Some test failed FKS

Asked by Antonio Sandroni

Hi, im running p p > w+ w- [QED] --sudakow at 100 Tev with some cuts on rapity, inv.mass. transverse momentum and deltaR
I have this error but i don't think its caused by these.
I have set all widths to zero.

INFO: Result for check_poles:
INFO: Poles successfully cancel for 20 points over 20 (tolerance=1.0e-05)
INFO: Result for check_sudakov:
INFO: P0_aa_wpwm
INFO: Result for test_ME:
INFO: Output of the failing test:
LHAPDF 6.3.0 loading /home/antonio/Scaricati/3.0.4-sudakov/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3//share/LHAPDF/LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed/LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed_0000.dat
LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed PDF set, member #0, version 2; LHAPDF ID = 82400
 Enter 0 to compute MC/MC(limit)
       1 to compute MC/ME(limit)
       2 to compute ME/ME(limit)
 Enter xi_i, y_ij to be used in coll/soft tests
  Enter -2 to generate them randomly
 Enter number of tests for soft and collinear limits
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF lhapdf : 0.11800209145668880
WARNING: the value of maxjetflavorspecified in the run_card ( 4) is inconsistent with the number of light flavours inthe model. Hence it will be set to: 5
 Give FKS configuration number ("0" loops over all)


 FKS configuration number is 1
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= -1 j= -1

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs
Using random seed offsets: 1 , 11 , 0
  with seed 32
 Ranmar initialization seeds 10730 9417
tau_min 1 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 2 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 3 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 4 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 5 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 6 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 7 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 8 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 9 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 10 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 11 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 12 1 : 0.16084E+03 -- 0.20065E+04
tau_min 13 1 : 0.20065E+04 0.20065E+04 0.20065E+04
tau_min 14 1 : 0.20065E+04 0.20065E+04 0.20065E+04
 BORN: keeping split order 1
 counterterm S.O 1 QCD
 BORN: not keeping split order 1
 counterterm S.O 2 QED
 BORN: keeping split order 1

 REAL 1: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 1 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 1 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 6 0 6
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 1 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.06
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 1 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.06


 FKS configuration number is 2
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= 1 j= 1

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 2: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 2 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 2 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 7 0 7
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 2 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.07
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 2 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.07


 FKS configuration number is 3
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= -5 j= -5

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 3: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 3 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 3 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 9 0 9
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 3 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.09
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 3 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.09


 FKS configuration number is 4
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= 5 j= 5

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 4: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 4 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 4 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 4 0 4
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 4 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.04
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 4 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.04


 FKS configuration number is 5
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= -2 j= -2

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 5: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 5 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 5 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 7 0 7
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 5 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.07
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 5 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.07


 FKS configuration number is 6
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 1
 with PDGs: i= 2 j= 2

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 6: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 6 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 6 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 3 0 3
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 6 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.03
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 6 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.03


 FKS configuration number is 7
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= -1 j= -1

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 7: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 7 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 7 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 47 0 47
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 7 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.47
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 7 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.47


 FKS configuration number is 8
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= 1 j= 1

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 8: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 8 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 8 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 41 0 41
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 8 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.41
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 8 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.41


 FKS configuration number is 9
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= -5 j= -5

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 9: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 9 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 9 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 50 0 50
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 9 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.50
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 9 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.50


 FKS configuration number is 10
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= 5 j= 5

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 10: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 10 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 10 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 61 0 61
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 10 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.61
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 10 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.61


 FKS configuration number is 11
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= -2 j= -2

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 11: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 11 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 11 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 36 0 36
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 11 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.36
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 11 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.36


 FKS configuration number is 12
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 2
 with PDGs: i= 2 j= 2

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 12: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 0 0 0
Sum of all orders: Soft test 12 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 12 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.00

 Collinear tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 32 0 32
Sum of all orders: Collinear test 12 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.32
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Collinear test 12 FAILED. Fraction of failures: 0.32


 FKS configuration number is 13
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 3
 with PDGs: i= 22 j= 24

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 REAL 13: keeping split order 1
 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.3.0. Please make sure to cite the paper:
  Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (
 Failures: 4 0 4
Sum of all orders: Soft test 13 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.04
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 13 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.04

 No collinear test for massive j_fks


 FKS configuration number is 14
 FKS partons are: i= 5 j= 4
 with PDGs: i= 22 j= -24

 Enter graph number (iconfig), '0' loops over all graphs

 Soft tests done for (Born) config 1
 Failures: 10 0 7
Sum of all orders: Soft test 14 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.10
Split-order 2: QCD: 0; QED: 6; Soft test 14 PASSED. Fraction of failures: 0.07

 No collinear test for massive j_fks
Error detected in "launch -n sudmod2rkl"
write debug file /home/antonio/Scaricati/3.0.4-sudakov/pptoww_QED/sudmod2rkl_tag_1_debug.log
If you need help with this issue, please, contact us on
str : Some tests failed, run cannot continue. Please search on for more information, and in case there is none, report the problem there.

what is the cause?

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
davide.pagani.85 Edit question
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Revision history for this message
marco zaro (marco-zaro) said :

Ciao Antonio,
First, for this process, you should kill/veto b quarks in the initial state, otherwise, you will have resonant top quarks. Are you keeping b quarks?

Then, it may be that given the high energy and the cuts, tests are failing because of numerical instabilities, which won't cause harm during actual runs.
To do so, you can increase the tolerance to consider tests as successful ones.
Edit SubProcesses/test_soft_col_limits.f
and increase
 18 double precision max_fail
 19 parameter (max_fail=0.3d0)

to something like 0.5 or so

Let me know



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