qpdfview 0.4.12

Adds function to automatically trim empty page margins. Adds dock to improved access to bookmarks. Adds support for document-supplied page label. Improves caching, i.e. does not drop pixmaps on scale factor change. Improves rendering by giving a higher priority to rendering visible pages compared to prefetching. Improves searching of DjVu documents.

Milestone information

Adam Reichold
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7 Adam Reichold, 1 Martin Spacek, 2 Razi Alavizadeh
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
10 Fix Released

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download icon qpdfview-0.4.12.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 2,066
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Release notes 

Added function to automatically trim empty page margins. Added dock to improved access to bookmarks. Added support for document-supplied page label. Improved caching, i.e. do not drop pixmaps on scale factor change. Improved rendering by giving a higher priority to rendering visible pages compared to prefetching. Improved searching of DjVu documents.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1370540 #1370540 Crash when searching within multiple DjVu files 3 High Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1372043 #1372043 crash when closing using ctrl-w 3 High Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1374142 #1374142 Could not open file that its path contains Unicode characters. 4 Medium Razi Alavizadeh  10 Fix Released
1354889 #1354889 Install application icon into hicolor icon theme 5 Low Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1267266 #1267266 View List of Bookmarks and add Metadata to them 6 Wishlist Razi Alavizadeh  10 Fix Released
1330779 #1330779 Cache is discarded on zoom 6 Wishlist Martin Spacek  10 Fix Released
1337981 #1337981 Extend D-Bus interface to support control of view modes 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1339308 #1339308 View with cropped margins 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1351379 #1351379 Add function to copy link address to clipboard 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1370109 #1370109 Allow right-click as a modifier 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
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