Error in a QCD loop simulation using Madgraph 2.5.2 standalone

Asked by Alvaro Lopez

When trying to simulate a process of type

generate p p > h1 xd xd~ [QCD],

I encounter the following error :
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 0 [ current time: 22h44 ]
WARNING: program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17746 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 7, Completed: 1 [ 3.7s ]
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17763 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 6, Completed: 2 [ 3.7s ]
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17774 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 3 [ 3.7s ]
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uxu_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17806 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 4 [ 3.7s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 5 [ 3.7s ]
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_dxd_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17823 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 6 [ 3.8s ]
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uxu_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17816 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 7 [ 3.8s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 8 [ 3.8s ]
Command "launch auto " interrupted with error:
Exception : program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation

My complete run logfile is the following :
launch auto
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1412, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1367, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1209, in do_launch
    evt_file =, options)
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1436, in run
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1637, in run_all_jobs
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 3831, in wait_for_complete
    self.cluster.wait(self.me_dir, update_status)
  File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/various/", line 807, in wait
    raise Exception, self.fail_msg
Exception: program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation
Value of current Options:
              text_editor : None
      notification_center : True
                    pjfry : None
       cluster_local_path : None
       group_subprocesses : Auto
ignore_six_quark_processes : False
    loop_optimized_output : True
    cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
               hepmc_path : None
                  collier : ./HEPTools/lib
              auto_update : 7
             pythia8_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/pythia8
                hwpp_path : None
low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation : False
                    golem : None
          pythia-pgs_path : None
                  td_path : None
             delphes_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/Delphes
              thepeg_path : None
             cluster_type : condor
        madanalysis5_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/madanalysis5/madanalysis5
      exrootanalysis_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/ExRootAnalysis
                      OLP : MadLoop
                 applgrid : applgrid-config
               eps_viewer : None
                  fastjet : None
                 run_mode : 2
              web_browser : None
   automatic_html_opening : False
        cluster_temp_path : None
             cluster_size : 100
            cluster_queue : None
             syscalc_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/SysCalc
         madanalysis_path : None
                   lhapdf : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/lhapdf/bin/lhapdf-config
             stdout_level : 20
                  nb_core : 8
            f2py_compiler : None
                    ninja : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/lib
                  amcfast : amcfast-config
       cluster_retry_wait : 300
      output_dependencies : external
         fortran_compiler : None
mg5amc_py8_interface_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/MG5aMC_PY8_interface
         loop_color_flows : False
                  samurai : None
         cluster_nb_retry : 1
                 mg5_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5
                  timeout : 60
                    gauge : unitary
      complex_mass_scheme : False
             cpp_compiler : None
   max_npoint_for_channel : 0
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 2.5.2 2016-12-10 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
#* *
set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set loop_optimized_output True
set loop_color_flows False
set gauge unitary
set complex_mass_scheme False
set max_npoint_for_channel 0
import model 2HDMPZ2II
define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define l+ = e+ mu+
define l- = e- mu-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
generate p p > h1 xd xd~ [QCD]
output MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1 -nojpeg
