Drag into Rhythmbox = Copy to Library?

Asked by Max Gardner

I currently have all (~250gb) of my music organized by artist>album>[track no.] [track name] in a single music directory 'home/music'. I have a desktop folder for music that I've downloaded but have yet to copy into my library, for which I use a program like VLC to listen to. I'd like to configure rhythmbox so that when I decide to copy an album from this desktop folder into my actual library, all that I'll have to do is drop the album into rhythmbox and rhythmbox will create the appropriate folder/file-naming structure in my 'home/music' folder according to the organizational scheme specified by rhythmbox/fileorganizer. I don't necessarily NEED to have fileorganizer reorganize all of the music that is already in that 'home/music' folder, but its not a major problem if it has to. I definitely just don't want to end up with duplicates, though.. I'm also not tied down to the folder/file-naming scheme already in use. I'd just like to set up a system that will be consistent moving forward. Can/will/does fileorganizer do that?


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English Edit question
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer Edit question
lachlan-00 Edit question
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Revision history for this message
lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

Sorry for making this post so long winded, i'll try and bottomline it all first.
1-Add your Desktop folder to rhythmbox library locations in dconf
3-Set desired output path and filename in dconf
3-Open Rhythmbox
4-Check Fileorganizer preferences are what you want
5-Right click on your new music and select 'Organize Selection'

(If you have accidentally created duplicates they are stored in the root of your music library in a folder called "Backup". Music is never replaced by the plugin.)

--- IN DEPTH ---
First lets add the desktop folder to your library locations.

Add the folder using dconf-editor.
Go to "org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb/locations"


Next time you open rhythmbox you will have a plus sign next to the Music label in the side pane.
It will look something like this when you click it:

Music +

You've just added multiple locations to your library, :) Make sure you keep your main library as the first item. The plugin uses the first value as the default music library.

Now you have this temp location in your library all you have to do is right click on the tracks you want to move and select 'Organize Selection'. That is by far the easiest way to do this and can be managed all from the Rhythmbox window without having to copy files manually.

Secondly if you want to keep the same naming convention (artist>album>[track no.] [track name])

Change these dconf settings:
%tN %tt


This will create the following path:
./Blutengel/Schwarzes Eis/01 Redemption

Lastly, because you use a generic download folder I recommend you disable some of the default options.
in Rhythmbox go to:
  edit -> plugins -> file organizer -> preferences
  Under "File/Folder cleanup" untick Enabled and Remove Empty Folders
  Click Save then Close
This will make sure your desktop folder isn't deleted when it's empty.

All done!! I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, i'm a bad explainer sometimes. :)

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

I think it all makes sense. My only question is whether or not the files in my 'newmusicfolder' will be copied to the main library folder when run 'organize selection' on them, which is what I'm hoping to accomplish here, having rhythmbox copy new music from my temp desktop folder into my main library based on the naming convention defined in rhythmbox.h

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

Also, now after making the changes to "org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb/locations" in dconf, I can't get rhythmbox to open at all. Any ideas?

Revision history for this message
lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

when fileorganizer sees a file it wants them all to be in /home/user/music (to use the example)
you can have as many folders as you want in the library but fileorganizer thinks that the first item is the actual music library so files will move from newmusic folder to music.

I have had trouble with these git versions of rhythmbox and dconf settings before, it could be a package in your distro or other random packages.

if you are sure that your locations format is correct:

then run this command:
rhythmbox -d

 and send me the output. remember that single quotes must be around each item as well as square brackets around the whole item.

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

rhythmbox -d returns the following:

