T Channel dropped issue found

Asked by Sadhana Verma

Hi there!

I am generating this process and I have found the issue of T channel which is by default there is in v2.9.20 of MG>
Should i worry about it, would it have more impact.
What I understood from other posts this feature was introduced in order to fix some issues realted to these kind of contribution unnecessarily.

MG5_aMC>generate p p > j j w+ w- QCD=0

If I use loop_sm-no_b_mass model then it doesn't appear but if I use loop_sm ( which is 4f scheme ) then it apppears.

Please let me know, if its fine. Thanks for your help !

[2]+ Stopped python3.10 ./bin/mg5_aMC
(base) sadhana@sadhana-HP-Z240-Tower-Workstation:~/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20$ python3.10 ./bin/mg5_aMC
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* W E L C O M E to *
* M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O *
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* * * * * 5 * * * * *
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* VERSION 2.9.20 2024-06-17 *
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* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
* https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph *
* and *
* http://amcatnlo.web.cern.ch/amcatnlo/ *
* *
* Type 'help' for in-line help. *
* Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works *
* Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works *
* Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works *
* *
load MG5 configuration from input/mg5_configuration.txt
fastjet-config does not seem to correspond to a valid fastjet-config executable (v3+). We will use fjcore instead.
 Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/fastjet-config (including fastjet-config).
 MG5_aMC> set fastjet /PATH/TO/fastjet-config

set ninja to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lib
lhapdf-config does not seem to correspond to a valid lhapdf-config executable.
Please set the 'lhapdf' variable to the (absolute) /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config (including lhapdf-config).
Note that you can still compile and run aMC@NLO with the built-in PDFs
 MG5_aMC> set lhapdf /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config

