Error detected in "generate_events run_01"

Asked by 王世钰

expert ,

After I use the command of launch , this error is Jumped out. I think It seems to be related to g77.Out of consideration that you are experts and other users may also encounter this problem, so I still come here to ask you for help

Error detected in "generate_events run_01"
write debug file /home/wsy/programs/MG5_aMC_v2_7_3/PROC_TsingletVL_UFO_0/run_01_tag_1_debug.log
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
MadGraph5Error : A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /home/wsy/programs/MG5_aMC_v2_7_3/PROC_TsingletVL_UFO_0/Source.
 The compilation fails with the following output message:
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o StringCast.o StringCast.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o ranmar.o ranmar.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o alfas_functions.o alfas_functions.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o transpole.o transpole.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o invarients.o invarients.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o hfill.o hfill.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o pawgraphs.o pawgraphs.f
     g77 -O -w -fbounds-check -fPIC -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -o ran1.o ran1.f
              module StringCast
              1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
     StringCast.f: In program `MAIN__':
                interface toStr
                1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                  module procedure toStr_int
                  1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                  module procedure toStr_real
                  1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                  module procedure toStr_real_with_ndig
                  1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                  module procedure toStr_real_with_format
                  1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                  module procedure toStr_char_array
                  1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                end interface toStr
     Invalid form for END statement at (^)
                1 2
     Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:18: (continued):
                function trim_ahead(input)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:19: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:20: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: trim_ahead
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:21: (continued):
                  integer :: i
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:22: (continued):
                  integer :: first_char_index
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                    if (input(i:i).ne.' ') then
                        1 2
     Invalid token at (2) in expression or subexpression at (1)
                    if (input(i:i).ne.' ') then
                                  1 2
     Equality operator at (1) must operate on two scalar (not array) subexpressions, two function invocations returning arithmetic or character scalars, or a combination of both -- but the subexpression at (2) is an array
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `trim_ahead' at (^) [initially seen at (^)]
             & input(i:i)
                                                                     1 2
     Invalid token at (2) in expression or subexpression at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:39: (continued):
                end function trim_ahead
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:42: (continued):
                function get_width()
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:43: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: get_width
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:45: (continued):
                end function get_width
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:47: (continued):
                function toStr_char_array(input)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:48: (continued):
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Expression at (^) has incorrect data type or rank for its context
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Expression at (^) has incorrect data type or rank for its context
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Fortran 90 feature at (^) unsupported
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: input
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:49: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: toStr_char_array
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:50: (continued):
                  integer i
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `tostr_char_array' at (^) [initially seen at (^)]
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:58: (continued):
                end function toStr_char_array
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:60: (continued):
                function toStr_int(input)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:61: (continued):
                  integer, intent(in) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  integer, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  integer, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:62: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: toStr_int
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:63: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: tmp, tmp2
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:64: (continued):
                  integer :: i
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  write(get_width,'(i20.20)') max_length
     StringCast.f:66: (continued):
                  write(tmp,'(i'//get_width()//')') input
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `get_width' at (2) [initially seen at (1)]
                    if (input(i:i).ne.' ') then
     StringCast.f:66: (continued):
                  write(tmp,'(i'//get_width()//')') input
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `input' at (2) [initially seen at (1)]
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:69: (continued):
                end function toStr_int
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:71: (continued):
                function toStr_real(input)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:72: (continued):
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:73: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: toStr_real
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:76: (continued):
                end function toStr_real
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:81: (continued):
                function toStr_real_with_format(input, chosen_format)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:82: (continued):
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:83: (continued):
                  character(len=*), intent(in) :: chosen_format
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  character(len=*), intent(in) :: chosen_format
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  character(len=*), intent(in) :: chosen_format
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:84: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: toStr_real_with_format
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:85: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: format_spec
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:86: (continued):
                  integer :: i, w_index
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  do i=1,len(chosen_format)
     Reference to intrinsic `LEN' at (^) invalid -- one or more arguments have incorrect type
                  do i=1,len(chosen_format)
     StringCast.f:90: (continued):
                   if (chosen_format(i:i).eq.'w') then
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `chosen_format' at (2) [initially seen at (1)]
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:103: (continued):
                end function toStr_real_with_format
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:105: (continued):
                function toStr_real_with_ndig(input, n_digits)
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:106: (continued):
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  real*8, intent(in) :: input
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:107: (continued):
                  integer, intent(in) :: n_digits
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  integer, intent(in) :: n_digits
     Invalid type-declaration attribute at (^) -- must be one of: DIMENSION(array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, PARAMETER, or SAVE
                  integer, intent(in) :: n_digits
     Invalid form for type-declaration statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:108: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: toStr_real_with_ndig
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:109: (continued):
                  character(max_length) :: format_spec
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
                  format_spec = '(F'//TRIM(toStr(max_length))//'.'//
                                    1 2
     Concatenation operator at (1) must operate on two subexpressions of character type, but the subexpression at (2) is not of character type
                  toStr_real = toStr_real_with_ndig(input,16)
     StringCast.f:114: (continued):
                  write(toStr_real_with_ndig,format_spec) input
     Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `tostr_real_with_ndig' at (2) [initially seen at (1)]
                  write(toStr_real_with_ndig,format_spec) input
     Expression at (^) has incorrect data type or rank for its context
                end interface toStr
     StringCast.f:116: (continued):
                end function toStr_real_with_ndig
     Statement at (2) invalid in context established by statement at (1)
              end module StringCast
     Invalid form for END statement at (^)
                end interface toStr
     End of source file before end of block started at (^)
     <内置>: recipe for target 'StringCast.o' failed
     make: *** [StringCast.o] Error 1
     make: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....

 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry.
 Help might be found at
 If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Olivier Mattelaer
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Best Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


MG5aMC is not compatible with g77 compiler anymore
That compiler was officially frozen in 2001 and fully replaced by gfortran in 2005.
MadGraph4 was still compatible with g77 but MadGraph5 (2011) was not anymore.

Independently of MadGraph, using up to date compiler is recomended since old compiler can not use modern cpu efficiently (since they are not even aware of some of the instruction set available by the cpu)



Revision history for this message
王世钰 (wsy-123) said :

Thanks Olivier Mattelaer, that solved my question.