Sparkle always says I'm up to date !!

Asked by BS0D

Hey all,

I've been trying to set up SF in my applescript application for days and days. I've tried making feeds manually, I've also tried with Feeder.

NOTHING works, it always says I'm up to date (version 1.0 is the latest versino available blaaaah), I'm getting really frustrated with this.

Any idea on what I could have done wrong ?

I've redone the process 200 times, checked EVERYTHING, and nothing works when I make a new feed.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Hofman (cmhofman) said :

Without seeing any details, like what your appcast looks like and knowing what you did exactly, nobody can say what you did wrong.

Revision history for this message
BS0D (bs0d) said :

Yeah sorry ...

I followed the foolsworkshop tutorial and the guimkie one too.

Did everything by the book.

Created a new RSS with Feeder and a fake new version (it is the same version as the one I was trying to check updates with, only zipped >> didnt work
Created one manually (which is the same thing, or almost) >> didnt work either.

However, I downloaded the sparkleTest project from the foolsworkshop site, and just modified the Feed URL to link to mine, and it did say that an update was available (it failed to download the update, but at least it notified me).

so I'm assuming the problem doesnt come from the RSS itself, but from something in my app. It's an Applescript Studio application : is that even supported by version 1.5 of sparkle ?

Thanks for any help you can provide :)

Revision history for this message
Hofman (cmhofman) said :

These tutorials are out of date, as they're written for version 1.1. Did you look at the documentation on the Wiki? AppleScript apps should in principle be supported. Also, what's the sparkle:version attribute of the newest item in your appcast and the CFBundleVersion in your app's Info.plist?

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BS0D (bs0d) said :

HMMM... what's the sparkle:version attribute? Inside the XML file ?

Anything to do with this part :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sparkle="" version="2.0">

or do you mean between the <item> </item> tags ?

I'm confused. Is it that important to have a different version in the CFBundleVersion of the Info.plist? Since the file is zipped and all, sparkle wont be able tell will it ?

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BS0D (bs0d) said :

OK, I'm currently going over the wiki doc, and I totally missed the private key thing.

What am I supposed to do with the "generate_keys.rb" file ? when I double click on it, it opens up in Xcode, but I dont see the file its supposed to produce anywhere ...

How do I get that key ? Is it absolutely necessary for sparkle 1.5 to work ?
If not, I wont bother cause it still doesnt work ... (just tried again)

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Hofman (cmhofman) said :

I do mean the sparkle:version key in the <enclosure> tag in the (newest) <item> tag. And I do mean the CFBundleVersion string of the Info.plist of the app bundle you use to test this (not the downloaded one of course).

And you do need to generate the keys, unless you have a secure connection (https:// URL) this is all explained in the documentation on the Wiki.

You really should first read the documentation.

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BS0D (bs0d) said :

I've read it thousands of times, thanks. Still not getting it.

Its still saying Im up to date when I'm not. my current version in the CFBundleVersion is 1.0.1 --> the one in the sparkle:version is 1.0.2

And you tell me that keys, signatures and stuff are useless? Here, one example of what I didnt get from the wiki ( which is VERY VERY CONFUSING no offense!) -- I'm gonna get rid of all that junk then, and keep trying I guess ?

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Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

Please post a link to your appcast.

For security purposes, you need to sign your updates to prove they are from you. generate_keys.rb is a Ruby shell script—you need to run it from the terminal as described on the wiki:

"Signing your updates is easy. Start by making yourself a pair of DSA keys; Sparkle includes a tool to help:
   - (from the Sparkle distribution root):
     ruby "Extras/Signing Tools/generate_keys.rb"

But you can figure out the signatures once you've got Sparkle offering you any updates at all: even an unsigned update would be offered; it'd just be rejected later.

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