set lhapdf to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config
Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Using default eps viewer "evince". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Using default web browser "firefox". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Loading default model: sm
INFO: Restrict model sm with file models/sm/restrict_default.dat .
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information.
INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention
Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+
Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu-
Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt
Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
MG5_aMC>import model loop_sm
INFO: Restrict model loop_sm with file models/loop_sm/restrict_default.dat .
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information.
INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention
Kept definitions of multiparticles p / j / l+ / l- / vl / vl~ unchanged
Defined multiparticle all = g gh gh~ d u s c d~ u~ s~ c~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ b t b~ t~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
MG5_aMC> define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
MG5_aMC> define l- = e- mu- ta-
Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- ta-
MG5_aMC>generate p p > j j w+ w- QCD=0
INFO: Trying process: g g > g g w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > c u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > s d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: g g > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 102 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: u u > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u u > c c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u c > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 51 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: u c > c c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 86 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: u d > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u d > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u d > c s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u s > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 51 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 35 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: u s > c s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Crossed process found for u u~ > u u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u u~ > c c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u u~ > d d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u u~ > s s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u c~ > u c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u c~ > d s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u d~ > u d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u d~ > c s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u s~ > u s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process c u > u c w+ w- added to mirror process u c > u c w+ w-
INFO: Trying process: c c > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c c > c c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 102 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: c d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c d > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 35 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: c d > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 51 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: c d > c s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c s > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: c s > c s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 86 diagrams
INFO: Crossed process found for c u~ > c u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c u~ > s d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c c~ > u u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c c~ > c c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c c~ > d d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c c~ > s s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c d~ > c d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c s~ > u d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c s~ > c s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process d u > u d w+ w- added to mirror process u d > u d w+ w-
INFO: Process d c > u s w+ w- added to mirror process c d > u s w+ w-
INFO: Process d c > c d w+ w- added to mirror process c d > c d w+ w-
INFO: Trying process: d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 102 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: d d > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: d d > s s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: d s > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: d s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 51 diagrams
INFO: Trying process: d s > s s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Crossed process found for d u~ > d u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d u~ > s c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d c~ > d c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d d~ > u u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d d~ > c c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d d~ > d d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d d~ > s s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d s~ > u c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d s~ > d s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process s u > u s w+ w- added to mirror process u s > u s w+ w-
INFO: Process s u > c d w+ w- added to mirror process u s > c d w+ w-
INFO: Process s c > c s w+ w- added to mirror process c s > c s w+ w-
INFO: Process s d > d s w+ w- added to mirror process d s > d s w+ w-
INFO: Trying process: s s > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: s s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Trying process: s s > s s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Process has 102 diagrams
INFO: Crossed process found for s u~ > s u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s c~ > d u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s c~ > s c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s d~ > c u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s d~ > s d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s s~ > u u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s s~ > c c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s s~ > d d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for s s~ > s s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process u~ u > u u~ w+ w- added to mirror process u u~ > u u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ u > c c~ w+ w- added to mirror process u u~ > c c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ u > d d~ w+ w- added to mirror process u u~ > d d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ u > s s~ w+ w- added to mirror process u u~ > s s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ c > c u~ w+ w- added to mirror process c u~ > c u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ c > s d~ w+ w- added to mirror process c u~ > s d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ d > d u~ w+ w- added to mirror process d u~ > d u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ d > s c~ w+ w- added to mirror process d u~ > s c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process u~ s > s u~ w+ w- added to mirror process s u~ > s u~ w+ w-
INFO: Crossed process found for u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process c~ u > u c~ w+ w- added to mirror process u c~ > u c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ u > d s~ w+ w- added to mirror process u c~ > d s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ c > u u~ w+ w- added to mirror process c c~ > u u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ c > c c~ w+ w- added to mirror process c c~ > c c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ c > d d~ w+ w- added to mirror process c c~ > d d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ c > s s~ w+ w- added to mirror process c c~ > s s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ d > d c~ w+ w- added to mirror process d c~ > d c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ s > d u~ w+ w- added to mirror process s c~ > d u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ s > s c~ w+ w- added to mirror process s c~ > s c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process c~ u~ > u~ c~ w+ w- added to mirror process u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w-