      1 1.000000e+00 # gpxd
      2 1.000000e+00 # tanbeta
      3 1.000000e+00 # sinbma
      1 1.000000e+00 # lam3
      2 1.000000e+00 # lap1
      3 1.000000e+00 # lap2
      5 7.071070e-01 # sinp
      1 9.118800e+01 # mu_r
      5 4.700000e+00 # mb
      6 1.720000e+02 # mt
      15 1.777000e+00 # mta
      23 9.118760e+01 # mz
      25 1.250000e+02 # mh1
      35 7.500000e+02 # mh2
      36 5.000000e+02 # mh3
      37 7.500000e+02 # mhc
      52 1.000000e+00 # mxd
      55 1.010000e+02 # mh4
      1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
      2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
      3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
      4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
      11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
      12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
      13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
      14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
      16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
      21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
      22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
      24 7.982466e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(mz__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz__exp__4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz__exp__2)/(gf*sqrt__2)))
      9000002 9.118760e+01 # ghz : mz
      9000003 7.982466e+01 # ghwp : mw
      9000004 7.982466e+01 # ghwm : mw
      1 1.279000e+02 # aewm1
      2 1.166390e-05 # gf
      3 1.180000e-01 # as
      5 4.700000e+00 # ymb
      6 1.720000e+02 # ymt
      15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau
DECAY 6 1.508336e+00 # wt
DECAY 23 2.495200e+00 # wz
DECAY 24 2.085000e+00 # ww
DECAY 25 1.000000e+00 # wh1
DECAY 35 1.000000e+00 # wh2
DECAY 36 1.000000e+00 # wh3
DECAY 37 1.000000e+00 # whc
DECAY 55 1.000000e+00 # wh4
DECAY 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
DECAY 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
DECAY 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
DECAY 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
DECAY 5 0.000000e+00 # b : 0.0
DECAY 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
DECAY 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
DECAY 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
DECAY 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
DECAY 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0
DECAY 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
DECAY 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
DECAY 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
DECAY 52 0.000000e+00 # xd : 0.0
      1 3 # 3 times electric charge
      2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
      3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
      4 1 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
      1 0 # 3 times electric charge
      2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
      3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
      4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
      1 0 # 3 times electric charge
      2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
      3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
      4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
      1 0 # 3 times electric charge
      2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
      3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
      4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
      1 0 # 3 times electric charge
      2 2 # number of spin states (2s+1)
      3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
      4 1 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
# MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
# *
# run_card.dat aMC@NLO *
# *
# This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
# *
# Some notation/conventions: *
# *
# Lines starting with a hash (#) are info or comments *
# *
# mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
# *
# Some of the values of variables can be list. These can either be *
# comma or space separated. *
# Running parameters
# Tag name for the run (one word) *
  tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
# Number of LHE events (and their normalization) and the required *
# (relative) accuracy on the Xsec. *
# These values are ignored for fixed order runs *
  2000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
  -1.0 = req_acc ! Required accuracy (-1=auto determined from nevents)
  -1 = nevt_job ! Max number of events per job in event generation.
                 ! (-1= no split).
# Normalize the weights of LHE events such that they sum or average to *
# the total cross section *
  average = event_norm ! average or sum
# Number of points per itegration channel (ignored for aMC@NLO runs) *
  0.01 = req_acc_fo ! Required accuracy (-1=ignored, and use the
                     ! number of points and iter. below)
# These numbers are ignored except if req_acc_FO is equal to -1
  5000 = npoints_fo_grid ! number of points to setup grids
