missing sources and javadocs for version 1.0.1 --- recommendation: switch to version 1.1.0

Asked by John Henckel

I'm using Sikuli 1.0.1 in Eclipse with sikuli-java.jar and I am looking at the documentation here http://nightly.sikuli.de/docs/index.html but it does not match. For example the documentation says there is a static method SikuliX.input which does not exist in the jar. So where is the docs for the jar, and where is the jar to which the docs are referring?


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Best RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

The nightly stuff is related to head of development of version 1.1.0 (currently Beta4)

I recommend to switch to 1.1.0.
The relevant jar is sikulixapi.jar (you can get it without the need to setup from the nightly page)
Beginning from tomorrow, a source jar will be available as well.

Currently I am in the stage of finalising version 1.1.0 and then switch to development of version 1.2.
sikulixapi.jar will be available on MavenCentral from then on (and hence including the sources)
about the already now available snapshots see sikulix.com

When version 1.1.0 is out, I will purge version 1.0.1 and not support it any longer (I guess about mid October)

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John Henckel (henckel-jonathan) said :

Ok, thanks. I will start using 1.1 now

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John Henckel (henckel-jonathan) said :

Thanks RaiMan, that solved my question.

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John Henckel (henckel-jonathan) said :

I tried to use 1.1.0-Beta4 but it is very unstable. When I download the sikulixsetup-1.1.0-Beta4.jar and run it, I get error below

[debug (9/9/14 10:34:27 AM)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder setup with image worked
[error (9/9/14 10:34:27 AM)] FileManager: createTempFile: IOException: c:\tmp\Sikulix;sikuli-12....56.png
[error (9/9/14 10:34:27 AM)] RunSetup: null
[debug (9/9/14 10:34:27 AM)] RunSetup:
popError: --------------------
Something serious happened! Sikuli not useable!
Check the error log at C:\dev\Sikuli-1.1\SikuliX-1.1.0-Beta4-SetupLog.txt-
[error (9/9/14 10:34:40 AM)] RunSetup: Functional test Java-API did not work
[error (9/9/14 10:34:40 AM)] RunSetup: ... terminated abnormally :-(
[debug (9/9/14 10:34:40 AM)] RunSetup:
popError: --------------------
Something serious happened! Sikuli not useable!
Check the error log at C:\dev\Sikuli-1.1\SikuliX-1.1.0-Beta4-SetupLog.txt

When I try to use the sikulixapi.jar directly I get errors such as below

Unhandled exception
Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 ExceptionCode=c0000005 ExceptionAddress=6C1AF5F1 ContextFlags=0001007f
Handler1=02479A50 Handler2=002095C0 InaccessibleAddress=00000000
EDI=0251FCC8 ESI=00000020 EAX=024C13E0 EBX=00000000
EIP=6C1AF5F1 ESP=0251FBC8 EBP=0251FCC0 EFLAGS=00210216
Module_base_address=6C170000 Offset_in_DLL=0003f5f1
Target=2_40_20080816_022093_lHdSMr (Windows Vista 6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1)
CPU=x86 (4 logical CPUs) (0xffffffff RAM)

Revision history for this message
John Henckel (henckel-jonathan) said :

I'm going back to 1.0.1 -- at least it runs, even though the source and javadoc doesn't match.

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

sorry for the stupid bug in setup. is fixed now.

build: 2014-09-10

Revision history for this message
John Henckel (henckel-jonathan) said :

Now I just downloaded a fresh copy of SikuliXAPI-1.1.0.jar and sources and javadoc. IT WORKS GREAT!!!! no problems!! thanks very much Raiman.

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

thanks for feedback and all the best.