Quickly sampling a single pixel in either a Region or the Screen

Asked by Glenn Lewis

I would like a function that can return to me the RGB value of a single pixel either within a Region or relative to a Screen (I don't care which), but it must be fast. By fast, I mean that I should be able to sample roughly 500 different pixels at 30Hz. Therefore, I don't want any image processing going on during this operation.

AutoIt3 (on Windows) can (in conjunction with OLE) sample individual pixels from any scripting language incredibly fast, and I would like the same capabilities on Mac and Linux. Sikuli looks very promising, but appears to be missing this feature, so I would like to request it.

Thank you!

-- Glenn

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

I have turned your question in a request bug and put you on subscription.

So please follow up there.