Setting up the distance between the SS and BS

Asked by Nikola


How could I set the distance between the SS and the BS? How can I define their positions? Where are these parameters defined? In ..commonConfig/ there is the variable listOfAccessPointPositions which calculates the positions using some formula, but is there also a way of doing this manually in order for instance to create an overlapping scenario with 2 BS and several SS?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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Ramin Rezai Rad (rrr-comnets) said :

Hello Nikola,

You can set the cellRadius in commonConfig/
I never "played" with the Node Positions but I think they are set in the, since the nodes(SS,BS and RS) are created there.
I am not logged in to check everything now, but I think you should be able to write your own method to set the positions. The standard method should distribute the SS in the circle defined through cellRadius around the BS.

If my suggestions/Infos are wrong the experts may correct me :)

Hope that helped,

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Daniel Bültmann (daniel.bueltmann) said :

Hi Nikola,

did this solve your question? If yes, could you please indicate this by changing the status to "Solved"?


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