Any testing frameworks using Sikuli?

Asked by someotherperson432423423

I hacked together some Sikuli into a couple automation frameworks years ago, and I still don't know a lot of good ways to automate mobile/consoles natively. Just curious in the past 2-3 years I've been gone anyone has gone and shoved Sikuli into an automated testing suite.

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

Welcome back.

I remember your questions and activities well back in 2010/2011.

I have taken over the further development of SikuliX:

… being short before publishing SikuliX 1.1.0 final.

About integration with testing frameworks, nothing really has changed the last years.
Still one has to find his own way to integrate SikuliX in various possible ways.
Mobile native is still not supported, only emulators/simulators on the desktop.

But I see a good chance, to dive into this next year.

With help from Roman ( JRuby now is possible in scripting and use of RSpec and Cucumber is basically supported.

With version 1.2 I plan to implement projects like in other IDE's, that will make it possible to have some internal folder structure and project setup to create e.g. something, that is run using RobotFrameWork and directly supported in the IDE and script run.

It will be possible, to pack these projects into jar files to distribute and run them.

Generally I will try to make SikuliX integration into various environments as easy and convenient as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

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someotherperson432423423 (someotherperson432423423-deactivatedaccount) said :

I found a couple of cobbled together solutions with other tech similar to what I got. I've also encountered a half dozen companies that rolled their own either with a lot of scripts or just importing the jar like I did over the past couple years. Back in the test automation game so I might just be able to convince folk to use it and even open source it this time around. We'll see.

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