I can`t get images from glance server

Asked by Hyuntae-Park

Hi all~

I have four physical servers and there is nova modules.

First node: nova-api,nova-objectstore,nova-scheduler,glance IP:
Second node: nova-network IP:
Third node: nova-compute IP:
Fourth node: nova-volume IP:

The problem is when I start run up a new instance, the Third node can`t get images from First node.

In Third node /var/lib/nova/instances/_base, there is only 0 byte file that name is 00000001.
drwxr-xr-x 2 nova nogroup 4096 2011-06-18 23:13 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 nova root 4096 2011-06-18 23:13 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 nova nogroup 0 2011-06-18 23:13 00000001

Here is Third node nova-compute.log
2011-06-18 23:13:27,313 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:578
2011-06-18 23:13:27,313 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:583
2011-06-18 23:13:27,313 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:27,319 INFO nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] Instance instance-00000014 destroyed successfully.
2011-06-18 23:13:27,324 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-restore from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:27,334 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:27,347 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-restore from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:27,377 DEBUG nova.virt.libvirt.firewall [-] The nwfilter(nova-instance-instance-00000014-secgroup) for instance-00000014 is not found. from (pid=1620) unfilter_instance /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/firewall.py:310
2011-06-18 23:13:27,378 INFO nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] instance instance-00000014: deleting instance files /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000014
2011-06-18 23:13:37,440 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] received {u'_context_request_id': u'MUSPYCO5H9ZZNKG-9XPW', u'_context_read_deleted': False, u'args': {u'instance_id': 21, u'request_spec': {u'instance_properties': {u'state_description': u'scheduling', u'availability_zone': None, u'ramdisk_id': u'2', u'instance_type_id': 2, u'user_data': u'', u'vm_mode': None, u'reservation_id': u'r-qqoo8059', u'user_id': u'novaadmin', u'display_description': None, u'key_data': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDduHppPsr0FdQXO8immKC2Su5/LfRHEgfjbJd1Nw03TkZ+gMymGOw2eyXFLjLsHiXk3/fimicRu0fY1HcnAO0p8fjgMP13EDm/77qkzwbVe6WqxSxYHeT6HzBbNk/AfNMKIAayWAk5KQe9sVjWGYLN+rA0euRCRUGX7Z6W+LC48Q== nova@ubuntu-api001\n', u'state': 0, u'project_id': u'novaproject', u'metadata': {}, u'kernel_id': u'1', u'key_name': u'park', u'display_name': None, u'local_gb': 0, u'locked': False, u'launch_time': u'2011-06-18T14:13:36Z', u'memory_mb': 512, u'vcpus': 1, u'image_ref': 3, u'os_type': None}, u'instance_type': {u'rxtx_quota': 0, u'deleted_at': None, u'name': u'm1.tiny', u'deleted': False, u'created_at': None, u'updated_at': None, u'memory_mb': 512, u'vcpus': 1, u'rxtx_cap': 0, u'swap': 0, u'flavorid': 1, u'id': 2, u'local_gb': 0}, u'num_instances': 1, u'filter': u'nova.scheduler.host_filter.InstanceTypeFilter', u'blob': None}, u'admin_password': None, u'injected_files': None, u'availability_zone': None}, u'_context_is_admin': True, u'_context_timestamp': u'2011-06-18T14:13:36Z', u'_context_user': u'novaadmin', u'method': u'run_instance', u'_context_project': u'novaproject', u'_context_remote_address': u''} from (pid=1620) process_data /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/rpc.py:202
2011-06-18 23:13:37,441 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] unpacked context: {'timestamp': u'2011-06-18T14:13:36Z', 'msg_id': None, 'remote_address': u'', 'project': u'novaproject', 'is_admin': True, 'user': u'novaadmin', 'request_id': u'MUSPYCO5H9ZZNKG-9XPW', 'read_deleted': False} from (pid=1620) _unpack_context /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/rpc.py:445
2011-06-18 23:13:37,488 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [MUSPYCO5H9ZZNKG-9XPW novaadmin novaproject] instance 21: starting...
2011-06-18 23:13:37,760 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Making asynchronous call on network.ubuntu-net001 ... from (pid=1620) multicall /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/rpc.py:475
2011-06-18 23:13:37,760 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] MSG_ID is 4a4f397a058c4d63b50ce684788b9945 from (pid=1620) multicall /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/rpc.py:478
2011-06-18 23:13:38,194 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "ensure_bridge" for method "ensure_bridge"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:578
2011-06-18 23:13:38,194 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "ensure_bridge" for method "ensure_bridge"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:583
2011-06-18 23:13:38,195 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): ip link show dev br100 from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,202 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo route -n from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,215 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo ip addr show dev eth1 scope global from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,229 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo brctl addif br100 eth1 from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,242 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Result was 1 from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:159
