Dhcp agent scheduling

Asked by chandan dutta chowdhury


I am trying to understand the dhcp agent scheduling in quantum.
I want to determine which network node/dhcp-agent is hosting the dhcp server for a given L2 network.

Also is it possible that more than one active dhcp-agent is hosting DHCP service at the same time for a given L2 network ?


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Solved by:
Eugene Nikanorov
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Best Eugene Nikanorov (enikanorov) said :

1. You may look at quantum database:
- "agents" table contains information about l3 and dhcp agents: at which host do they run, how many networks do they serve, etc.
- "networkdhcpagentbindings " table defines which dhcp agent serves a given l2 network.

2. No, currently only one dhcp agent serves a given l2 network.
See quantum/scheduler/dhcp_agent_scheduler.py:L47

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chandan dutta chowdhury (chandanc) said :

Thanks Eugene Nikanorov, that solved my question.

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yong sheng gong (gongysh) said :

In fact, we can have many active dhcp agents hosting one network.
by quantum dhcp-agent-network-add dhcpagent-id network-id

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chandan dutta chowdhury (chandanc) said :

yes i realized that and have some a question related to this