[trunk][6.1] Product quantities in Products menu - Showing zero

Asked by Emiliyan Tanev


Attached is video of the bug.

1. Go to warehouse->products menu. If the db is fresh with demo data, you should see the quantities.

2. Go to Locations and change the parrent location of Shelf 1 and Shelf 2, because there are our quantities.

You can completely remove the parent or change it to Physical Locations.

3. Go back to product menu and see the quantities of the product. They are showing zero's

You can go in Reports -> Inventory Analysis and see that products are there.

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English Edit question
Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Emiliyan Tanev
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Revision history for this message
Amit Parik (amit-parik) said :

Hello Emiliyan,

I have seen your video, You might have misunderstand some thing here.

let me clarify here .

Product menu have two function field, "Quantity on hand" and "Quantity Available ", which are calculated based on stock location of warehouse.

See here basically stock location = 'stock' on warehouse, and shelf1, shelf2 are his child location . So as per parent child relationship shelf1 and shelf2 's stock are also calculated under stock location., Currently on demo data there is only stock available on shelf1 and shelf2 location , So whenever you removed the parent stock location from shelf1 and shelf2 then you can see the 0.0 quantity on product menu.

You have another way of the checking here.
1) Do stock by location on product form view, you can see the location wise stock.
2) Create some incoming shipment of stock location (which is your warehouse's stock location ), done the picking. Now you can remove the shelf1 and shelf2 's parent location as a stock then after you can also see this product on product's "Quantity on hand" and "Quantity Available ".
3) Assign the shelf1 as a stock location of warehouse, Open product form view, you can see only shelf1 's qty on your product form view.

*About Inventory Analysis *.

This report consider all the location of your database not only warehousemen's stock location that's why you can see the product 's quantity still there.

Hope you will get me.

This not a bug rather than a questions , So I am converting it.

Thanks for the reporting!

Revision history for this message
Emiliyan Tanev (em-tanev) said :

OK, so if I would like to make different location, I should make new warehouse with this location Shelf 1 and/or to be seeable in the Product menu.

Revision history for this message
Emiliyan Tanev (em-tanev) said :

Yep, that's it.