Could Pystromo work for OS X?

Asked by Halfjack

I made the mistake of buying a Razer Naga for my mac production system. There are 12 thumb buttons, but none of them are configurable (they correspond to the numbers 1-12 on the keyboard) USB overdrive does not seem to be able to handle the buttons, and then I thought of you....

I am busy setting up your excellent scripts on my linux laptop ( for my nostromo 52) - but since mac OS X has a python engine built in, is there any reason that your scripts woul not work on an intel macintosh?

I am curious as to your response -


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Raumkraut (raumkraut) said :

I would be very surprised if it did work on a Mac - there are enough problems which can come up getting it to work on some of the newer Linux distros!

I guess the first hurdle would probably be finding out where OSX puts its input device nodes (/dev/input on most Linuxes AFAIK), and modifying appropriately. After that; it depends on what fails next!

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