not enough events

Asked by 王世钰

Dear expert,

I am trying to generate such a process, but no matter how I adjust the parameters in run_card, it still cannot generate the number of cases.

May I ask if there are any other methods that can be tried again?
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 3.5.6 2024-09-26 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
#* *
set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation False
set complex_mass_scheme False
set include_lepton_initiated_processes False
set gauge unitary
set loop_optimized_output True
set loop_color_flows False
set max_npoint_for_channel 0
set default_unset_couplings 99
set max_t_for_channel 99
set zerowidth_tchannel True
set nlo_mixed_expansion True
import model sm
define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define l+ = e+ mu+
define l- = e- mu-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
import model /home/wsy/work/MG5_aMC_v3_5_6/models/PNGB_UFO
generate e+ e- > z > a ax , (ax > ta+ ta- , (ta+ > e+ ve vt~) , (ta- >\
 e- ve~ vt))
output test
# MadGraph/MadEvent *
# *
# *
# proc_card.dat *
# *
# This Files is generated by MADGRAPH 5 *
# *
# WARNING: This Files is generated for MADEVENT (compatibility issue)*
# This files is NOT a valid MG4 proc_card.dat *
# Running this in MG4 will NEVER reproduce the result of MG5*
# *
# Process(es) requested : mg2 input *
# Begin PROCESS # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
e+ e- > z > a ax , (ax > ta+ ta- , (ta+ > e+ ve vt~) , (ta- > e- ve~ vt)) #Process
# Be carefull the coupling are here in MG5 convention

end_coup # End the couplings input

done # this tells MG there are no more procs
# End PROCESS # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# Model information *
# Begin MODEL # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# End MODEL # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# Start multiparticle definitions *
# Begin MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line

# End MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
# *
# run_card.dat MadEvent *
# *
# This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
# *
# Some notation/conventions: *
# *
# Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments *
# *
# mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
# *
# To display more options, you can type the command: *
# update to_full *
# Tag name for the run (one word) *
  tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
# Number of events and rnd seed *
# Warning: Do not generate more than 1M events in a single run *
  200000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
 39 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy *
# lpp: 0=No PDF, 1=proton, -1=antiproton, *
# 2=elastic photon of proton/ion beam *
# +/-3=PDF of electron/positron beam *
# +/-4=PDF of muon/antimuon beam *
  0 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type
  0 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type
  45.6 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 total energy in GeV
  45.6 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 total energy in GeV
# Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) *
  0.0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1
  0.0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2

# PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes alpha_s and its evol. *
# pdlabel: lhapdf=LHAPDF (installation needed) [1412.7420] *
# iww=Improved Weizsaecker-Williams Approx.[hep-ph/9310350] *
# eva=Effective W/Z/A Approx. [2111.02442] *
# edff=EDFF in gamma-UPC [eq.(11) in 2207.03012] *
# chff=ChFF in gamma-UPC [eq.(13) in 2207.03012] *
# none=No PDF, same as lhapdf with lppx=0 *
     none = pdlabel1 ! PDF type for beam #1
     none = pdlabel2 ! PDF type for beam #2
  230000 = lhaid ! if pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number
# To see heavy ion options: type "update ion_pdf"
# Renormalization and factorization scales *
  False = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
  False = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
  91.188 = scale ! fixed ren scale
  91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1
  91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2
  -1 = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one of the preselected dynamical choices
  1.0 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales

# Type and output format
  False = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack
  -1.0 = time_of_flight ! threshold (in mm) below which the invariant livetime is not written (-1 means not written)
  average = event_norm ! average/sum. Normalization of the weight in the LHEF
# To see MLM/CKKW merging options: type "update MLM" or "update CKKW"

# Phase-Space Optimization strategy (basic options)
  0 = nhel ! using helicities importance sampling or not.
                             ! 0: sum over helicity, 1: importance sampling
  2 = sde_strategy ! default integration strategy (hep-ph/2021.00773)
                             ! 1 is old strategy (using amp square)
        ! 2 is new strategy (using only the denominator)
# Phase-Space Optim (advanced)
   0 = job_strategy ! see appendix of 1507.00020 (page 26)
   10 = hard_survey ! force to have better estimate of the integral at survey for difficult mode like interference
   -1.0 = tmin_for_channel ! limit the non-singular reach of --some-- channel of integration related to T-channel diagram (value between -1 and 0), -1 is no impact
   -1 = survey_splitting ! for loop-induced control how many core are used at survey for the computation of a single iteration.
   2 = survey_nchannel_per_job ! control how many Channel are integrated inside a single job on cluster/multicore
   -1 = refine_evt_by_job ! control the maximal number of events for the first iteration of the refine (larger means less jobs)
# Compilation flag. No automatic re-compilation (need manual "make clean" in Source)
   -O = global_flag ! fortran optimization flag use for the all code.
     = aloha_flag ! fortran optimization flag for aloha function. Suggestions: '-ffast-math'
    = matrix_flag ! fortran optimization flag for matrix.f function. Suggestions: '-O3'

