[1.1.0 beta1] encounter invalid memory address access exception while launching sikulix

Asked by Shengyuan Gu

I encountered a invalid memory access exception while launching sikulix, my working host is configured to Chinesse, so the reported error message is Chinesse. The Chinesse message "内存位置访问无效" means "invalid memory address access".
Then I tried to delete the registry item HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs, but I still encountered the same error.
At last I restrated my machine, then this error disapeared.

Although this bug is unable to reproduce now, I'd like to post it here as a record.

D:\SikuliX110>runsikulix.cmd -d 3 -c
+++ running this Java
java version "1.7.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode, sharing)
+++ trying to run SikuliX
+++ using: -Xms64M -Xmx512M -Dfile.encoding=GBK -Dsikuli.FromCommandLine -jar D:\SikuliX110\sikulix.jar -d 3 -c
[debug] Running on Java 7 (1.7.0_60-b19)
[debug] --- Sikuli parameters ---
[debug] 1: -d
[debug] 2: 3
[debug] 3: -c
[error] IDE: No native support for Windows
[debug] locale: zh_CN
[debug] ResourceLoader: SikuliX Package Build: 1.1.0-Beta1 2014-05-30-18
[debug] ResourceLoader: check: we are running on arch: x86
[debug] ResourceLoader: check: using Java at: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/
[debug] ResourceLoader: check: Exists Environment.SIKULIX_HOME? YES: D:/SikuliX110/libs
[debug] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: trying: D:/SikuliX110/libs
[debug] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Running on Windows - checking system path!

[debug] ResourceLoader: check: libs dir is empty, has wrong content or is outdated
[debug] ResourceLoader: check: Trying to extract libs to: D:/SikuliX110/libs
[debug] ResourceLoader: extractLibs: from: file:/D:/SikuliX110/sikulix.jar
[debug] ResourceLoader: extractLibs: Found 17 Files in META-INF/libs/windows/lib
[debug] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: trying: D:/SikuliX110/libs
[debug] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Running on Windows - checking system path!

[debug] ResourceLoader: loadLib: Now loaded: WinUtil from: D:\SikuliX110\libs\WinUtil.dll
[debug] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Using libs at: D:\SikuliX110\libs
[debug] ResourceLoader: check: recreated ClassLoader.usrPaths
[error] ResourceLoader: check: recreating ClassLoader.usrPaths did not work: D:\SikuliX110\libs\JIntellitype.dll: 内存位置访问无效。
[debug] IDE: final cleanup


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SikuliX Edit question
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Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

I make it a bug.
Thanks for posting.

Revision history for this message
Shengyuan Gu (gushengyuan2002) said :

Sikuli is a extremely cool tool:-) It's my pleasure to provide help to improve it.