2011-06-18 23:13:38,392 DEBUG nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] instance instance-00000015: starting toXML method from (pid=1620) to_xml /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py:996
2011-06-18 23:13:38,407 DEBUG nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] instance instance-00000015: finished toXML method from (pid=1620) to_xml /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py:999
2011-06-18 23:13:38,418 INFO nova [-] called setup_basic_filtering in nwfilter
2011-06-18 23:13:38,418 INFO nova [-] ensuring static filters
2011-06-18 23:13:38,443 INFO nova [-] <nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.SecurityGroupIngressRule object at 0x3b14710>
2011-06-18 23:13:38,444 INFO nova [-] <nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.SecurityGroupIngressRule object at 0x3b14b90>
2011-06-18 23:13:38,444 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:578
2011-06-18 23:13:38,444 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:583
2011-06-18 23:13:38,444 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,459 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-restore from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,474 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,488 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo iptables-restore from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,517 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): mkdir -p /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000015/ from (pid=1620) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:141
2011-06-18 23:13:38,524 INFO nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] instance instance-00000015: Creating image
2011-06-18 23:13:38,555 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "00000001" for method "call_if_not_exists"... from (pid=1620) inner /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py:578
2011-06-18 23:13:38,556 ERROR nova.exception [-] Uncaught exception
(nova.exception): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/exception.py", line 87, in _wrap
(nova.exception): TRACE: return f(*args, **kw)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py", line 582, in spawn
(nova.exception): TRACE: self._create_image(instance, xml, network_info=network_info)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py", line 808, in _create_image
(nova.exception): TRACE: project=project)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py", line 743, in _cache_image
(nova.exception): TRACE: call_if_not_exists(base, fn, *args, **kwargs)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/utils.py", line 591, in inner
(nova.exception): TRACE: retval = f(*args, **kwargs)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py", line 741, in call_if_not_exists
(nova.exception): TRACE: fn(target=base, *args, **kwargs)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py", line 754, in _fetch_image
(nova.exception): TRACE: images.fetch(image_id, target, user, project)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/virt/images.py", line 44, in fetch
(nova.exception): TRACE: metadata = image_service.get(elevated, image_id, image_file)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/image/glance.py", line 139, in get
(nova.exception): TRACE: image_meta, image_chunks = self.client.get_image(image_id)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 260, in get_image
(nova.exception): TRACE: res = self.do_request("GET", "/images/%s" % image_id)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 210, in do_request
(nova.exception): TRACE: headers, params)
(nova.exception): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 174, in do_request
(nova.exception): TRACE: "server. Got error: %s" % e)
(nova.exception): TRACE: ClientConnectionError: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
(nova.exception): TRACE:
2011-06-18 23:13:38,588 ERROR nova.compute.manager [-] Instance '21' failed to spawn. Is virtualization enabled in the BIOS? Details: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/compute/manager.py", line 256, in run_instance
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: self.driver.spawn(instance_ref)
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/exception.py", line 93, in _wrap
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: raise Error(str(e))
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: Error: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
(nova.compute.manager): TRACE:

Here is my nova.conf and all of nodes using same nova.conf


Question information

English Edit question
OpenStack Compute (nova) Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Brian Waldon
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Best Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) said :

If you are using trunk rev 1169 or newer, you need to change your two glance flags. They were consolidated into a single flag of <host[:port]> strings


Would become:


Revision history for this message
Hyuntae-Park (revolutionperminutes) said :

Hi, Brian
Thanks for you answer.