  4 = niters_fo_grid ! number of iter. to setup grids
  10000 = npoints_fo ! number of points to compute Xsec
  6 = niters_fo ! number of iter. to compute Xsec
# Random number seed *
  0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy *
  1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type (0 = no PDF)
  1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type (0 = no PDF)
  6500.0 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 energy in GeV
  6500.0 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 energy in GeV
# PDF choice: this automatically fixes also alpha_s(MZ) and its evol. *
  lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set
  271000 = lhaid ! If pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number. Only
              ! numbers for central PDF sets are allowed. Can be a list;
              ! PDF sets beyond the first are included via reweighting.
# Include the NLO Monte Carlo subtr. terms for the following parton *
# WARNING: PYTHIA6PT works only for processes without FSR!!!! *
  HERWIG6 = parton_shower
  1.0 = shower_scale_factor ! multiply default shower starting
                                  ! scale by this factor
# Renormalization and factorization scales *
# (Default functional form for the non-fixed scales is the sum of *
# the transverse masses divided by two of all final state particles *
# and partons. This can be changed in SubProcesses/set_scales.f or via *
# dynamical_scale_choice option) *
  False = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
  False = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
  91.118 = mur_ref_fixed ! fixed ren reference scale
  91.118 = muf_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale
  -1 = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one (or more) of the predefined
           ! dynamical choices. Can be a list; scale choices beyond the
           ! first are included via reweighting
  1.0 = mur_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
  1.0 = muf_over_ref ! ratio of current muF over reference muF
# Reweight variables for scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
  1.0, 2.0, 0.5 = rw_rscale ! muR factors to be included by reweighting
  1.0, 2.0, 0.5 = rw_fscale ! muF factors to be included by reweighting
  True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variation using the
            ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of
            ! booleans of equal length to dynamical_scale_choice to
            ! specify for which choice to include scale dependence.
  False = reweight_pdf ! Reweight to get PDF uncertainty. Should be a
            ! list booleans of equal length to lhaid to specify for
            ! which PDF set to include the uncertainties.
# Store reweight information in the LHE file for off-line model- *
# parameter reweighting at NLO+PS accuracy *
  False = store_rwgt_info ! Store info for reweighting in LHE file
# ickkw parameter: *
# 0: No merging *
# 3: FxFx Merging - WARNING! Applies merging only at the hard-event *
# level. After showering an MLM-type merging should be applied as *
# well. See for details. *
# 4: UNLOPS merging (with pythia8 only). No interface from within *
# MG5_aMC available, but available in Pythia8. *
# -1: NNLL+NLO jet-veto computation. See arxiv:1412.8408 [hep-ph]. *
  0 = ickkw
# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma). Determines which resonances are *
# written in the LHE event file *
  15.0 = bwcutoff
# Cuts on the jets. Jet clustering is performed by FastJet. *
# - When matching to a parton shower, these generation cuts should be *
# considerably softer than the analysis cuts. *
# - More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
  1.0 = jetalgo ! FastJet jet algorithm (1=kT, 0=C/A, -1=anti-kT)
  0.7 = jetradius ! The radius parameter for the jet algorithm
  10.0 = ptj ! Min jet transverse momentum
  -1.0 = etaj ! Max jet abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
# Cuts on the charged leptons (e+, e-, mu+, mu-, tau+ and tau-) *
# More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
  0.0 = ptl ! Min lepton transverse momentum
  -1.0 = etal ! Max lepton abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
  0.0 = drll ! Min distance between opposite sign lepton pairs
  0.0 = drll_sf ! Min distance between opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
  0.0 = mll ! Min inv. mass of all opposite sign lepton pairs
  30.0 = mll_sf ! Min inv. mass of all opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
# Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442. When ptgmin=0, *
# all the other parameters are ignored. *
# More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
  20.0 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
  -1.0 = etagamma ! Max photon abs(pseudo-rap)
  0.4 = r0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
  1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
  1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
  True = isoem ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
# For aMCfast+APPLGRID use in PDF fitting (*
  0 = iappl ! aMCfast switch (0=OFF, 1=prepare grids, 2=fill grids)

