Leptons from proton PDF

Asked by Philip Sommer

Dear all,

I'd like to do some studies on lepton collisions at the LHC, using leptons from the LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed PDF set. This doesn't seem to be supported in madgraph, currently. It'd be great if you could confirm this and, depending on your answer, let me know what the prospects of adding support are or help me identifying what's going wrong below.

To start with, I tried generating mu+ mu- > e+ e-


#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO/MadEvent *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 3.1.0 2021-03-30 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadEvent *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/madevent.py filename *
#* *
generate_events run_01
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1544, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1493, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/madevent_interface.py", line 2474, in do_generate_events
    self.run_generate_events(switch_mode, args)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/common_run_interface.py", line 7114, in new_fct
    original_fct(obj, *args, **opts)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/madevent_interface.py", line 2513, in run_generate_events
    self.exec_cmd('survey %s %s' % (self.run_name,' '.join(args)),
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1573, in exec_cmd
    stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1493, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/interface/madevent_interface.py", line 3368, in do_survey
    jobs, P_zero_result = ajobcreator.get_helicity()
  File "/home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/madgraph/madevent/gen_ximprove.py", line 169, in get_helicity
    raise Exception(pjoin(self.me_dir,'error'))
Exception: /home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/PROC_sm_8/error
                              Run Options
               stdout_level : 20 (user set)

                         MadEvent Options
     automatic_html_opening : False (user set)
        notification_center : True
                   run_mode : 2
              cluster_queue : None (user set)
               cluster_time : None (user set)
               cluster_size : 100
             cluster_memory : 100 (user set)
                    nb_core : 4 (user set)
          cluster_temp_path : None

                      Configuration Options
               pythia8_path : /home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/HEPTools/pythia8 (user set)
                  hwpp_path : None (user set)
                thepeg_path : None (user set)
                 hepmc_path : None (user set)
           madanalysis_path : None (user set)
          madanalysis5_path : None (user set)
            pythia-pgs_path : None (user set)
                    td_path : None (user set)
               delphes_path : None (user set)
        exrootanalysis_path : None (user set)
               syscalc_path : None (user set)
                     lhapdf : /home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config (user set)
                 lhapdf_py2 : None
                 lhapdf_py3 : /home/psommer/MG5_aMC/MG5_aMC_v3_1_0/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin/lhapdf-config (user set)
                    timeout : 60
              f2py_compiler : None
          f2py_compiler_py2 : None
          f2py_compiler_py3 : None
                web_browser : None
                 eps_viewer : None
                text_editor : emacs (user set)
           fortran_compiler : None
               cpp_compiler : None
                auto_update : 7 (user set)
               cluster_type : condor
      cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
           cluster_nb_retry : 1
         cluster_local_path : None
         cluster_retry_wait : 300
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 3.1.0 2021-03-30 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
#* *
set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation False
set complex_mass_scheme False
set include_lepton_initiated_processes False
set gauge unitary
set loop_optimized_output True
set loop_color_flows False
set max_npoint_for_channel 0
set default_unset_couplings 99
set max_t_for_channel 99
set zerowidth_tchannel True
set nlo_mixed_expansion True
import model sm
define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define l+ = e+ mu+
define l- = e- mu-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
generate mu+ mu- > e+ e-
## ##
## Width set on Auto will be computed following the information ##
## present in the decay.py files of the model. ##
## See arXiv:1402.1178 for more details. ##
## ##

Block mass
    5 4.700000e+00 # MB
    6 1.730000e+02 # MT
   15 1.777000e+00 # MTA
   23 9.118800e+01 # MZ
   25 1.250000e+02 # MH
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
  1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
  2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
  3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
  4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
  11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
  12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
  13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
  14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
  16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
  21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
  22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
  24 8.041900e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__4/4. - (aEW*cmath.pi*MZ__exp__2)/(Gf*sqrt__2)))

Block sminputs
    1 1.325070e+02 # aEWM1
    2 1.166390e-05 # Gf
    3 1.180000e-01 # aS (Note that Parameter not used if you use a PDF set)

Block yukawa
    5 4.700000e+00 # ymb
    6 1.730000e+02 # ymt
   15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau

