mosquitto 0.4

Milestone information

Roger Light
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3 Implemented
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Release notes 

Added support for wildcard subscriptions using + and #.
All network operations are now non-blocking and can cope with partial packets, meaning that networking should be a lot more reliable.
Added more of the $SYS hierarchy.
Improved logging.


View the full changelog

- Added support for wildcard subscriptions using + and #.
- All network operations are now non-blocking and can cope with partial
  packets, meaning that networking should be a lot more reliable.
- Total messsages/bytes sent/received are now available in $SYS.
- Improved logging information - use client ip address and id instead of
  socket number.
- Broker build timestamp is available in $SYS.
- Keepalive==0 is now correctly treated as "never disconnect".
- Fixed manpage installation.
- Fixed incorrect $SYS hierarchy locations in documentation and code.
- Debug type log messages are no longer sent to "topics".
- Default logging destination no longer includes "topics" to prevent possible
  error logging to the db before it is initialised.
- Periodic $SYS messages can now be disabled.
- stdout and stderr are flushed when logging to them to give more timely
- dup is now set correctly when resending messages.
- Database format bumped due to topic column naming fix.

3 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Wildcard support in topic subscriptions Wildcard support in topic subscriptions 4 High   11 Implemented
Produce package for sqlite3 pcre extension Produce package for sqlite3 pcre extension 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
The server must use non-blocking sockets The server must use non-blocking sockets 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
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