Using Sparkle:Version= causes update to not be found

Asked by WilliamSmith

I have just switched to the version 1.5 b6 with security support.
We have Leopard customers who were complaining that Sparkle was not working. Hopefully this will take care of them.
But I found that this line in my XML file (which is shown in your online help pages under PublishingAnUpdate)
causes Sparkle to say that my current version is up to date.
If I remove this line Sparkle works correctly.
I tried using "1.5" since that is the version that is set in the Sparkle file. No luck.
I'm using the Carbon version of Sparkle.
What is the purpose of this line in the Enclosure field and does it matter if I just leave it out?
Thank you.

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Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

The sparkle:version attribute is supposed to designate the version of the update in that enclosure. So if that <enclosure> contains the update to version 3.6 of your app, the attribute should read sparkle:version="3.6".

Revision history for this message
WilliamSmith (netsmith2001) said :

If I'm understanding you correctly it sounds like this is the same as including the update version tacked on to the end of the update zip file as in: MyUpdate_3.6.0.0 ?
According to my reading of the instructions, it is required to name your update like this.
ps. thanks for the super quick reply.

Revision history for this message
Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

No, that used to be the case, but it isn't anymore—possibly the Carbon documentation hasn't been updated. Name your update however you like. Specify the version number with sparkle:version.

Revision history for this message
WilliamSmith (netsmith2001) said :
