Manipulate HwU histograms

Asked by Antonio Sandroni

Hi, i would like to plot different quantities in the same plot; for example LO sigma and NLO sigma for the same process respect various variables like Pt of one of the incoming/outgoing particles or respect the invariant mass of a pair of particles; then i would like to rapresent, respect one of the previous variables, a combination of differents sigma like sum or moltiplication; is it convenient modify the FixedOrderAnalysis*.f file or i need to import data for example in a Python file and do everything with it?
Where can i find a guide to know how to manipulate HwU files richer than ?


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English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
Rikkert Frederix Edit question
Solved by:
Rikkert Frederix
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Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Antonio,

The package effectively reads a HwU data file and writes a gnuplot wrapper for it. Executing gnuplot gives you then the postscript and pdf files. If you want to make more involved plots, it might be better to modify the gnuplot wrapper file by hand instead of using the package.


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Antonio Sandroni (antoniosandroni) said :

Do i need to modify in MyProcess/bin/internal/ o in MAdGraph(main folder)/madgraph/variuous/

Also, if in the FO_analyse_card i linked a certain fixed order analysis can i modify the corrispondent fortran file (for example analysis_HwU_template.f ) so that in the pdf output file i have the histogrmas i want?
What is the better way to operate?

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Antonio Sandroni (antoniosandroni) said :

Not Solved question

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Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

No need to modify

Sure, you should change the analysis to include the distributions you want.


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Antonio Sandroni (antoniosandroni) said :

What I should do is, taken an histogram with four lines plotted , plot a generic combination(sum, subtraction) of two lines that i choose? Is there a way to do without taking the data from .HwU file and using an external way like matplotlib but whitin the MadGraph analysis?

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Best Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

All available options can be obtained by executing a madgraph/various/ --help.


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Antonio Sandroni (antoniosandroni) said :

Thanks Rikkert Frederix, that solved my question.