Cant install gnuplot in madgraph

Asked by Gokhula Prasad

In madgraph terminal i tried to install gnuplot using install gnuplot. But i received the following error
syntax: install Delphes|MadAnalysis4|ExRootAnalysis|update|Golem95|QCDLoop|maddm|maddump|looptools|MadSTR|RunningCoupling|pythia8|zlib|boost|lhapdf6|lhapdf5|collier|hepmc|mg5amc_py8_interface|ninja|oneloop|MadAnalysis5|yoda|rivet|fastjet|fjcontrib|contur|cmake|eMELA
-- Download the last version of the program and install it
   locally in the current MadGraph5_aMC@NLO version. In order to have
   a successful installation, you will need to have an up-to-date
   F77 and/or C and Root compiler.

   When installing any of the following programs:
     pythia8, zlib, boost, lhapdf6, lhapdf5, collier, hepmc, mg5amc_py8_interface, ninja, oneloop, MadAnalysis5, yoda, rivet, fastjet, fjcontrib, contur, cmake, eMELA
   The following options are available:
     --force Overwrite without asking any existing installation.
     --keep_source Keep a local copy of the sources of the tools MG5_aMC installed from.

   "install update"
   check if your MG5 installation is the latest one.
   If not it load the difference between your current version and the latest one,
   and apply it to the code. Two options are available for this command:
     -f: didn't ask for confirmation if it founds an update.
     --timeout=: Change the maximum time allowed to reach the server.
Command "install gnuplot" interrupted with error:
InvalidCmd : Not recognize program gnuplot

I am using Pop! os

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English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Indeed we do not have an install command for gnuplot.



Revision history for this message
Gokhula Prasad (gokpracat) said :

What other module i can use to do plotting

Revision history for this message
james89 (jamesrocky89) said :

If you are unable to install Gnuplot in MadGraph, please ensure that you have checked the compatibility with your operating system and the version of MadGraph you are using. Additionally, try updating your system and resolving any dependencies. If the issue persists, seek assistance from the MadGraph community or refer to the official documentation for further guidance.

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