Launch a report in a wizard based on osv.osv_memory

Created by Jordi Esteve (
launch report wizard osv osv_memory
Last updated by:
Jordi Esteve (

How a report could be launched at the end of the execution of a wizard based on osv.osv_memory (new wizards used in 5.0)?

For example, many of the old wizards generate a report defining in their workflow:

           'Result': ('type': 'print', 'report': 'account.account.balance', 'state': 'end')

I can not find how to do it with new wizards based on osv.osv_memory. I have look for examples in all official and extra addons modules and I have only found examples that closes the wizard:

    return {'type':'ir.actions.act_window_close' })

or opens a new tab in the client:

        return {
            'name': _("Sale Confirmation Emails"),
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'res_model': 'travel_agency.createmail',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'tree,form',
            'domain': "[('id', 'in', %s)]" % createmail_ids,
            'context': ctx,