INFO: Crossed process found for c~ c~ > c~ c~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c~ d~ > u~ s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c~ d~ > c~ d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for c~ s~ > c~ s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process d~ u > u d~ w+ w- added to mirror process u d~ > u d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ u > c s~ w+ w- added to mirror process u d~ > c s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ c > c d~ w+ w- added to mirror process c d~ > c d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ d > u u~ w+ w- added to mirror process d d~ > u u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ d > c c~ w+ w- added to mirror process d d~ > c c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ d > d d~ w+ w- added to mirror process d d~ > d d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ d > s s~ w+ w- added to mirror process d d~ > s s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ s > c u~ w+ w- added to mirror process s d~ > c u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ s > s d~ w+ w- added to mirror process s d~ > s d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ u~ > u~ d~ w+ w- added to mirror process u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ c~ > u~ s~ w+ w- added to mirror process c~ d~ > u~ s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process d~ c~ > c~ d~ w+ w- added to mirror process c~ d~ > c~ d~ w+ w-
INFO: Crossed process found for d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Crossed process found for d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
INFO: Process s~ u > u s~ w+ w- added to mirror process u s~ > u s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ c > u d~ w+ w- added to mirror process c s~ > u d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ c > c s~ w+ w- added to mirror process c s~ > c s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ d > u c~ w+ w- added to mirror process d s~ > u c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ d > d s~ w+ w- added to mirror process d s~ > d s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ s > u u~ w+ w- added to mirror process s s~ > u u~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ s > c c~ w+ w- added to mirror process s s~ > c c~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ s > d d~ w+ w- added to mirror process s s~ > d d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ s > s s~ w+ w- added to mirror process s s~ > s s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ u~ > u~ s~ w+ w- added to mirror process u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ u~ > c~ d~ w+ w- added to mirror process u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ c~ > c~ s~ w+ w- added to mirror process c~ s~ > c~ s~ w+ w-
INFO: Process s~ d~ > d~ s~ w+ w- added to mirror process d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w-
INFO: Crossed process found for s~ s~ > s~ s~ w+ w-, reuse diagrams.
60 processes with 3900 diagrams generated in 1.498 s
Total: 60 processes with 3900 diagrams
MG5_aMC>output vbf_LO_SplusB_try1
INFO: initialize a new directory: vbf_LO_SplusB_try1
INFO: remove old information in vbf_LO_SplusB_try1
INFO: Organizing processes into subprocess groups
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u u~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u u~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c c > c c w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c c~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u u~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d d~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d d~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s s > s s w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s s~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d d~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c~ c~ > c~ c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s~ s~ > s~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u u~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u u~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u d~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u d~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c s > c s w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c c~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u u~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c s~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u d~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d u~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d u~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d d~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d d~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s c~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d u~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s s~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d d~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c~ s~ > c~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u u~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u u~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u u~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: u u~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u c~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u c~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u s~ > u s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: u s~ > u s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c d > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c u~ > c u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u c~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c c~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u u~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c c~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u u~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c d~ > c d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u s~ > u s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d c~ > d c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d c~ > d c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d d~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d d~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d d~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d d~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d s~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d s~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s u~ > s u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d c~ > d c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s d~ > s d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d s~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s s~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d d~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s s~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d d~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c~ d~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u c~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u c~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u d~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u d~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c d > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c u~ > s d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u c~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c s~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u d~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d u~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d u~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: d s~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: d s~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s c~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d u~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process s d~ > c u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process d s~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Processing color information for process: u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Combined process c~ d~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1 with process u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Creating files in directory P1_qq_qqwpwm
INFO: Some T-channel width have been set to zero [new since 2.8.0]
 if you want to keep this width please set "zerowidth_tchannel" to False
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d u~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s~ > u s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d c~ > d c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d u~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Finding symmetric diagrams for subprocess group qq_qqwpwm
