Can the pystromo software be more accurate?

Asked by Yonas Uikblath

Now that it's working I've been mapping around lots to fit my needs in Heroes of Newerth (as well as other games). But I have encountered a problem and I hope there's a way to fix it.

Let's say I got KEY_X in normal mapping, and a shift STATE_Y. When I use STATE_Y + KEY_X I'll get KEY_Z

BUT when I do this real quick and release the STATE_Y button too fast after pressing KEY_X to get my KEY_Z, it will also type out a KEY_X

So I want:
But instead if im too fast releasing the shift state button, I get:

Is there any known reason why this happens and how to get it fixed?

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Raumkraut (raumkraut) said :

I guess this is a side-effect of how Pystromo handles the delay before key-repeat kicks in (ie. there is none). You can likely see a similar effect in any old text editor if you hold down shift-x until the key-repeat initiates, and then release the shift key first.

I thought initially that you could try adding a short delay at the end of the mapping, eg: "KEY_LEFTSHIFT+KEY_X: KEY_Z, 10". But on second thought, I don't think that will actually help here.
I'll have to give it some more thought, but I'm not sure there's a way to solve this very easily.

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