C#: trying to run a Sikuli script using StartProgram.Start() with runIDE.cmd

Asked by Hesham


I developed a C# Code that should be able to connect to the sikuli to run a specific program that tests mobile devices. when i run the C# Code... It displays the following "trying to connect to sikuli-IDE.exe" and then nothing happens..,. where does the problem exist?..
Here is my C# Code. I am running it on Visual Studio 2013. Thanks in advance

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
///using dowStepType;
using MySql.Data;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;

// using java.io.IOException;
// using java.io.File;
// using java.io.FileWriter;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1

    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// Der Haupteinstiegspunkt f?r die Anwendung.
        /// </summary>

        static void Main(/*string[] args*/)
/* string VRB = args[0] ;*/

            string vendor = "Nokia"; //"Nokia"; Appel_IPhone 4\IP_DOW\Reference\1_ShowCase_MenuTree
            string model = "Lava"; //"Lava";
            string Menutree = "SL_Menubaum"; //"SL_Menubaum";
            string EndNote = "End9"; //"End2";
            string device = vendor + "_" + model;
            double Breite = 0;
            double L?nge = 0;
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            /* Picture Path*/ string PicturePath;

            LoadCsv(device, Menutree, EndNote);
            dt = GetCoord(dt, device, Menutree, EndNote);

/* Picture Path*/ GetLaengeBreite(dt, out L?nge, out Breite, out PicturePath);

            GenerateCsv(dt, device, Menutree, EndNote, L?nge, Breite, PicturePath);

            //Application.Run(new Form1());

        static void GetLaengeBreite(DataTable dt, out double L?nge, out double Breite,out string PicturePath)
            int i = 0;

            while (dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString().Contains("End"))
            string Path = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString();
            PicturePath = "Y:\\Mobile_Data\\" + Path ;

            //MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;database=test;uid=root;pwd=service");

            System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(PicturePath);
            Breite = img.Width;
            L?nge = img.Height;

           /// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine();

            //\\\MobileRobot6\Mobile_Data\ "\\\\\MobileRobot6\Mobile_Data\";
            //L?nge = 5.5;
            //Breite = 5.5;

        static DataTable GetCoord(DataTable dt, string objectundertest, string testarea, string EndNote)
            MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;database=test;uid=root;pwd=service");
            //string query = "SELECT MenuInfo FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView='" + testarea + "' AND MenuName='TS:Coord' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%' ";
            string query = "SELECT MenuName, MenuInfo, MenuImage FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "' AND (MenuName = 'TS:Coord' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%') OR (MenuName LIKE 'End%' AND MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "') AND MobileId = (SELECT MobileId FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%' LIMIT 1)";
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            MySqlDataAdapter adptr = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, conn);

            //GenerateCsv(objectundertest, testarea, EndNote, dt);

            return (dt);


        static void GenerateCsv(DataTable dt, string device, string Menutree, string EndNote, double L?nge, double Breite, string PicturePath)

            string ProgramPfad = (@"C:\Robotron\MobileRobotDaten\" + device + "_" + Menutree + "_" + EndNote + ".csv");

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(ProgramPfad))
                int a = 1;
                int b = 1;

                string[] buffer = new string[dt.Rows.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < (3* dt.Rows.Count); i++)

                    string end = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    string Prozent = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString();
                    if (!end.Contains("End"))
                        Prozent = Calculate(Prozent, L?nge, Breite);

catch (Exception e)
                    if (end.Contains(EndNote))

                        foreach (string strg in buffer)


/* Picture Path*/ file.WriteLine(PicturePath);

/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b-1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 1 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "3" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 40 + ";" + 400);
/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b - 1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 2 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "1,1" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 10);
/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b - 1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 3 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "3" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 25 + ";" + 100);

                    if (end.Contains("End"))
                        Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        a = 1;
                        b = 1;




        static string Calculate(string Prozent, double L?nge, double Breite)

            double x = Convert.ToDouble(Prozent.Substring(0, 2));
            double y = Convert.ToDouble(Prozent.Substring(3, 2));

/* Anpassen*/ double Umrechnung = 1;
/* Anpassen*/ double Faktor = 1;
                        double distance_x = 26;
                        double distance_y = 15.5;
/* Anpassen*/ x = (Breite/Umrechnung)*(x/100)*Faktor + distance_x;
/* Anpassen*/ y = (L?nge /Umrechnung)*(y/100)*Faktor + distance_y;
/* Anpassen Z */
            Prozent = x + ";" + y;

        static void LoadCsv(string device, string Menutree, string EndNote)

            Process StartProgram = new Process();
            string temp = device + "_" + Menutree + "_" + EndNote+".csv";
            //string tmp = Menutree + ".csv";

/* Anpassen*/ StartProgram.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\runIDE.cmd";

/* Anpassen*/ StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-r " + "C:\\Robotron\\Execution\\Ubenannt.sikuli" + " --args "+temp;


            // "\\\\\\c$\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\runIDE.cmd"
            // "\\\\\\c$\\Robotron\\Execution\\1Test.sikuli"



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English Edit question
SikuliX Edit question
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Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

What version of Sikuli do you thing you are starting?

on one hand you use runIDE.cmd, that belongs to version 1.0.1.
On the other hand it says "trying to connect to sikuli-IDE.exe". 1.0.1 does not have any exe artifacts.