Generated helas calls for 32 subprocesses (2052 diagrams) in 3.139 s
Wrote files for 3220 helas calls in 3.097 s
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV2 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV3 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV5 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVV1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVVV5 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVS1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVVV2 routines
save configuration file to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_SplusB_try1/Cards/me5_configuration.txt
INFO: Use Fortran compiler gfortran
INFO: Use c++ compiler g++
INFO: Generate jpeg diagrams
INFO: Generate web pages
Output to directory /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_SplusB_try1 done.
Type "launch" to generate events from this process, or see
Run "open index.html" to see more information about this process.
MG5_aMC>output vbf_LO_Splusb_try1
INFO: initialize a new directory: vbf_LO_Splusb_try1
INFO: remove old information in vbf_LO_Splusb_try1
INFO: Creating files in directory P1_qq_qqwpwm
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u > u u w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d > d d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ u~ > u~ u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ d~ > d~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d > u d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > d d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d~ > u d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d u~ > d u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > u u~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ d~ > u~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c > u c w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s > u s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s~ > u s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s > d s w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d c~ > d c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > c c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > s s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ c~ > u~ c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ s~ > u~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ s~ > d~ s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u s > c d w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u c~ > d s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d~ > c s~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d u~ > s c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: d s~ > u c~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ s~ > c~ d~ w+ w- QCD=0 @1
INFO: Finding symmetric diagrams for subprocess group qq_qqwpwm
Generated helas calls for 32 subprocesses (0 diagrams) in 0.000 s
Wrote files for 3220 helas calls in 2.772 s
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV2 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV3 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates FFV5 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVV1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVVV5 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVS1 routines
ALOHA: aloha creates VVVV2 routines
save configuration file to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Cards/me5_configuration.txt
INFO: Use Fortran compiler gfortran
INFO: Use c++ compiler g++
INFO: Generate jpeg diagrams
INFO: Generate web pages
Output to directory /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1 done.
Type "launch" to generate events from this process, or see
Run "open index.html" to see more information about this process.
* *
* W E L C O M E to *
* M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O *
* M A D E V E N T *
* *
* * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * 5 * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * *
* *
* VERSION 2.9.20 2024-06-17 *
* *
* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
* https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph *
* *
* Type 'help' for in-line help. *
* *
INFO: load configuration from /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Cards/me5_configuration.txt
INFO: load configuration from /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/input/mg5_configuration.txt
INFO: load configuration from /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Cards/me5_configuration.txt
Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
generate_events run_01
The following switches determine which programs are run:
/=================== Description ===================|============= values ==============|======== other options ========\
| 1. Choose the shower/hadronization program | shower = OFF | Pythia8 |
| 2. Choose the detector simulation program | detector = Not Avail. | Please install module |
| 3. Choose an analysis package (plot/convert) | analysis = Not Avail. | Please install module |
| 4. Decay onshell particles | madspin = OFF | ON|onshell|full |
| 5. Add weights to events for new hypp. | reweight = Not Avail. | Please install module |
Either type the switch number (1 to 5) to change its setting,
Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'shower=Pythia8' at the prompt)
Type 'help' for the list of all valid option
Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done.[60s to answer]
>madspin = ON
The following switches determine which programs are run:
/=================== Description ===================|============= values ==============|======== other options ========\
| 1. Choose the shower/hadronization program | shower = OFF | Pythia8 |
| 2. Choose the detector simulation program | detector = Not Avail. | Please install module |
| 3. Choose an analysis package (plot/convert) | analysis = Not Avail. | Please install module |
| 4. Decay onshell particles | madspin = ON | onshell|full|OFF |
| 5. Add weights to events for new hypp. | reweight = Not Avail. | Please install module |
Either type the switch number (1 to 5) to change its setting,
Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'shower=Pythia8' at the prompt)
Type 'help' for the list of all valid option
Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done.
Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
| 1. param : param_card.dat |
| 2. run : run_card.dat |
| 3. madspin : madspin_card.dat |
 you can also
   - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
   - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
     The set option works only for param_card and run_card.
     Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
   - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
     Type 'help' for the list of available command
 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, madspin, enter path][90s to answer]
open /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Cards/madspin_card.dat
Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
| 1. param : param_card.dat |
| 2. run : run_card.dat |
| 3. madspin : madspin_card.dat |
 you can also
   - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
   - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
     The set option works only for param_card and run_card.
     Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
   - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
     Type 'help' for the list of available command
 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, madspin, enter path]
open /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Cards/run_card.dat
Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
| 1. param : param_card.dat |
| 2. run : run_card.dat |
| 3. madspin : madspin_card.dat |
 you can also
   - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
   - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
     The set option works only for param_card and run_card.
     Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
   - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
     Type 'help' for the list of available command
 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, madspin, enter path]
INFO: Update the dependent parameter of the param_card.dat
Generating 10000 events with run name run_01
survey run_01
INFO: compile directory
compile Source Directory
Gtk-Message: 05:25:34.943: Not loading module "atk-bridge": The functionality is provided by GTK natively. Please try to not load it.
[775343, Main Thread] WARNING: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/4793/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.: 'glib warning', file /build/firefox/parts/firefox/build/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:187

