Carbon version of Sparkle stopped working

Asked by WilliamSmith

Our Carbon application has been updating successfully for about one year using Sparkle.
I recently received a bug report that Update was no longer working.
My tests confirmed this to be true.

Check For Updates successfully finds the update on line.
It then successfully opens and displays the information file about the update that I have posted.
But when I click OK to proceed, it puts up the "Update Error" dialog with the generic message: An error occurred while trying to download the file.

Nothing has changed where I have the file stored online. I made fresh files and put them online. Tried different names, edited the XML file etc. All to no avail.
Any ideas to help me get my Carbon Sparkle working again would be much appreciated.

-- Bill Smith

Senior Programner
KHA Inc. Software for Homeopathic MDs.

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Revision history for this message
Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

Sorry, but I don't have anything to do with the Carbon version of Sparkle; you'll have to contact its maintainer at <email address hidden>.

Revision history for this message
Martin Crane (martin-crane) said :

Not really sure how much time Jack has to spend on the Carbon Sparkle, so try using Nano instead. It has a whole bunch of very useful functionality including a Software Update mechanism that is almost identical in operation and implementation to Sparkle, except that is is pure Carbon and so it actually works!

Revision history for this message
WilliamSmith (netsmith2001) said :

I have solved the problem on my own.
Something in the chain of command handling has changed.
The way space characters in file path strings are processed is different.
I string that previously only worked if it was proceeded with a backslash now only works if there is no backslash. I don't know where this change occurred, on my computer due to an OS upgrade or on the server due to to some revision. But no matter, I am up and running again.

And thanks for the tip on an alteranate solution. I'll keep that around in case we need it in the future.

Revision history for this message
Jon (jda-his) said :

Hi, I've run into the same problem -- Sparkle for Carbon has stopped working for me (after I installed Mac OS X update 10.5.6, if that makes a difference). The update is detected, but when I try to install I get some error messages. Can you elaborate about the solution you found?



Revision history for this message
WilliamSmith (netsmith2001) said :

Jon -
I had spaces in my URL string and they used to require a backslash preceding them to be parsed correctly.
Then something changed and I had to remove the backslash for them to be parsed.
I no longer have any spaces in any path strings.
There are 3:
- SUFeedURL in the plist file.
- the <description> line in the xml file
- the <enclosure url> line in the xml file

Either remove the backslashes in front of spaces or change your paths so there are no spaces at all.
Hope that helps.

Revision history for this message
Jon (jda-his) said :

Thanks for the followup.

It seems the problem I'm having is different, as I have no spaces in any url. Since installing 10.5.6 trying to install the update results in a series of errors (culminating in "you don't have write privileges to the applications' folder", which is incorrect). Something has changed...


Revision history for this message
Jack Small (jaxs) said :

I have posted an update to Carbon Sparkle using version 1.5 b6. The Carbon API has not changed, but there are new security requirements to ensure your users are getting their updates from you. An included URL to the documentation and script sources make it very straightforward.

Official Link: <>

Please note that a bug in the older Carbon Sparkle.framework will FAIL to install any updates in Mac OS X 10.5.6. If you are using the Carbon Sparkle.framework in your app you should update to this new framework and push it out ASAP. Users already with 10.5.6 will, unfortunately, need a way to download the update manually.

I will try to post future updates as soon as they become available. If you would like to be notified directly of any changes to Carbon Sparkle framework please send me an email address where I can send any update info in the future.

I'm surprised this question has been up for so long, first I heard of it was this week!

Revision history for this message
Jon (jda-his) said :

Hi Jack,

I've installed your new Sparkle framework, and am signing my app, and everything is working once again. Thanks for a great job.


Revision history for this message
Jack Small (jaxs) said :


That is fantastic. If you have any problems please don't hesitate to contact me!

The real credit, though, goes to Andy. He's done a lot of hard work and has a very robust design. I just add a thin wrapper on top. Without Sparkle, the Mac wouldn't be the same machine we use today.

More later,

Revision history for this message
Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

"Without Sparkle, the Mac wouldn't be the same machine we use today."

Aww, that's a really nice Christmas present to come home to! Thanks, Jack. :D

Revision history for this message
WilliamSmith (netsmith2001) said :

(Maybe I should generate a new thread for this - let me know)

I am in the process of updating to the new Carbon Sparkle.
We do not use xcode or ruby, we are fully based on MetroWerks Codewarrior.
So I can't use the script provide with Sparkle to create my signature.
I've spent the last couple hours reading up on DSA, it seems that your scripts are providing critical key information to generate the signature.
I don't have that information so I can't use any other tools.
But I also can't find a simple alternate way to generate the DSA signature.
I'm more or less stuck.
Any ideas ?
Thanks people ....
-- Bill

Revision history for this message
Andy Matuschak (andymatuschak) said :

Huh? The scripts are independent of the Xcode project or the version of Sparkle or anything. Just open a terminal and run the script. Ruby comes with OS X; you don't need to download anything.

Revision history for this message
purduejim (purduejim) said :

I see this thread has been dead for some time but I am hoping Andy, jack or someone interested still checks it occasionally. As you may know a major Sparkle vulnerability was found this year and patched. Any possibility that Carbon Sparkle can get a similar update? We may not be using it much longer but currently do still use it.

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