Could OrthCal be made to display feasts in [insert-language-here]?

Created by Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos
source language feasts
Last updated by:
Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos

In order for a daily feasts source to be incorporated within OrthCal, it needs to be available either freely (i.e. in the Public Domain) or under a Creative Commons license, excluding CC-NC ones.

The procedure for inclusion of a feasts source is as follows:
First, I extract the feasts of the day from the source site. Then, a native speaker will have to edit the content in order for it to become integrated within the app. Edits include adding <b></b> tags, removing movable feasts etc.

If you would be willing to collaborate with me on adding feasts for a new language, let me know by emailing me at