Translations files

Asked by Leo Romanovski

Hi guys, thanks for qpdfview!
Where i can find translation files for translate qpdfview on Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian languages

Thank you.

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English Edit question
qpdfview Edit question
Adam Reichold Edit question
Solved by:
Adam Reichold
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Best Adam Reichold (adamreichold) said :

Thank you for your help!

qpdfview uses the default translation mechanism of Qt, i.e. the translation templates are automatically generated from the source code using lupdate, then editing using linguist and then packed using lrelease. Finally, they are included in the application binary using the Qt resource system.

Unfortunately this is currently not really compatible to the Launchpad workflow which does not support Qt's ts-files. But I can convert those files into pot-files and upload them but this will have to be done manually.

So you decide: Do you prefer to use Launchpad or to work directly with the Qt mechanism?

If you would like to use Launchpad, I will make myself familiar with that and hopefully have uploaded a translation template by this evening.

If you like to use the Qt mechanism, there is some helpful documentation at "". Basically you need a copy of the source code, add a "translations/qpdfview_xy.ts" entry in the line beginning with "TRANSLATIONS" of the file "" and run "lupdate". You could then just post those files to the mailing list and I will integrate them. (Or we work with Bazaar branches and pull requests if you prefer.)

Again, thank you for taking the time to contribute.

Revision history for this message
Adam Reichold (adamreichold) said :

Or maybe even easier, I will add and update the translations which you can then download or branch from "", edit using the Qt Linguist program and post to the mailing list or some Bazaar branch.

Revision history for this message
Leo Romanovski (lro) said :

Thanks Adam Reichold, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Adam Reichold (adamreichold) said :

I activated the Launchpad translations mechanism now. One can now help translating qpdfview at "". Hopefully this will make translating the program easier in the future.