How do I add merge proposal?

Asked by Jarno Suni

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English Edit question
ppa-purge Edit question
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Solved by:
Christian Ehrhardt
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Revision history for this message
Jarno Suni (jarnos) said :

Ok, there is a button at, but what do I have to put on the "Target reference path:" field?

Revision history for this message
Best Christian Ehrhardt (paelzer) said :

Hi Jarno,
thanks for your help on ppa-purge.

IIRC that should be what it should be merged onto as part of your proposal.
The ppa-purge repo has onla master so "master" should be what you set as target reference path.

If e.g. a project would have per release branches like foo-trusty, foo-xenial, ... you could specify against what this should be merged.

Some background on the topic:

And obvisouyl this is for cloud-init, but other than a being different project the docu is right about the usual steps needed for a MP to a git on Launchpad =>

Revision history for this message
Jarno Suni (jarnos) said :

Oh, I have not created a topic branch for each feature or bug fix. Originally, my proposal to the Bazaar branch was a single commit, but I have rewritten it into several commits for the git branch (which the project converted to) at least.

Revision history for this message
Jarno Suni (jarnos) said :

Thanks ChristianEhrhardt, that solved my question.