(firefox:775343): Gtk-WARNING **: 05:25:35.051: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/4793/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.
Gtk-Message: 05:25:35.051: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[775343, Main Thread] WARNING: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/4793/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.: 'glib warning', file /build/firefox/parts/firefox/build/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:187

(firefox:775343): Gtk-WARNING **: 05:25:35.052: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/4793/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.
Gtk-Message: 05:25:35.052: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Using random number seed offset = 21
INFO: Running Survey
Creating Jobs
Working on SubProcesses
INFO: Compiling for process 1/1.
INFO: P1_qq_qqwpwm
INFO: P1_qq_qqwpwm
INFO: Idle: 76, Running: 4, Completed: 0 [ current time: 05h26 ]
INFO: Idle: 75, Running: 4, Completed: 1 [ 2.4s ]
INFO: Idle: 71, Running: 4, Completed: 5 [ 6s ]
INFO: Idle: 69, Running: 4, Completed: 7 [ 9.7s ]
INFO: Idle: 68, Running: 4, Completed: 8 [ 13.3s ]
INFO: Idle: 67, Running: 4, Completed: 9 [ 16.6s ]
INFO: Idle: 63, Running: 4, Completed: 13 [ 20.8s ]
INFO: Idle: 62, Running: 4, Completed: 14 [ 24.3s ]
INFO: Idle: 60, Running: 4, Completed: 16 [ 28.9s ]
INFO: Idle: 59, Running: 4, Completed: 17 [ 35.4s ]
INFO: Idle: 58, Running: 4, Completed: 18 [ 40.6s ]
INFO: Idle: 56, Running: 4, Completed: 20 [ 43.7s ]
INFO: Idle: 53, Running: 4, Completed: 23 [ 47.4s ]
INFO: Idle: 50, Running: 4, Completed: 26 [ 51.7s ]
INFO: Idle: 47, Running: 4, Completed: 29 [ 55.1s ]
INFO: Idle: 42, Running: 4, Completed: 34 [ 1m 0s ]
INFO: Idle: 36, Running: 4, Completed: 40 [ 1m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 30, Running: 4, Completed: 46 [ 1m 8s ]
INFO: Idle: 24, Running: 4, Completed: 52 [ 1m 12s ]
INFO: Idle: 17, Running: 4, Completed: 59 [ 1m 15s ]
INFO: Idle: 12, Running: 4, Completed: 64 [ 1m 18s ]
INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 4, Completed: 70 [ 1m 23s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 76 [ 1m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 80 [ 1m 29s ]
INFO: End survey
refine 10000
Creating Jobs
INFO: Refine results to 10000
INFO: Generating 10000.0 unweighted events.
sum of cpu time of last step: 6m34s
INFO: Effective Luminosity 16781.5841909749 pb^-1
INFO: need to improve 36 channels
- Current estimate of cross-section: 0.7150695585970509 +- 0.01514391743248133
INFO: Idle: 36, Running: 4, Completed: 0 [ current time: 05h27 ]
INFO: Idle: 35, Running: 4, Completed: 1 [ 0.77s ]
INFO: Idle: 34, Running: 4, Completed: 2 [ 5.1s ]
INFO: Idle: 31, Running: 4, Completed: 5 [ 9.5s ]
INFO: Idle: 30, Running: 4, Completed: 6 [ 12.9s ]
INFO: Idle: 29, Running: 4, Completed: 7 [ 16.6s ]
INFO: Idle: 27, Running: 4, Completed: 9 [ 20.4s ]
INFO: Idle: 24, Running: 4, Completed: 12 [ 31.3s ]
INFO: Idle: 23, Running: 4, Completed: 13 [ 47.5s ]
INFO: Idle: 22, Running: 4, Completed: 14 [ 52.6s ]
INFO: Idle: 19, Running: 4, Completed: 17 [ 1m 6s ]
INFO: Idle: 18, Running: 4, Completed: 18 [ 1m 19s ]
INFO: Idle: 15, Running: 4, Completed: 21 [ 1m 28s ]
INFO: Idle: 13, Running: 4, Completed: 23 [ 1m 42s ]
INFO: Idle: 12, Running: 4, Completed: 24 [ 1m 46s ]
INFO: Idle: 10, Running: 4, Completed: 26 [ 1m 54s ]
INFO: Idle: 9, Running: 4, Completed: 27 [ 2m 10s ]
INFO: Idle: 8, Running: 4, Completed: 28 [ 2m 18s ]
INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 4, Completed: 30 [ 2m 23s ]
INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 4, Completed: 31 [ 2m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 4, Completed: 32 [ 2m 32s ]
INFO: Idle: 3, Running: 4, Completed: 33 [ 2m 55s ]
INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 4, Completed: 34 [ 3m 3s ]
INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 4, Completed: 35 [ 3m 7s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 36 [ 3m 11s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 37 [ 3m 24s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 38 [ 3m 34s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 39 [ 5m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 40 [ 12m 51s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 40 [ 12m 51s ]
INFO: Combining runs
sum of cpu time of last step: 30m15s
INFO: finish refine
refine 10000 --treshold=0.9
No need for second refine due to stability of cross-section
INFO: Combining Events
combination of events done in 23.579636335372925 s
  === Results Summary for run: run_01 tag: tag_1 ===

