Address Sikuli limitations?

Asked by Ahmad Osman


First of all, thanks for your fabulous support on Sikuli.

Second, all of all know the limitation of Sikuli has, which are as below;

1- Need to lock the screen, the user is using
2- Need to freeze as well keyboard, mouse (so, it is recommended to use Sikuli from a free PC).
3- Need to ensure from screen resolution, and size
4- Text recognition isn't that perfect, to extract text from screens (must support different fonts, languages,..)

So i have suggestions, that i want your advice to know if they are applicable or not, which are;

1- Suppose you are working on a web page, to fill its fields, so i am thinking to have an option on Sikuli, that run scripting on this webpage in the background. This is done, by importing the webpage in a virtual screen (exactly like JVM), so now the webpage screen size, and resolution can be adjusted to whatever Sikuli need to be, and in the same time, no need to free the PC, as all GUI search, and mouse/keyboards are used in an independent machine, running in the background - This is as i hope, would address issues# 1, 2, 3

2- Regarding issue# 4, text recognition, i am thinking if it is better at this area, to return to normal text processing. Suppose you are working a page, that need to extract some data from some fields. If we have an option in sikuli, to view the page source of this webpage, and i will provide what fields i am interested to know its values are, so in the background, sikuli will try to extract these fields, corresponding to their location in screen, as per the user's code.

Don't hesitate to advise for more clarifications.

Thanks again for your great support,

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

-- at 1.
working with "virtual screens" is on the list for next year (version 1.2)

-- at 2.
the usual approach for this is to intermix Selenium with SikuliX.

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