compilation error in condor cluster while running madgraph

Asked by Esteban Chalbaud

Dear all,

I am having a job stopped with Madgraph with the following output:

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* W E L C O M E to *
* M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O *
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* VERSION 3.3.1 2021-12-04 *
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* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
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* Type 'help' for in-line help. *
* Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works *
* Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works *
* Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works *
* *
load MG5 configuration from ../../../../cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/input/mg5_configuration.txt
set fastjet to /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/fastjet/3.4.0/b01/bin/fastjet-config
set ninja to /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/HEPTools/lib
set collier to /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/HEPTools/lib
set lhapdf to /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config
set lhapdf to /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config
Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Using default eps viewer "evince". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
No valid web browser found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
import /home/t3atlas/emogollon/job_dir_5216176/carta.dat
The import format was not given, so we guess it as command
import model sm
INFO: reload from .py file
INFO: load particles
INFO: load vertices
INFO: Restrict model sm with file ../../../../cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/models/sm/restrict_default.dat .
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information.
INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention
Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+
Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu-
Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt
Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
generate p p > t t~ [QCD]
The current model sm does not allow to generate loop corrections of type ['QCD'].
MG5_aMC now loads 'loop_sm'.
 import model loop_sm
INFO: reload from .py file
INFO: This model [version 1.2] is provided by V. Hirschi (email: <email address hidden>). Please cite n/a 
INFO: load particles
INFO: load vertices
INFO: Restrict model loop_sm with file ../../../../cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/models/loop_sm/restrict_default.dat .
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information.
INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention
Kept definitions of multiparticles p / j / l+ / l- / vl / vl~ unchanged
Defined multiparticle all = g gh gh~ d u s c d~ u~ s~ c~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ b t b~ t~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
INFO: Checking for minimal orders which gives processes.
INFO: Please specify coupling orders to bypass this step.
INFO: Trying coupling order WEIGHTED<=2: WEIGTHED IS QCD+2*QED
Setting the born squared orders automatically in the process definition to QED=0 QCD^2<=4.
If this is not what you need, please regenerate with the correct orders.
WARNING: Use of multiparticles is non-trivial for NLO process generation and depends on the orders included, the process considered, as well as the PDF set chosen. See appendix D of arXiv:1804.10017 [hep-ph] for some guidance. 
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: g g > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (1 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: u u~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (2 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: c c~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (3 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: d d~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (4 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: s s~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (5 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: u~ u > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (6 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: c~ c > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (7 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: d~ d > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (8 / 9)
INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: s~ s > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (9 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: g g > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (1 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: u u~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (2 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: c c~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (3 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: d d~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (4 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: s s~ > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (5 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: u~ u > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (6 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: c~ c > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (7 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: d~ d > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (8 / 9)
INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: s~ s > t t~ QCD^2=6 QED^2=0 (9 / 9)
INFO: Generated 9 subprocesses with 136 real emission diagrams, 11 born diagrams and 124 virtual diagrams
output /home/t3atlas/emogollon/sm_prueba_1
INFO: Writing out the aMC@NLO code, using optimized Loops
INFO: initialize a new directory: sm_prueba_1
INFO: remove old information in sm_prueba_1
INFO: Compiling IREGI. This has to be done only once and can take a couple of minutes. 
Error detected in sub-command output /home/t3atlas/emogollon/sm_prueba_1
write debug file MG5_debug
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
str : A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src.
 The compilation fails with the following output message:
     (cd /home/t3atlas/emogollon/job_dir_5216176/vendor/IREGI/src;make clean -f makefile_ML5_lib;make -f makefile_ML5_lib)
     /bin/sh: line 0: cd: /home/t3atlas/emogollon/job_dir_5216176/vendor/IREGI/src: No such file or directory
     make[1]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     make[2]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     rm -f *.o *.s *.prj *~ core test
     make[3]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop'
     rm -f *.o *.s *.prj *~ core test
     make[3]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop'
     make[3]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     rm -f *.o *.s *.prj *.a *~ core
     make[3]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     make[3]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ff'
     rm -f ff2dl2.o ffabcd.o ffca0.o ffcb0.o ffcb1.o ffcb2.o ffcb2p.o ffcdb0.o ffcc0.o ffcc0p.o ffcc1.o ffcel2.o ffcel3.o ffcel4.o ffcel5.o ffceta.o ffcli2.o ffcrr.o ffcxr.o ffcxs3.o ffcxs4.o ffcxyz.o ffdcc0.o ffdcxs.o ffdel2.o ffdel3.o ffdel4.o ffdel5.o ffdel6.o ffdl2i.o ffdl5p.o ffdxc0.o ffinit_mine.o ffrcvr.o fftran.o ffxb0.o ffxb1.o ffxb2p.o ffxc0.o ffxc0i.o ffxc0p.o ffxc1.o ffxd0.o ffxd0h.o ffxd0i.o ffxd0p.o ffxd1.o ffxdb0.o ffxdbd.o ffxdi.o ffxdpv.o ffxe0.o ffxe1.o ffxf0.o ffxf0h.o ffxli2.o ffxxyz.o aaxbx.o aaxcx.o aaxdx.o aaxex.o aaxinv.o aacbc.o aaccc.o aacinv.o spence.o npoin.o libff.a npointes.o npointes
     make[3]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ff'
     make[2]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     make[1]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     make[1]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     (make -f makefile_qcdloop)
     make[2]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     (cd /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql; rm libqcdloop.a; make clean; make)
     rm: cannot remove ‘libqcdloop.a’: No such file or directory
     make[3]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     rm -f *.o *.s *.prj *.a *~ core
     make[3]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     make[3]: Entering directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     gfortran -O -fPIC -c qlinit.f
     Assembler messages:
     Fatal error: can't create qlinit.o: Read-only file system
     make[3]: *** [qlinit.o] Error 1
     make[3]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src/qcdloop/ql'
     make[2]: *** [qldir] Error 2
     make[2]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     make[1]: *** [make_ql] Error 2
     make[1]: Leaving directory `/cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/vendor/IREGI/src'
     make: *** [all] Error 2

 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry.
 Help might be found at
 If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at
command not executed: launch /home/t3atlas/emogollon/sm_prueba_1
command not executed: set param_card mt 172.500000e+00
command not executed: set run_card nevents 10
command not executed: set run_card iseed 2845
command not executed: set run_card pt_min_pdg {5000000: 0.001}
command not executed: set run_card use_syst False
command not executed: set run_card systematics_program none
command not executed: decay t > w+ b, w+ > l+ vl
command not executed: decay t~ > w- b~, w- > l- vl~
command not executed: 0

* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Running EPILOG for on Tue Apr 12 16:33:27 WEST 2022
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Stageout transfers:
* failure sm_prueba_1
* --------------------------------------------------------------

Is there any way to fix it?, I am missing any module?

# Load environment

module purge

module load root/6.16.00

module load gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1

python --version

python /cvmfs/sw.el7/gcc63/madgraph/3.3.1/b01/bin/mg5_aMC carta.dat

Thanks in advance,

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

You need to compile the directory
before exporting it to cvmfs.
from a cvmfs node your are not allowed to write on cvmfs (this is a readonly filesystem)
and therefore you have that crash.



Revision history for this message
Esteban Chalbaud (echalbau) said :

How do I do that?

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

If you do not know how to export to cvmfs it likely means that you do not have the right to do it.
Then either you should not use that version of MG5aMC and use one that you put in your home directory.
Or you should contact the person in charge of that directory and ask him to compile it (and then re-export it)
If you do not know that person, then I guess the solution is to install MG5aMC in your home directory.



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