot get Sparkle to work

Asked by Stefan

Man, I've run through the tutorials countless times, started from scratch, done everything I could think of. I simply can't get Sparkle to work. When I click on Check for Updates in my menu item nothing happens. It's clickable, it isn't greyed out or anything. I just don't see a dialog anywhere telling me that it's checking. The Check Automatically button also doesn't perform a check. I'm almost positive there's something wrong with my sparkle.framework setup or something inside my app, I just can't be sure what.

What's the exact procedure for importing the framework?

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Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

The exact procedure for importing the framework is documented here: http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/documentation/pmwiki.php/Documentation/BasicSetup

Please check your console for debug output and, if nothing's there, please post your appcast here.

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Stefan (skyfluff) said :

Hehe. I didn't even know about the console feature in Xcode. I just started using it a week ago ^-^

This is what I get when I click Check for Updates:

2009-04-15 10:57:16.227 Pow![1301:10b] You must specify the URL of the appcast as the SUFeedURLKey in either the Info.plist or the user defaults!

I did create the SUFeedURL item in the info plist and pointed it to the right address though.

This is my appcast xml entry:

 <title>Version 1.1.0</title>
 <pubDate>Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:56:21 -0700</pubDate>
  sparkle:dsaSignature="blah blah blah my public signature is usually here"

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Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

Okay, sounds like an Info.plist problem. Please paste the contents of yours here.

Revision history for this message
Stefan (skyfluff) said :

 "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion" = English;
 CFBundleExecutable = "${EXECUTABLE_NAME}";
 CFBundleIconFile = Pow;
 CFBundleIdentifier = "com.steisen.pow";
 "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" = "6.0";
 CFBundleName = "${PRODUCT_NAME}";
 CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
 "CFBundleShortVersionString" = "1.1.0";
 CFBundleSignature = "????";
 CFBundleVersion = "1.1.0";
 NSAppleScriptEnabled = YES;
 NSMainNibFile = MainMenu;
 NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
 SUFeedUrl = "http://www.steisen.com/pow/updates.xml";
 SUPublicDSAKeyFile = "dsa_pub.pem";

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Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

Info.plist keys are case sensitive; it's "SUFeedURL", not "SUFeedUrl."

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Stefan (skyfluff) said :

Awesome! Thank you so much. One more quick question if you don't mind. I tested your solution quickly with the most recent revision (1.1.0) which is what currently posted in my appcast. When I checked for updates it gave me an update error. Is that normal behavior when the versions match, or should it tell me that I'm up to date?

Revision history for this message
Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

It should tell you that it's up to date, so that's indicative of some other problem. But as before, more information is logged to the console. Hopefully that'll be enough for you to fix it.

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Stefan (skyfluff) said :

Thanks again, Andy :)