how to install Openshot in ubuntu 10.4

Asked by Frank Thorpe

dont know how to install. I have downloaded from synaptics into repository

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English Edit question
OpenShot Video Editor Edit question
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Solved by:
Olivier Girard
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Best Olivier Girard (eolinwen) said :


When you install it by synaptic, your package manager will install all the dependencies automatically. Just type in the search bar openshot and select it.

However, you 'll have an old version of Openshot (1.2.2 if my memory is good) and we are at the 1.4.1.
If you want to have the last, you should add some additionals PPA.
You must add the Official PPA, this one of MLT=>Sunab (to have the last version), this one of Blender=>Chelab (because the Blender's version is only available like this, this one of the Ubuntu repository is too old).
See respectively here :

You must too check all your dependencies see here :
Good luck.
If you don't know how to use/install a PPA, you should check the official documentation and perhaps see to the side of the Ubuntu forums.

Revision history for this message
Frank Thorpe (fthorpe301) said :

Thanks for that. I expected Openshot to appear in Applications but, of course, it only appears with clicking on the file. It didnt work with my SD card but is ok with the video imported with Movie Player. I am now working my way through and will take some time to find all the features. Thanks agian.