I changed the two flugs as you said.



and then I start run up a new instance, but I facing error too.

The result of the start instance operation in First node.
root@ubuntu-api001:/var/tmp# euca-run-instances ami-00000003 -k park -t m1.tiny
UnknownError: An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again.

Here is First node nova-api.log
2011-06-19 01:24:35,299 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] Looking up user: u'c10fe9ba-b35f-4f47-9b30-648ee4eb0ace' from (pid=868) authenticate /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/manager.py:277
2011-06-19 01:24:35,301 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] user: User('novaadmin', 'novaadmin', 'c10fe9ba-b35f-4f47-9b30-648ee4eb0ace', 'b7c9438a-9524-438e-97c7-50248ca517f4', True) from (pid=868) authenticate /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/manager.py:279
2011-06-19 01:24:35,306 DEBUG nova.signer [-] using _calc_signature_2 from (pid=868) _calc_signature_2 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/signer.py:126
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.signer [-] query string: AWSAccessKeyId=c10fe9ba-b35f-4f47-9b30-648ee4eb0ace%3Anovaproject&Action=RunInstances&ImageId=ami-00000003&InstanceType=m1.tiny&KeyName=park&MaxCount=1&MinCount=1&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&Timestamp=2011-06-18T16%3A24%3A35&Version=2009-11-30 from (pid=868) _calc_signature_2 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/signer.py:142
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.signer [-] string_to_sign: POST
AWSAccessKeyId=c10fe9ba-b35f-4f47-9b30-648ee4eb0ace%3Anovaproject&Action=RunInstances&ImageId=ami-00000003&InstanceType=m1.tiny&KeyName=park&MaxCount=1&MinCount=1&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&Timestamp=2011-06-18T16%3A24%3A35&Version=2009-11-30 from (pid=868) _calc_signature_2 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/signer.py:144
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.signer [-] len(b64)=44 from (pid=868) _calc_signature_2 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/signer.py:147
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.signer [-] base64 encoded digest: sOdnzA5ZgqUrKGcvz6/YrwtQDpc/qa6sgbLkxVMJMV8= from (pid=868) _calc_signature_2 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/signer.py:148
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] user.secret: b7c9438a-9524-438e-97c7-50248ca517f4 from (pid=868) authenticate /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/manager.py:322
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] expected_signature: sOdnzA5ZgqUrKGcvz6/YrwtQDpc/qa6sgbLkxVMJMV8= from (pid=868) authenticate /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/manager.py:323
2011-06-19 01:24:35,307 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] signature: sOdnzA5ZgqUrKGcvz6/YrwtQDpc/qa6sgbLkxVMJMV8= from (pid=868) authenticate /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/auth/manager.py:324
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 AUDIT nova.api [PU14LA9S46Z5V06OWVH2 novaadmin novaproject] Authenticated Request For novaadmin:novaproject)
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 DEBUG nova.api [-] action: RunInstances from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:214
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 DEBUG nova.api [-] arg: ImageId val: ami-00000003 from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:216
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 DEBUG nova.api [-] arg: KeyName val: park from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:216
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 DEBUG nova.api [-] arg: MaxCount val: 1 from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:216
2011-06-19 01:24:35,308 DEBUG nova.api [-] arg: MinCount val: 1 from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:216
2011-06-19 01:24:35,309 DEBUG nova.api [-] arg: InstanceType val: m1.tiny from (pid=868) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py:216
2011-06-19 01:24:35,309 ERROR nova.api [PU14LA9S46Z5V06OWVH2 novaadmin novaproject] Unexpected error raised: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
(nova.api): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/__init__.py", line 320, in __call__
(nova.api): TRACE: result = api_request.invoke(context)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/apirequest.py", line 150, in invoke
(nova.api): TRACE: result = method(context, **args)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/cloud.py", line 912, in run_instances
(nova.api): TRACE: image = self._get_image(context, kwargs['image_id'])
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/api/ec2/cloud.py", line 1012, in _get_image
(nova.api): TRACE: return self.image_service.show(context, internal_id)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/image/s3.py", line 78, in show
(nova.api): TRACE: return self.service.show(context, image_id)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/nova/image/glance.py", line 116, in show
(nova.api): TRACE: image_meta = self.client.get_image_meta(image_id)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 271, in get_image_meta
(nova.api): TRACE: res = self.do_request("HEAD", "/images/%s" % image_id)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 210, in do_request
(nova.api): TRACE: headers, params)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/glance/client.py", line 174, in do_request
(nova.api): TRACE: "server. Got error: %s" % e)
(nova.api): TRACE: ClientConnectionError: Unable to connect to server. Got error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
(nova.api): TRACE:
2011-06-19 01:24:35,310 ERROR nova.api [PU14LA9S46Z5V06OWVH2 novaadmin novaproject] Environment: {"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION": "AWS c10fe9ba-b35f-4f47-9b30-648ee4eb0ace:novaproject:DdTpbEZYMPnb/6jJlNTiIIvP3Bs=", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/services/Cloud", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "HTTP_HOST": "", "PATH_INFO": "/", "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.0", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "-1", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "Boto/1.9b (linux2)", "SERVER_NAME": "", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "HTTP_DATE": "Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:24:35 GMT", "wsgi.url_scheme": "http", "SERVER_PORT": "8773", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE": "CGI/1.1", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING": "identity"}
2011-06-19 01:24:35,310 ERROR nova.api [PU14LA9S46Z5V06OWVH2 novaadmin novaproject] UnknownError: An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again.
2011-06-19 01:24:35,310 INFO nova.api [PU14LA9S46Z5V06OWVH2 novaadmin novaproject] 0.11621s POST /services/Cloud/ CloudController:RunInstances 400 [Boto/1.9b (linux2)] application/x-www-form-urlencoded text/xml