# Customization (custom cuts/scale/bias/...) *
# list of files containing fortran function that overwrite default *
   = custom_fcts ! List of files containing user hook function
# Parton level cuts definition *
  0.0 = dsqrt_shat ! minimal shat for full process
# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) ! Define on/off-shell for "$" and decay
  15.0 = bwcutoff ! (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
 # Apply pt/E/eta/dr/mij/kt_durham cuts on decay products or not
 # (note that etmiss/ptll/ptheavy/ht/sorted cuts always apply)
  True = cut_decays ! Cut decay products
# Standard Cuts *
# Minimum and maximum pt's (for max, -1 means no cut) *
  2.0 = pta ! minimum pt for the photons
  2.0 = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons
  0.0 = misset ! minimum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
  -1.0 = ptamax ! maximum pt for the photons
  -1.0 = ptlmax ! maximum pt for the charged leptons
  -1.0 = missetmax ! maximum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
  {} = pt_min_pdg ! pt cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
  {} = pt_max_pdg ! pt cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 100, 25: 50})
# Minimum and maximum E's (in the center of mass frame) *
  0.0 = ej ! minimum E for the jets
  0.0 = eb ! minimum E for the b
  0.0 = ea ! minimum E for the photons
  0.0 = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons
  -1.0 = ejmax ! maximum E for the jets
  -1.0 = ebmax ! maximum E for the b
  -1.0 = eamax ! maximum E for the photons
  -1.0 = elmax ! maximum E for the charged leptons
  {} = e_min_pdg ! E cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
  {} = e_max_pdg ! E cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 100, 25: 50})

# Maximum and minimum absolute rapidity (for max, -1 means no cut) *
  2.5 = etaa ! max rap for the photons
  2.5 = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons
  0.0 = etajmin ! min rap for the jets
  0.0 = etaamin ! min rap for the photons
  0.0 = etalmin ! min rap for the charged leptons
  {} = eta_min_pdg ! rap cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
  {} = eta_max_pdg ! rap cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 2.5, 23: 5})
# Minimum and maximum DeltaR distance *
  0.4 = drll ! min distance between leptons
  0.4 = dral ! min distance between gamma and lepton
  -1.0 = drllmax ! max distance between leptons
  -1.0 = dralmax ! maxdistance between gamma and lepton
# Minimum and maximum invariant mass for pairs *
  0.0 = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
  -1.0 = mmllmax ! max invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
  {} = mxx_min_pdg ! min invariant mass of a pair of particles X/X~ (e.g. {6:250})
  {'default': False} = mxx_only_part_antipart ! if True the invariant mass is applied only
                       ! to pairs of particle/antiparticle and not to pairs of the same pdg codes.
 # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for all letpons *
  0.0 = mmnl ! min invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
  -1.0 = mmnlmax ! max invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
 # Minimum and maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons / neutrino *
 # for pair of lepton includes only same flavor, opposite charge
  0.0 = ptllmin ! Minimum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
  -1.0 = ptllmax ! Maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
# Inclusive cuts *
  0.0 = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton
 # Control the pt's of leptons sorted by pt *
  0.0 = ptl1min ! minimum pt for the leading lepton in pt
  0.0 = ptl2min ! minimum pt for the second lepton in pt
  -1.0 = ptl1max ! maximum pt for the leading lepton in pt
  -1.0 = ptl2max ! maximum pt for the second lepton in pt
# maximal pdg code for quark to be considered as a light jet *
# (otherwise b cuts are applied) *
  4 = maxjetflavor ! Maximum jet pdg code
# Store info for systematics studies *
# WARNING: Do not use for interference type of computation *
  False = use_syst ! Enable systematics studies
  systematics = systematics_program ! none, systematics [python], SysCalc [depreceted, C++]
  ['--mur=0.5,1,2', '--muf=0.5,1,2', '--pdf=errorset'] = systematics_arguments ! see:

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MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

what is the mass/width of all the particle that you require to be onshell?