So you seem to have some mix-up of RC3 and 1.0.1

So you should decide, which version you want to use and then take care, that this version is the only accessible Sikuli stuff on your system including any environment settings.

Restart your system and test again.

Revision history for this message
Hesham (hmahmoud757) said :

The Sikuli Version is 1.0.1
and yes it tries to connect to .cmd file not .exe sorry..
but it does not connect

Revision history for this message
Best RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

supposing, that the IDE starts up when you use the runIDE.cmd from command line, you should just try to run with
StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-d 3 -c"

and find out what the IDE might complain at startup.

an alternative might be, to try to directly submit Java:
StartProgram.StartInfo.FileName = "java";
StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-jar C:\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\sikuli-ide.jar -d 3 -c"

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

BTW: comment #3 is bad behaviour.

I see everything, that happens in Sikuli's launchpad and try to answer as soon as possible. so be patient.

Revision history for this message
Hesham (hmahmoud757) said :

Thanks RaiMan, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Hesham (hmahmoud757) said :


I wanted to pass a string through a batch file on visual studio and then link it to Sikuli. I managed to path the string on visual studio but i need to import the argument to Sikuli because i am running sikuli through Visual studio. Below you will find the Sikuli and C# Code. I think what is missing is importing something at the beginning but i don't know what is it. Thanks in advance

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//using dowStepType;
using MySql.Data;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;

// using java.io.IOException;
// using java.io.File;
// using java.io.FileWriter;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1

    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// Der Haupteinstiegspunkt f?r die Anwendung.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main( /*string[] args*/)
            /* string VRB = args[0] ;*/

            /* Process proc = new Process();
             proc.StartInfo.FileName = //C:\\Robotron\\Bat-scripts\\Ubenannt.bat;
             proc.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("Nokia", "Lava", "SL_Menubaum", "End9");
             //set the rest of the process settings
             proc.Start(); */
            Process p = new Process();
             p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
             p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
             p.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Robotron\\Bat-scripts\\Ubenannt.bat";
             p.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("Nokia", "Lava", "SL_Menubaum", "End9");
             /* p.StartInfo.FileName = "Ubenannt.bat"; */

              //set the rest of the process settings

                        string vendor = "Nokia"; //"Nokia"; Appel_IPhone 4\IP_DOW\Reference\1_ShowCase_MenuTree
                        string model = "Lava"; //"Lava";
                        string Menutree = "SL_Menubaum"; //"SL_Menubaum";
                        string EndNote = "End9"; //"End2";
                        string device = vendor + "_" + model;
                        double Breite = 0;
                        double L?nge = 0;
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                        /* Picture Path*/ string PicturePath;

            LoadCsv(device, Menutree, EndNote);
            dt = GetCoord(dt, device, Menutree, EndNote);

/* Picture Path*/ GetLaengeBreite(dt, out L?nge, out Breite, out PicturePath);

            GenerateCsv(dt, device, Menutree, EndNote, L?nge, Breite, PicturePath);

            //Application.Run(new Form1());
        static void GetLaengeBreite(DataTable dt, out double L?nge, out double Breite,out string PicturePath)
            int i = 0;

            while (dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString().Contains("End"))
            string Path = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString();
            PicturePath = "Y:\\Mobile_Data\\" + Path ;

            //MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;database=test;uid=root;pwd=service");

            System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(PicturePath);
            Breite = img.Width;
            L?nge = img.Height;

           /// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine();

            //\\\MobileRobot6\Mobile_Data\ "\\\\\MobileRobot6\Mobile_Data\";
            //L?nge = 5.5;
            //Breite = 5.5;

        static DataTable GetCoord(DataTable dt, string objectundertest, string testarea, string EndNote)
            MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;database=test;uid=root;pwd=service");
            //string query = "SELECT MenuInfo FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView='" + testarea + "' AND MenuName='TS:Coord' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%' ";
            string query = "SELECT MenuName, MenuInfo, MenuImage FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "' AND (MenuName = 'TS:Coord' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%') OR (MenuName LIKE 'End%' AND MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "') AND MobileId = (SELECT MobileId FROM test.menutree WHERE MenuTreeView = '" + testarea + "' AND MenuImage LIKE '%" + objectundertest + "%' LIMIT 1)";
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            MySqlDataAdapter adptr = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, conn);

            //GenerateCsv(objectundertest, testarea, EndNote, dt);

            return (dt);


        static void GenerateCsv(DataTable dt, string device, string Menutree, string EndNote, double L?nge, double Breite, string PicturePath)

            string ProgramPfad = (@"C:\Robotron\MobileRobotDaten\" + device + "_" + Menutree + "_" + EndNote + ".csv");