Revision history for this message
Hyuntae-Park (revolutionperminutes) said :

My version of nova and glance

nova-api 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - API frontend
nova-common 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - common files
nova-objectstore 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - object store
nova-scheduler 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
nova-network 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - Network manager
nova-compute 2011.3~d2~20110617.1197-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Compute - compute node

glance 2011.3~d1~20110531.139-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Image Registry and Delivery Service - Daemons
python-glance 2011.3~d1~20110531.139-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1 OpenStack Image Registry and Delivery Service - python library

Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) said :

So it's pretty obvious from the log that the glance client is having trouble connecting to your glance server. Did you restart nova-api after making those configuration changes? Make sure you can access that ip/port from the API server, as well.

Revision history for this message
Hyuntae-Park (revolutionperminutes) said :

Thanks Brian Waldon, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Hyuntae-Park (revolutionperminutes) said :

You solved my problem.
But I don`t know why I failed first time.
I start up instance now, just 8 hours after.

Thank you Brian.

Revision history for this message
xelatex (yzt356) said :

I have met the same question too. I have upgrade my openstack recently and it failed for the same reason. But I do the same before upgrade while it works.

my configuration file is :



and the error message is the same as above.

Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) said :

Can you double-check that you restarted nova-api with that config file and that the ip/port are reachable?

Revision history for this message
xelatex (yzt356) said :

I have restarted all the service of nova- and the ip/port are reachable.
I can run the command "euca-describe-instance", but all the commands related to images fail.
I wonder if glance server is a must for openstack? In the old version glance server is not necessary to run nova.
Just with the same configuration, nova can run correctly before nova's last update, how could this happen?

Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) said :

The LocalImageService has been removed from Nova in favor of GlanceImageService with a local backend. Glance is a dependency and must actually be running at the ip/port defined in your config.

Revision history for this message
xelatex (yzt356) said :

So, does that means I should explicitly install and configure glance server?

Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) said :

Yes. It is a pretty painless process. There's some helpful documentation here: http://glance.openstack.org/installing.html

Revision history for this message
xelatex (yzt356) said :

Yeah, I installed glance and start the glance server with command "glance-control api start", then I can see the port 9292 is used.
