Reading from Excel sheets (Python module xlrd and from Java)

Created by RaiMan
Last updated by:

----------------- for SikuliX 1.1.0+
Beginning with SikuliX 1.1.x we will use Jython 2.7 and the distribution will already contain the latest versions of modules xlrd, xlwt and xlutils ready to import.

A good overview:

---------------- for usage with Java
a good entry

This is relevant for SikuliX 1.0RC3 and SikuliX 1.0.1 (not recommended, use 1.1.1)

Download the module from

Take the newest version (currently 1.0.1)

Be aware of the mentioned restrictions and that it does not support xlsx.

*** These are the steps, to make it available:
- unzip the downloaded package somewhere
- in the folder there is a folder xlrd1 (containing a file)
- in the Sikuli setup folder (RC3: Sikuli X program folder) make a new folder Lib
- into this folder Lib COPY the folder xlrd1 from the package

With this the import should work, because the folder …\...Sikuli...\Lib is already in sys.path by default

in script:
import xlrd1

*** looking for docs
xlrd1 is based on the original xlrd - download from here

This one contains some useful docs and examples in the contained xlrd folder and you might use this one as well.