I would guess that the issue is Narrow width Approximation (or zero width)



Revision history for this message
王世钰 (wsy-123) said :

e+ e- > z > a ax , (ax > ta+ ta- , (ta+ > e+ ve vt~) , (ta- > e- ve~ vt))
you mean the ta+ or teh ax on shell?

this's the param_card:

## ##
## Width set on Auto will be computed following the information ##
## present in the files of the model. ##
## See arXiv:1402.1178 for more details. ##
## ##

Block alppars
    1 1.000000e+03 # fa
    2 1.000000e+00 # CGtil
    3 1.000000e+00 # CWtil
    4 1.000000e+00 # CBtil
    5 1.000000e+00 # C1
    6 1.000000e+00 # a1
    7 1.000000e+00 # b1
    8 1.000000e+00 # C2
    9 1.000000e+00 # a2
   10 1.000000e+00 # b2
   11 1.000000e+00 # C3
   12 1.000000e+00 # a3
   13 1.000000e+00 # b3
   14 1.000000e+00 # C4
   15 1.000000e+00 # C5
   16 1.000000e+00 # C6
   17 1.000000e+00 # a6
   18 1.000000e+00 # b6
   19 1.000000e+00 # C7
   20 1.000000e+00 # a7
   21 1.000000e+00 # b7
   22 1.000000e+00 # C8
   23 1.000000e+00 # a8
   24 1.000000e+00 # b8
   25 1.000000e+00 # C9
   26 1.000000e+00 # C10
   27 1.000000e+00 # a10
   28 1.000000e+00 # b10
   29 1.000000e+00 # C2D
   30 1.000000e+00 # a2D
   31 1.000000e+00 # b2D
   32 1.000000e+00 # C11
   33 1.000000e+00 # a11
   34 1.000000e+00 # b11
   35 1.000000e+00 # C12
   36 1.000000e+00 # a12
   37 1.000000e+00 # b12
   38 1.000000e+00 # C13
   39 1.000000e+00 # a13
   40 1.000000e+00 # b13
   41 1.000000e+00 # C14
   42 1.000000e+00 # a14
   43 1.000000e+00 # b14
   44 1.000000e+00 # C15
   45 1.000000e+00 # a15
   46 1.000000e+00 # a15prime
   47 1.000000e+00 # C16
   48 1.000000e+00 # a16
   49 1.000000e+00 # a16prime
   50 1.000000e+00 # C17
   51 1.000000e+00 # a17
   52 1.000000e+00 # b17
   53 1.000000e+00 # aU
   54 1.000000e+00 # bU
   55 1.000000e+00 # aD
   56 1.000000e+00 # bD
   57 1.000000e+00 # aL
   58 1.000000e+00 # bL

Block mass
    5 4.700000e+00 # MB
    6 1.720000e+02 # MT
   15 1.777000e+00 # MTA
   23 9.118760e+01 # MZ
   25 1.250000e+02 # MH
  9000005 1.000000e+01 # Ma
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
  1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
  2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
  3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
  4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
  11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
  12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
  13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
  14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
  16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
  21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
  22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
  24 7.982436e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__4/4. - (aEW*cmath.pi*MZ__exp__2)/(Gf*sqrt__2)))

Block sminputs
    1 1.279000e+02 # aEWM1
    2 1.166370e-05 # Gf
    3 1.184000e-01 # aS (Note that Parameter not used if you use a PDF set)

Block yukawa
    5 4.700000e+00 # ymb
    6 1.720000e+02 # ymt
   15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau

DECAY 6 1.508336e+00 # WT
DECAY 23 2.495200e+00 # WZ
DECAY 24 2.085000e+00 # WW
DECAY 25 4.070000e-03 # WH
DECAY 9000005 1.000000e-02 # WALP
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
DECAY 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
DECAY 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
DECAY 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
DECAY 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
DECAY 5 0.000000e+00 # b : 0.0
DECAY 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
DECAY 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
DECAY 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
DECAY 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
DECAY 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0
DECAY 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
DECAY 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
DECAY 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Your tau width is set to zero, so it can not decay (the cross-section is infinite).

So either have to stop at tau level and use another tool to do the tau decay or change your model to allow a model where the tau width is not hardcoded to zero.



Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask 王世钰 for more information if necessary.

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