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(ProgramPfad))
                int a = 1;
                int b = 1;

                string[] buffer = new string[dt.Rows.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < (3* dt.Rows.Count); i++)

                    string end = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    string Prozent = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString();
                    if (!end.Contains("End"))
                        Prozent = Calculate(Prozent, L?nge, Breite);

catch (Exception e)
                    if (end.Contains(EndNote))

                        foreach (string strg in buffer)


/* Picture Path*/ file.WriteLine(PicturePath);

/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b-1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 1 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "3" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 40 + ";" + 400);
/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b - 1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 2 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "1,1" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 10);
/* Anpassen Z*/ buffer[b - 1] = (device + ";" + a + ";" + 3 + ";" + Prozent + ";" + "3" + ";" + 71 + ";" + -51 + ";" + 25 + ";" + 100);

                    if (end.Contains("End"))
                        Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        a = 1;
                        b = 1;




        static string Calculate(string Prozent, double L?nge, double Breite)

            double x = Convert.ToDouble(Prozent.Substring(0, 2));
            double y = Convert.ToDouble(Prozent.Substring(3, 2));

/* Anpassen*/ double Umrechnung = 1;
/* Anpassen*/ double Faktor = 1;
                        double distance_x = 26;
                        double distance_y = 15.5;
/* Anpassen*/ x = (Breite/Umrechnung)*(x/100)*Faktor + distance_x;
/* Anpassen*/ y = (L?nge /Umrechnung)*(y/100)*Faktor + distance_y;
/* Anpassen Z */
            Prozent = x + ";" + y;

        static void LoadCsv(string device, string Menutree, string EndNote)

            Process StartProgram = new Process();
            string temp = device + "_" + Menutree + "_" + EndNote + ".csv";
            //string tmp = Menutree + ".csv";

/* Anpassen*/ //StartProgram.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\runIDE.cmd";
                        StartProgram.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Programme\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe";
                        //StartProgram.StartInfo.FileName = "java";
                        //StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "C:\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\sikuli-ide.jar";
                        //StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-jar C:\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\sikuli-ide.jar -d 3 -c";
/* Anpassen*/ StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-r " + "C:\\Robotron\\Execution\\Ubenannt.sikuli" + " --args "+temp;

            //StartProgram.StartInfo.Arguments = "-r " + "C:\\Robotron\\Bat-scripts\\Ubenannt.bat";

            // "\\\\\\c$\\Robotron\\Sikuli\\runIDE.cmd"
            // "\\\\\\c$\\Robotron\\Execution\\1Test.sikuli"




import subprocess
import socket
import sys
if exists ("1389289136624.png"):
#if exists("1395245707711.png"):
# click("1395245707711.png")
#if not exists("1395245707711.png"):
# click("1389618618243.png")

#popup("COM Problem Occured
# subprocess.call(["java","-jar","C:\\tmp\\ErrorRequest.jar"])
# exit()

if exists("1395405604694.png"):

# if exists("1395409368599.png"):
# exists("1389617017477.png")
# click("1389617037044.png")
# click("1392803175668.png")
# click("1392803661372.png")
# click(Pattern("1394119959244.png").similar(0.85),1)
# paste("ConfigSSC32newRobot_Touch.cfg")
# else:
# popup("Initialisierung Problem Occured")
# subprocess.call(["java","-jar","C:\\tmp\\ErrorRequest.jar"])
# exit()
# click(Pattern("1390402550990.png").similar(0.89))
#Import Parser & subprocess
#Handover of parameters
MenuTreeName = (sys.argv[3])
popup ((MenuTreeName))
#MenuTreeName = input("MenuTreeName ohne CSV")
ans = "notReady" #sockpaste(paste(paste(text)

# Daten in Rios Laden

if exists("1392115325686.png"): #L?scht alle Projekte

# Program straten

#PORT = 55000
#HOST = ''
#project = ("<project_select:%s>"&MenuTreeName)
#play = ("project:play>")

#sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

#while ans != ("*Ready*"):
# sock.send("<state>")
# ans = sock.recv(8)
# if i==5000: #Zahl ?berarbeiten

# subprocess.call(["java","-jar","C:\\tmp\\ErrorRequest.jar"])
# exit()
# i= i + 1


#ans= ("*notReady*")

#while ans != ("*Ready*"):
# sock.send("<state>")
# ans = sock.recv(8)



#popup("Virtual COM musst be active")
# exit()
#Finished Message to scheduler

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

Bitte jetzt nicht falsch verstehen ;-)

… aber es ist eine Zumutung hier solche Bandwürmer von code zu posten und dann zu erwarten, dass sich das jemand anschaut.

… und es fehlen konkrete Hinweise auf die Fehlersituation und eine genaue Beschreibung des Problems.

Ich bin gerne bereit zu helfen, aber dafür hätte ich dann gerne das Zeug als zip-container an meine Mail hier: