functions not known - SikulixIDE

Asked by Driss EL

There is some function that does not work in my laptop, as an example:
selectRegion(x,x,x,x) or highLight(x)

I have the same error each time, the only thing that change is the name of the function:
[error] Runner: not possible: javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: Region.selectRegion is not a function in <eval> at line number 1

SikulixIDE 1.1.3

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Revision history for this message
masuo (masuo-ohara) said :

What do you want to do by "x,x,x,x" ?
Read document about parameter.

Revision history for this message
Driss EL (defragiris) said :

x means numbers. In my case, I used selectRegion(0,0,100,100)

Revision history for this message
masuo (masuo-ohara) said :

If you want to specify coodinate, use Region instead of selectRegion . selectRegion does not have such interface.

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