change parameters in MadLoop5

Asked by Halley_X

Hi, experts

I generate a process in MadLoop5 and want to use the generated squared amplitudes to link with my own fortran program, there is a param_card.dat in MadLoop5, in which mu_R is a fixed value, how can I make mu_R into a non-constant value which can changing with my momentum?

Thanks a lot!


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MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


I would then suggest to look at the code where we link ML5 to madevent
(like generate g g > h [noborn=QCD]; output)
and do the same as there.

if I remember correctly you need to update the value of the coupling to that given scale and then pass the value of mu_r to the function.



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Halley_X (neuromance) said :

Ok , thanks for your suggestion!

Revision history for this message
Roy Bryant (sonbroder15) said :

The explanation is that you attempt to alter the card prior to composing "send off" and not afterward.
the order "set param_name esteem" is for sure worth however just when the inquiry about the cards is posed.
for example at the point when you have the accompanying inquiry:
Would you like to alter a card (press enter to sidestep altering)?
  1/param : param_card.dat
  2/run : run_card.dat
  9/plot : plot_card.dat
 you can likewise
   - enter the way to a legitimate card or flag.
   - utilize the 'set' order to straightforwardly change a boundary.
     The set choice turns out just for param_card and run_card.
     Type 'help set' for more data on this order.
   - call an outside program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
     Type 'help' for the rundown of accessible order
 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 9, plot, enter path][60s to answer]

As verified in the inquiry, you can likewise determine the way to a substantial card assuming you view that as more straightforward.