xtrabackup --history can not support mysql 5.7.18 mgr?

Asked by supersujj

my environment is mysql 5.7.18 and build a mysql group replication. when i use xtrabackup with --history option,it can create database "percona_schema" and table "xtrabackup_history", but when i finish backup successful, i select percona_schema.xtrabackup_history is empty.

my command like this :
innobackupex --login-path=$login_path --backup --history --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key-file=$dir/$keyfile --host=$host --port=$port --parallel=8 --throttle=1000 --no-timestamp --stream=xbstream $dir 2> $dir/backup.log| pigz -7 -p 8 > $dir/xbstream_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.tgz

is it have some wrong?

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