DECAY 6 1.491500e+00 # WT
DECAY 23 2.441404e+00 # WZ
DECAY 24 2.047600e+00 # WW
DECAY 25 6.382339e-03 # WH
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
DECAY 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
DECAY 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
DECAY 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
DECAY 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
DECAY 5 0.000000e+00 # b : 0.0
DECAY 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
DECAY 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
DECAY 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
DECAY 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
DECAY 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0
DECAY 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
DECAY 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
DECAY 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
# MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
# *
# run_card.dat MadEvent *
# *
# This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
# *
# Some notation/conventions: *
# *
# Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments *
# *
# mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
# *
# To display more options, you can type the command: *
# update full_run_card *
# Tag name for the run (one word) *
  tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
# Number of events and rnd seed *
# Warning: Do not generate more than 1M events in a single run *
  10000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
  0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy *
# lpp: 0=No PDF, 1=proton, -1=antiproton, 2=photon from proton, *
# 3=photon from electron, 4=photon from muon *
     1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type
     1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type
     6500.0 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 total energy in GeV
     6500.0 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 total energy in GeV
# Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) *
     0.0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1
     0.0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2

# PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol. *
     lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set
     82400 = lhaid ! if pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number
# To see heavy ion options: type "update ion_pdf"
# Renormalization and factorization scales *
 False = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
 False = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
 91.188 = scale ! fixed ren scale
 91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1
 91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2
 -1 = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one of the preselected dynamical choices
 1.0 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales
# Type and output format
  False = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack
  -1.0 = time_of_flight ! threshold (in mm) below which the invariant livetime is not written (-1 means not written)
  average = event_norm ! average/sum. Normalization of the weight in the LHEF
# To see MLM/CKKW merging options: type "update MLM" or "update CKKW"

# Phase-Space Optimization strategy (basic options)
   0 = nhel ! using helicities importance sampling or not.
                             ! 0: sum over helicity, 1: importance sampling
   2 = sde_strategy ! default integration strategy (hep-ph/2021.xxxxx)
                             ! 1 is old strategy (using amp square)
        ! 2 is new strategy (using only the denominator)
# To see advanced option for Phase-Space optimization: type "update psoptim"
# Generation bias, check the wiki page below for more information: *
# 'cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/LOEventGenerationBias' *
 None = bias_module ! Bias type of bias, [None, ptj_bias, -custom_folder-]
 {} = bias_parameters ! Specifies the parameters of the module.
# Parton level cuts definition *
# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) ! Define on/off-shell for "$" and decay
  15.0 = bwcutoff ! (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
# Standard Cuts *
# Minimum and maximum pt's (for max, -1 means no cut) *
 10.0 = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons
 -1.0 = ptlmax ! maximum pt for the charged leptons
 {} = pt_min_pdg ! pt cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
 {} = pt_max_pdg ! pt cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 100, 25: 50})
# Minimum and maximum E's (in the center of mass frame) *
  0.0 = ej ! minimum E for the jets
  0.0 = eb ! minimum E for the b
  0.0 = ea ! minimum E for the photons
  0.0 = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons
  -1.0 = ejmax ! maximum E for the jets
 -1.0 = ebmax ! maximum E for the b
 -1.0 = eamax ! maximum E for the photons
 -1.0 = elmax ! maximum E for the charged leptons
 {} = e_min_pdg ! E cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
 {} = e_max_pdg ! E cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 100, 25: 50})

