PySesh, What is it?

Created by Michele Moglia
Last updated by:
Michele Moglia

PySesh is Python Module that can be referenced and used inside Python programs.
PySesh is just a Python wrapper around JSesh Java application (, a stunning editor for ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts written and maintained by Serge Rosmorduc.
The program is Open Source and Serge documented how use the powerful MdC Graphic Rendering Engine from an external Java program.
The idea of PySesh was born because I am not particularly skilled in Java language and I would have liked to use JSesh functions from Python programs, even if, as Serge as told, and I cannot disagree, think to JSesh as a library is something a bit reductive!
After I documented on the different ways to interface Python and Java I chose JCC ( :
“JCC is a C++ code generator that produces a C++ object interface wrapping a Java library via Java's Native Interface (JNI). JCC also generates C++ wrappers that conform to Python's C type system making the instances of Java classes directly available to a Python interpreter.”
That’s all, I did some tests about JCC syntax and finally I defined a correct (I hope) set of parameters that allow JCC to run successfully around JSesh and generate a Python Module that can be installed and used from Python programs.