Where to ask questions that aren't about the documentation

Created by Don Kirkby
sites off topic
Last updated by:
Don Kirkby

The questions and answers on this project site should only be about writing and publishing the documentation for OpenERP. Where can people ask questions about using OpenERP, installing it, and customizing it?

There are several places where knowledgeable users and developers will answer questions about OpenERP. Of course you should start by trying to answer your question yourself by looking in the documentation:

One place to ask questions is the main launchpad site for OpenERP addons:

Another option is the OpenERP forum:

My personal favourites are the sites in the Stack Exchange network.
Developer questions about writing modules or debugging: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/openerp
User questions: http://superuser.com/questions/tagged/openerp
Sysadmin questions: http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/openerp