Steps for installing Poweremail on Windows Server

Created by Sharoon Thomas
Poweremail windows openlabs

Steps for installing Poweremail on Windows Server :

ChiefPenguin,Charlotte, NC (Technology. Sales. Marketing.) put this together to help users out there with issues related to installing the Poweremail module on Windows.

You should download the latest poweremail trunk version from this location:

Before you install the Poweremail module you will need to do some library work and copying some files. Basically moving some files from the OpenERP Web/python/Lib folders to the OpenERP Server/ folders.

This is based on the 5.0.6 version – on Windows 2008 Server.

I found this work needed to be completed regardless of whether you use the All-In-One Version or installed Windows separately to get PowerEmail to install onto the system.

You might as well do all this work at once – versus starting and stopping the servers after every step trying to install the module. (Unless of course you enjoy that process).

There are some missing files in which you need to put into the OpenERP Server/ file. The files you need can be found in the OpenERP Web/python25/Lib folders so it’s not too hard to locate them and move them.

Step 1: Install the mako files. (you need these for the templates)
Navigate to your OpenERP Web/python25/Lib/site-packages/mako-0.2.4-py2.5.egg folder.
Copy the folder labeled “mako”.
Then navigate to your OpenERP Server/ file and paste the entire mako folder to the file (just paste it in).
(Note: Make sure you don’t paste it into another folder by mistake).

Step 2: While you’re in the file check the following:

Do you have a file in your folder? If not, go to your OpenERP Web/Python25/Lib folder and find the file, copy it and paste it into the OpenERP Server/ folder

Step 3.
Do you have an “email” folder in the OpenERP Server/ file?
You should. Make sure it has the following files:

If you don’t have it – against navigate to the OpenERP Web/Python25/Lib folder to find it, and install it into the OpenERP Server/ folder.

Step 4.
Then make sure the OpenERP Server/ folder has the following files: <---this has been mentioned as missing in other PowerEmail forum topics (which should have already been in the folder)

You can find these files in the OpenERP Web/python25/Lib/email/mime folder. Just copy them and add them to the OpenERP/Server/ folder.

Step 5.
Install PowerEmail as you would any other module.

The install should now work.

I haven’t validated if PowerEmail works properly with this install, but you can install PowerEmail as a result. Which is a step in the right direction.

What you're doing is systematically going through the system and finding the files that are missing e.g. - and moving them from the Web Server files to the Server files folder.

I hope this is helpful on the install.

*** Special thanks for putting up this tutorial for M$ Windows users ***