# Maximum and minimum absolute rapidity (for max, -1 means no cut) *
 2.5 = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons
 0.0 = etalmin ! main rap for the charged leptons
 {} = eta_min_pdg ! rap cut for other particles (use pdg code). Applied on particle and anti-particle
 {} = eta_max_pdg ! rap cut for other particles (syntax e.g. {6: 2.5, 23: 5})
# Minimum and maximum DeltaR distance *
 0.4 = drll ! min distance between leptons
 -1.0 = drllmax ! max distance between leptons
# Minimum and maximum invariant mass for pairs *
 0.0 = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
 -1.0 = mmllmax ! max invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
 {} = mxx_min_pdg ! min invariant mass of a pair of particles X/X~ (e.g. {6:250})
 {'default': False} = mxx_only_part_antipart ! if True the invariant mass is applied only
                       ! to pairs of particle/antiparticle and not to pairs of the same pdg codes.
 # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for all letpons *
 0.0 = mmnl ! min invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
 -1.0 = mmnlmax ! max invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
 # Minimum and maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons / neutrino *
 # for pair of lepton includes only same flavor, opposite charge
 0.0 = ptllmin ! Minimum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
 -1.0 = ptllmax ! Maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
# Inclusive cuts *
 0.0 = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton
 # Control the pt's of leptons sorted by pt *
 0.0 = ptl1min ! minimum pt for the leading lepton in pt
 0.0 = ptl2min ! minimum pt for the second lepton in pt
 -1.0 = ptl1max ! maximum pt for the leading lepton in pt
 -1.0 = ptl2max ! maximum pt for the second lepton in pt
# maximal pdg code for quark to be considered as a light jet *
# (otherwise b cuts are applied) *
 4 = maxjetflavor ! Maximum jet pdg code
# Store info for systematics studies *
# WARNING: Do not use for interference type of computation *
   False = use_syst ! Enable systematics studies
systematics = systematics_program ! none, systematics [python], SysCalc [depreceted, C++]
['--mur=0.5,1,2', '--muf=0.5,1,2', '--pdf=errorset'] = systematics_arguments ! see: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/Systematics#Systematicspythonmodule
# Syscalc is deprecated but to see the associate options type'update syscalc'

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Philip Sommer
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

To implement this is very simple (less than five minuts)
Now after that you will have the tricky part:
1) the phase-space integrator will likely be highly inefficient for such type of pdf.
(for your example this is obviously fine and i got 10k events out of the box but this might not be the case for some more complex processes).

2) We need to find someone who carefully that the implementation is correct and cross-check against a reference paper.
For example I have no clue if those numbers are reasonable or not:
     Cross-section : 6.076e-05 +- 2.049e-07 pb
     Nb of events : 10000

3) This is quite "dangerous" since for the moment all the default cut/... are set for lepton collider for such processes.

4) Remember that parton-shower can not be used in that scenario.

5) scale uncertainty might be problematic as well.

Revision history for this message
Philip Sommer (psommer) said :

Hi Olivier,

thanks for the quick reply. I was hoping it was easy, at least on the technical side.

On your point 2): If you send me some instructions on how to get it working I would be happy to do the cross checking by comparing with Table 1 of JHEP08 (2020) 019 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/JHEP08(2020)019

For the moment, I'm mostly interested in the order of magnitude for a few processes and don't require showering or uncertainties.


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

You can download the version of madgraph with such modifications with the following command:
bzr branch lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/3.2.0_leptonfromproton

the only test, I did is the run the following command:
generate mu+ mu- > e+ e-
set lhc 13
set pdlabel lhapdf
set lhaid 82400
set ptl 10



Revision history for this message
Philip Sommer (psommer) said :

Brilliant, thanks a lot, Olivier!

I'll get back to you with results soon!


Revision history for this message
Philip Sommer (psommer) said :

Hi Olivier,

I managed to reproduce all cross sections and uncertainties in Table 1 of JHEP08 (2020) 019 almost exactly. I've collected my numbers in a google sheet, in case you're interested in how detailed I did my comparison.

In a few cases we're off by one digit (sometimes possibly just due to different rounding conventions). For the comparison I matched the lepton pT and eta cuts, as well as the scale choice with those from the paper. The uncertainties are derived from variations of the factorisation scale.

Let me know if there are any additional studies you'd like to see.


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Thanks for the validation. I guess that i have now to discuss with my colleague what are we doing for the official version.



Revision history for this message
Philip Sommer (psommer) said :

Hi Olivier,

I think it would be nice to have this functionality in the official version. In the meantime, I can get all the numbers I am interested in out of your temporary version, i.e. there is no urgency to this on my side.

Thanks for the swift action!


Revision history for this message
Michaela Queitsch-Maitland (michaelaqm) said :

Hi Olivier,

I was wondering if this functionality is now in an official version, or if not what are the plans/timelines to put it into an official version?


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


No this is not merged, the main issue is that so far no parton-shower are able to handle such type of PDF.
So yes you can compute cross-section but this is a bit irrelevant.
Looks like HERWIG is planning to add such type of support but this is not yet released.