     Cross-section : 0.7353 +- 0.002097 pb
     Nb of events : 10000

Failed to access python version of LHAPDF: If the python interface to LHAPDF is available on your system, try adding its location to the PYTHONPATH environment variable and theLHAPDF library location to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (mac os x).The required LD_LIBRARY_PATH is /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3//lib
INFO: can not run systematics since can not link python to lhapdf
INFO: Storing parton level results
INFO: End Parton
reweight -from_cards
decay_events -from_cards
INFO: Running MadSpin
INFO: This functionality allows for the decay of resonances
INFO: in a .lhe file, keeping track of the spin correlation effets.
INFO: (1) Only a succession of 2 body decay are currently allowed
* *
* W E L C O M E to M A D S P I N *
* *
INFO: Extracting the banner ...
INFO: process: p p > j j w+ w-
INFO: options: QCD=0
INFO: detected model: loop_sm. Loading...
set ninja to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lib
set lhapdf to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config
set lhapdf to /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config
Set group_subprocesses to Auto
Note that you need to regenerate all processes
set spinmode madspin # Use one of the madspin special mode
set max_weight_ps_point 400 # number of PS to estimate the maximum for each event
decay w+ > j j
decay w+ > l+ vl
decay w- > j j
decay w- > l- vl~
INFO: Will use seed 556168551
INFO: We need to recalculate the branching fractions for w+,w-
INFO: Using MadWidth (arXiv:1402.1178)
INFO: Restrict model /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/models/loop_sm with file models/loop_sm/restrict_default.dat .
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information.
INFO: decay channels for w+ : ( width = 2.04793 GeV )
INFO: BR d1 d2
INFO: 3.333610e-01 d~ u
INFO: 3.333610e-01 s~ c
INFO: 1.111195e-01 e+ ve
INFO: 1.111195e-01 mu+ vm
INFO: 1.110390e-01 ta+ vt
INFO: decay channels for w- : ( width = 2.04793 GeV )
INFO: BR d1 d2
INFO: 3.333610e-01 d u~
INFO: 3.333610e-01 s c~
INFO: 1.111195e-01 e- ve~
INFO: 1.111195e-01 mu- vm~
INFO: 1.110390e-01 ta- vt~
INFO: generating the production square matrix element
INFO: generate p p > j j w+ w- QCD=0;
INFO: Done 12.5
INFO: generating the full matrix element squared (with decay)
INFO: generate p p > j j w+ w- QCD=0, w+ > j j QCD=99, w+ > l+ vl QCD=99, w- > j j QCD=99, w- > l- vl~ QCD=99 --no_warning=duplicate;
INFO: Done 168.8
INFO: generate matrix element for decay only (1 - > N).
INFO: output standalone_msF /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/decay_me
INFO: Done 1.138
INFO: Compiling code
INFO: detect independant decays
INFO: Done in 0.08015823364257812s
INFO: Estimating the maximum weight
INFO: *****************************
INFO: Probing the first 75 events
INFO: with 400 phase space points
INFO: Event 1/75 : 2.4s
INFO: Event 6/75 : 12.9s
INFO: Event 11/75 : 26.4s
INFO: Event 16/75 : 39.9s
INFO: Event 21/75 : 51.2s
INFO: Event 26/75 : 1m 2s
INFO: Event 31/75 : 1m 13s
INFO: Event 36/75 : 1m 25s
INFO: Event 41/75 : 1m 37s
INFO: Event 46/75 : 1m 47s
INFO: Event 51/75 : 1m 57s
INFO: Event 56/75 : 2m 11s
INFO: Event 61/75 : 2m 23s
INFO: Event 66/75 : 2m 36s
INFO: Event 71/75 : 2m 47s
INFO: Decaying the events...
INFO: Event nb 1000 21.7s
INFO: Event nb 2000 32.9s
INFO: Event nb 3000 44.5s
INFO: Event nb 4000 55s
INFO: Event nb 5000 1m 4s
INFO: Event nb 6000 1m 14s
INFO: Event nb 7000 1m 23s
INFO: Event nb 8000 1m 32s
INFO: Event nb 9000 1m 42s
INFO: Total number of events written: 10000/10000
INFO: Average number of trial points per production event: 13.4772
INFO: Branching ratio to allowed decays: 1
INFO: Number of events with weights larger than max_weight: 0
INFO: Number of subprocesses 93
INFO: Number of failures when restoring the Monte Carlo masses: 0
INFO: The decayed event file has been moved to the following location:
INFO: /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/Events/run_01_decayed_1/unweighted_events.lhe.gz
INFO: MadSpin Done
INFO: storing files of previous run
INFO: Done
more information in /home/sadhana/MG5_aMC_v2_9_20/vbf_LO_Splusb_try1/index.html


Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Olivier Mattelaer
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

So what is your question?

Is it should you be worried about this line:
INFO: Some T-channel width have been set to zero [new since 2.8.0]

or is it something else?


Revision history for this message
Sadhana Verma (svermacms) said :

Hi Olivier !

yes, should it be a issue. If this is set to zero?

From: <email address hidden> <email address hidden> on behalf of Olivier Mattelaer <email address hidden>
Sent: 05 September 2024 09:50
To: Sadhana Verma <email address hidden>
Subject: Re: [Question #818655]: T Channel dropped issue found

Your question #818655 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Olivier Mattelaer proposed the following answer:
So what is your question?

Is it should you be worried about this line:
INFO: Some T-channel width have been set to zero [new since 2.8.0]

or is it something else?


If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
know that it is solved:

If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
following page to enter your feedback:

You received this question notification because you asked the question.

Revision history for this message
Best Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

It is not an issue, it is a choice.

Now in general such choice is irrelevant and therefore in general noboby cares.
Actually before 2.8.0
V4 model were always doing zero width for T channel, while UFO model were doing non zero width
Since 2.8.0, both type of model format are both doing zero width
Note that before madgraph5, only V4 model was present and therefore at that time only zero width was supported for T channel.

Now we decided to stress such change of behaviour in 2.8.0 such that people will be aware that in some cases the result might differ.
Now in general if the computation differs between those two modes, it means that they are an issue in the handling of the width which might require to have dedicated fix (like complex mass scheme, running width, ... and not using a fix-width scheme).



Revision history for this message
Sadhana Verma (svermacms) said :

Hi Olivier !

Thanks for the explanation. I understand the reason to choose it.


Revision history for this message
Sadhana Verma (svermacms) said :

Thanks Olivier Mattelaer, that solved my question.