(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_debug_init_match] rb-debug.c:240: Debugging enabled
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [main] main.c:185: initializing Rhythmbox 2.90.1
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_threads_init] rb-util.c:482: GMutex isn't recursive
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [main] main.c:197: going to create DBus object
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [main] main.c:267: Going to create a new shell
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_constructed] rb-shell.c:1660: Constructing shell
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [construct_db] rb-shell.c:1190: creating database object
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [construct_widgets] rb-shell.c:1251: shell: initializing shell services
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_podcast_manager_start_update_timer] rb-podcast-manager.c:583: last periodic update at 1324454485, interval 3600, time is now 1324489726
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_podcast_manager_start_update_timer] rb-podcast-manager.c:586: periodic update should already have happened
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [player_settings_changed_cb] rb-shell-player.c:1813: track transition time changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [player_settings_changed_cb] rb-shell-player.c:1804: play order setting changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_player_sync_buttons] rb-shell-player.c:2999: syncing with source (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_player_sync_control_state] rb-shell-player.c:2451: syncing control state
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_header_sync] rb-header.c:523: syncing with entry = <null>
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_header_sync] rb-header.c:585: not playing
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_player_set_playing_source_internal] rb-shell-player.c:3085: setting playing source to (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_player_sync_with_source] rb-shell-player.c:2907: playing source: (nil), active entry: (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_player_sync_control_state] rb-shell-player.c:2451: syncing control state
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:653: appending page Library with no parent
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:653: appending page Stores with no parent
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:653: appending page Playlists with no parent
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:653: appending page Devices with no parent
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:653: appending page Shared with no parent
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa0362c8 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa036338 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_dispose] rhythmdb-query-model.c:730: disposing query model 0xa0362c8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_finalize] rhythmdb-query-model.c:778: finalizing query model 0xa0362c8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba0a8 (title: , key: PlaylistTrack)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba130 (title: Track, key: Track)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba1b8 (title: Title, key: Title)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba240 (title: Genre, key: Genre)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba2c8 (title: Artist, key: Artist)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba350 (title: Album, key: Album)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba3d8 (title: Year, key: Year)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba460 (title: Time, key: Time)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba4e8 (title: Quality, key: Quality)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba570 (title: Rating, key: Rating)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba5f8 (title: Play Count, key: PlayCount)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba680 (title: Comment, key: Comment)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa1ba708 (title: Location, key: Location)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2960030 (title: Last Played, key: LastPlayed)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb29600b8 (title: Date Added, key: FirstSeen)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2960140 (title: BPM, key: BPM)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 0 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 1 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 2 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d838 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d838 chaining to base model 0xa036338
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 0 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 1 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 2 - reusing parent model
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1426: binding entry view sort order for (null)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1450: binding show-browser for (null)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d8a8 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb29603e8 (title: Play Queue, key: Title)
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_dispose] rhythmdb-query-model.c:730: disposing query model 0xa09d8a8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_finalize] rhythmdb-query-model.c:778: finalizing query model 0xa09d8a8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:649: inserting source Play Queue with parent 0xa1b98b8
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [update_group_visibility] rb-display-page-model.c:560: page group Library changing visibility from 0 to 1
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [rb_shell_constructed] rb-shell.c:1696: shell: syncing with settings
(09:48:46) [0x9f42068] [update_group_visibility] rb-display-page-model.c:560: page group Library changing visibility from 1 to 0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d918 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2960690 (title: Track, key: Track)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2960718 (title: Title, key: Title)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26d828 (title: Genre, key: Genre)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26d8b0 (title: Artist, key: Artist)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26d938 (title: Album, key: Album)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26d9c0 (title: Year, key: Year)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26da48 (title: Time, key: Time)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26dad0 (title: Quality, key: Quality)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26db58 (title: Play Count, key: PlayCount)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26dbe0 (title: BPM, key: BPM)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26dc68 (title: Comment, key: Comment)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26dcf0 (title: Location, key: Location)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1426: binding entry view sort order for (null)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1083: Updating EntryView sort order to Artist:0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1103: emitting sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [songs_view_sort_order_changed_cb] rb-browser-source.c:573: sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1441: binding paned position for (null)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1450: binding show-browser for (null)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d988 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 0 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 1 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 2 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_dispose] rhythmdb-query-model.c:730: disposing query model 0xa09d918
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_finalize] rhythmdb-query-model.c:778: finalizing query model 0xa09d918
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09d9f8 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26dd78 (title: Rating, key: Rating)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1083: Updating EntryView sort order to Artist:0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1103: emitting sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [songs_view_sort_order_changed_cb] rb-browser-source.c:573: sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26de00 (title: Last Played, key: LastPlayed)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1083: Updating EntryView sort order to Artist:0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1103: emitting sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [songs_view_sort_order_changed_cb] rb-browser-source.c:573: sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa26de88 (title: Date Added, key: FirstSeen)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1083: Updating EntryView sort order to Artist:0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1103: emitting sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [songs_view_sort_order_changed_cb] rb-browser-source.c:573: sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09da68 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09dad8 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_dispose] rhythmdb-query-model.c:730: disposing query model 0xa09da68
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_finalize] rhythmdb-query-model.c:778: finalizing query model 0xa09da68
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966828 (title: , key: PlaylistTrack)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb29668b0 (title: Track, key: Track)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966938 (title: Title, key: Title)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb29669c0 (title: Genre, key: Genre)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966a48 (title: Artist, key: Artist)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966ad0 (title: Album, key: Album)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966b58 (title: Year, key: Year)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966be0 (title: Time, key: Time)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966c68 (title: Quality, key: Quality)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966cf0 (title: Rating, key: Rating)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966d78 (title: Play Count, key: PlayCount)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966e00 (title: Comment, key: Comment)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966e88 (title: Location, key: Location)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xb2966f10 (title: Last Played, key: LastPlayed)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa290008 (title: Date Added, key: FirstSeen)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom] rb-entry-view.c:1715: appending column: 0xa290090 (title: BPM, key: BPM)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_property_view_selection_changed_cb] rb-property-view.c:837: selection changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1426: binding entry view sort order for (null)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: post-time => 48
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: artist => 4
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: duration => 8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: track-number => 6
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_columns_visible] rb-entry-view.c:2409: visible columns: album => 5
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_source_bind_settings] rb-source.c:1450: binding show-browser for (null)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1083: Updating EntryView sort order to Artist:0
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_entry_view_sync_sorting] rb-entry-view.c:1103: emitting sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_playlist_source_songs_sort_order_changed_cb] rb-playlist-source.c:1089: sort order changed
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_chain] rhythmdb-query-model.c:896: query model 0xa09db48 chaining to base model (nil)
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 0 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 1 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rebuild_child_model] rb-library-browser.c:686: no selection for browser 2 - reusing parent model
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_dispose] rhythmdb-query-model.c:730: disposing query model 0xa09dad8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_query_model_finalize] rhythmdb-query-model.c:778: finalizing query model 0xa09dad8
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rhythmdb_read_enter] rhythmdb.c:1229: counter: 1
(09:48:47) [0x9f42068] [rb_display_page_model_add_page] rb-display-page-model.c:649: inserting source Music with parent 0xb2961018
Rhythmbox:ERROR:rb-display-page-model.c:650:rb_display_page_model_add_page: assertion failed: (find_in_real_model (page_model, parent, &parent_iter))

