Not able to use Sikuli to update scripts already developed - Sikuli crashes on clicking on any event

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Sikuli version - Sikuli X-1.0rc3(r905)

System Details:
Windows 7 professional ServicePack1
32bit operating System

Java version - jre


Initially I was using jre 6 version while I developed some scripts on Sikuli to call them from qtp, and I was successful.
But now, my system java version is changed to java 7.
So to work properly I made a change to Path environment variable - "C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\libs;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin"
AND was able to call sikuli from qtp and perform all the functions recorded with sikuli flawlessly.

The problem is when i try to open sikuli.exe or ide or w-ide.bat, and try to update my original scripts - Sikuli crashes.

I tried reading many faq's here - but it would be very useful if you point me a solution or point me to any thread which would help me.

Please tell me if I move to some other upgrades of Sikuli IDE, then would there be any problem with my previous scripts that has been designed with present sikuli.


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Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

--- 1. RC3 does not work with Java 7 (known problem)

--- 2. you might upgrade to version 1.0.1
start here:

Revision history for this message (swagatsamal2000) said :

Thanks Raiman for the response.

1. Please let me know whether I need to do any changes to user environment variables defined for RC3 as shown below:
SIKULI_HOME - C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\
Path - C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\libs;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

2. Whether there would be any impact on scripts developed in RC3, if I update to version 1.0.1

3. I tried updating to version1.0.1 - and placed it under folder C:/Swagat_Project/Sikuli X
BUT encountered Error while trying to run the runSetip.cmd.
Please see the Error Log as shown below:
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: SikuliX Setup Build: 1.0.1 2SEP2013172831
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: ... starting with no args given
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Swagat_Project\Sikuli X\libs
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\WINDOWS\system32
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\WINDOWS
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\libs
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:32 PM)] RunSetup: user home: C:\Users\samals
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:52 PM)] RunSetup: RunningSystem: Windows 6.1
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:52 PM)] RunSetup: parent of jar/classes: C:/Swagat_Project/Sikuli X/
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:52 PM)] RunSetup: RunningJava: Java 7 (x86) 1.7.0_11-b21
[debug (10/14/13 7:15:52 PM)] RunSetup: ... could not detect whether Sikuli is used the first time on this system
[debug (10/14/13 7:16:50 PM)] FileManager: Downloading sikuli-ide-1.0.1.jar having -1 KB
[error (10/14/13 7:16:51 PM)] FileManager: problems while downloading
Connection refused: connect
[error (10/14/13 7:16:54 PM)] RunSetup: Fatal error 001: not able to download: sikuli-ide-1.0.1.jar
[debug (10/14/13 7:16:54 PM)] RunSetup: Download ended
[error (10/14/13 7:17:10 PM)] RunSetup: download not completed successfully
[error (10/14/13 7:17:10 PM)] RunSetup: ... terminated abnormally :-(

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

at 1: not needed with version 1.0.1 (but do no harm ;-)

at 2: I can promise "no impact" with a probability of 95%

at 3: setup internally tries to access my dropbox to download the stuff. It seems, that this is blocked on your system.
You might try the offline setup: faq 2363

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

I am rather sure, that it will not make problems, but:
- do not use paths containing blanks with SikuliX

so i recommend:

Revision history for this message (swagatsamal2000) said :

hi Raiman - thanks for your guide - I successfully upgraded to version 1.0.1

now i need one more help:

Earlier I used to call all portable sikuli scripts (i.e .skl files) form qtp by invoking "C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\Sikuli-IDE.bat" and passing arguments through command line.

But now as I have cleaned my system, i don't have any IDE.bat how to call sikuli scripts from command line without opening Sikuli IDE

Thanks in advance

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

you should have a runIDE.cmd in the installation folder.

To get info about the possible parameters:
runIDE.cmd -h

Revision history for this message (swagatsamal2000) said :

Hi raiman,
Thanks for your response
got the options for parameters, but still facing problems while calling scripts from command line - before posting this I did browse all the faq's related to my problem.

My sikuli script:

def EnterComment(sComment):

Earlier while using version 1.0, I used to call like below and worked fine:
"C:\ProgramFiles\SikuliX\Sikuli-IDE.bat" "Path\EnterComment.skl" - args "Demo Action"

Now after updating to 1.0.1, if I use "" it's not executing, so now i am using below line to call but getting error for arguments
C:\SikuliX\runIDE -r Path\EnterComment.skl - args "Demo Action"
Please note I tried with both '- args' and '-- args'

Please let me know what more changes i need to do. As this is not possible to change my existing sikuli scripts, as I am having arround 40 scripts.

2) Please let me know if lot of changes are required to scripts, then can I install Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 over this current installation.

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

Having a valid version 1.0.1 setup, this should work:
C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -r Path\EnterComment.skl -- "Demo Action"

this usage is shown, when using
C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -h

as mentioned above.

Feel free to go back to RC3 at any time:
- delete C:\SikuliX\
- remove this entry from system path settings (if present): C:\SikuliX\libs

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

Scripts running with RC3 should run without changes with version 1.0.1

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