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

any idea? still can't open rhythmbox...

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

anybody out there still care? rhythmbox still will not open.

Revision history for this message
lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

you'll have to change the library location back to just one location.
there must be something in Ubuntu causing the issue.

The easiest way to do this without having multiple locations is to go:
File->Import Folder
Select the desktop folder and import into the library.

Now all the music is in rhythmbox you can use fileorganizer

The only issue is that it will not watch the folder for new music so it will be a manual import process until we can work out what's wrong with your setup.

(I was moving house over christmas but i'm back at work now.)

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

Great, thanks a lot. This works exactly how I hoped it would. No worries about not being able to respond earlier, hope your move went well. One follow up question: if I select ALL of my music files in my library and right click and do organize selection, will it simply update the filing/naming scheme for all of my files or will it create duplicates of my files? I noticed that doing "organize selection" for the files imported from my desktop folder leaves the original files in that folder in addition to adding and organizing them in my main music library.
Many thanks

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

Let me append my question. It seems as though when I run "organize selection" on newly imported files, it leaves the original file directories, but not the files themselves. The problem I'm having now, is that when I select a mass of files (+4 GB) in rhythmbox, and click "organize selection", it does not re-organize all of the files, only some, and in a seemingly random fashion (half of a given album, etc). For the files that didn't reorganize on the first try, some will reorganize if i select them album by album. Others, I have to go in and apply "organize selection" file-by-file in order to get the plug-in to work. Not only was this a bit time consuming/tedious, but because the original file directories on my desktop aren't getting deleted once empty, it was difficult to tell which files had been reorganized and which had been skipped. I eventually just added a column to display the file location in rhythmbox in order to work around the issue, but this still shouldn't be the way the program works. Any idea what the issue could be?

Revision history for this message
Max Gardner (gardner-max) said :

Hi Lachlan,
still there?

Revision history for this message
hare dhd (henso36) said :

yes its a new scheme I also tried it and it worked properly in my device you can see here https://musicalhunter.com/ for more details about it.

Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask Max Gardner for more information if necessary.

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