Do you have any feedback on this issue ? Thank you very much in advance.
Alvaro Lopez

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
marco zaro Edit question
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


Can you copy/paste the latest lines of
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_h1xdxdx/log.txt



> On 13 Feb 2017, at 00:58, Alvaro Lopez <email address hidden> wrote:
> New question #455774 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO:
> When trying to simulate a process of type
> generate p p > h1 xd xd~ [QCD],
> I encounter the following error :
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 0 [ current time: 22h44 ]
> WARNING: program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17746 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 7, Completed: 1 [ 3.7s ]
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17763 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 6, Completed: 2 [ 3.7s ]
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17774 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 3 [ 3.7s ]
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uxu_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17806 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 4 [ 3.7s ]
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 5 [ 3.7s ]
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_dxd_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17823 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 6 [ 3.8s ]
> /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uxu_h1xdxdx/ajob1: line 34: 17816 Terminated ../madevent_mintMC > log.txt < input_app.txt 2>&1
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 7 [ 3.8s ]
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 8 [ 3.8s ]
> Command "launch auto " interrupted with error:
> Exception : program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation
> My complete run logfile is the following :
> launch auto
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1412, in onecmd
> return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1367, in onecmd_orig
> return func(arg, **opt)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1209, in do_launch
> evt_file =, options)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1436, in run
> self.run_all_jobs(jobs_to_run,mint_step,fixed_order=False)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 1637, in run_all_jobs
> self.wait_for_complete(run_type)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/interface/", line 3831, in wait_for_complete
> self.cluster.wait(self.me_dir, update_status)
> File "/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/madgraph/various/", line 807, in wait
> raise Exception, self.fail_msg
> Exception: program /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/ajob1 1 F 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation
> Value of current Options:
> text_editor : None
> notification_center : True
> pjfry : None
> cluster_local_path : None
> group_subprocesses : Auto
> ignore_six_quark_processes : False
> loop_optimized_output : True
> cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
> hepmc_path : None
> collier : ./HEPTools/lib
> auto_update : 7
> pythia8_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/pythia8
> hwpp_path : None
> low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation : False
> golem : None
> pythia-pgs_path : None
> td_path : None
> delphes_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/Delphes
> thepeg_path : None
> cluster_type : condor
> madanalysis5_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/madanalysis5/madanalysis5
> exrootanalysis_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/ExRootAnalysis
> OLP : MadLoop
> applgrid : applgrid-config
> eps_viewer : None
> fastjet : None
> run_mode : 2
> web_browser : None
> automatic_html_opening : False
> cluster_temp_path : None
> cluster_size : 100
> cluster_queue : None
> syscalc_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/SysCalc
> madanalysis_path : None
> lhapdf : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/lhapdf/bin/lhapdf-config
> stdout_level : 20
> nb_core : 8
> f2py_compiler : None
> ninja : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/lib
> amcfast : amcfast-config
> cluster_retry_wait : 300
> output_dependencies : external
> fortran_compiler : None
> mg5amc_py8_interface_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/HEPTools/MG5aMC_PY8_interface
> loop_color_flows : False
> samurai : None
> cluster_nb_retry : 1
> mg5_path : /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5
> timeout : 60
> gauge : unitary
> complex_mass_scheme : False
> cpp_compiler : None
> max_npoint_for_channel : 0
> #************************************************************
> #* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> #* *
> #* * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * * * 5 * * * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * *
> #* *
> #* *
> #* VERSION 2.5.2 2016-12-10 *
> #* *
> #* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
> #* *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> #* *
> #* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> #* *
> #* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> set group_subprocesses Auto
> set ignore_six_quark_processes False
> set loop_optimized_output True
> set loop_color_flows False
> set gauge unitary
> set complex_mass_scheme False
> set max_npoint_for_channel 0
> import model 2HDMPZ2II
> define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
> define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
> define l+ = e+ mu+
> define l- = e- mu-
> define vl = ve vm vt
> define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
> generate p p > h1 xd xd~ [QCD]
> output MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1 -nojpeg
> ######################################################################
> ######################################################################
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 1.000000e+00 # gpxd
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 2 1.000000e+00 # tanbeta
> 3 1.000000e+00 # sinbma
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 1.000000e+00 # lam3
> 2 1.000000e+00 # lap1
> 3 1.000000e+00 # lap2
> 5 7.071070e-01 # sinp
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 9.118800e+01 # mu_r
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 5 4.700000e+00 # mb
> 6 1.720000e+02 # mt
> 15 1.777000e+00 # mta
> 23 9.118760e+01 # mz
> 25 1.250000e+02 # mh1
> 35 7.500000e+02 # mh2
> 36 5.000000e+02 # mh3
> 37 7.500000e+02 # mhc
> 52 1.000000e+00 # mxd
> 55 1.010000e+02 # mh4
> 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
> 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
> 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
> 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
> 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
> 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
> 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
> 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
> 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
> 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
> 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
> 24 7.982466e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(mz__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz__exp__4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz__exp__2)/(gf*sqrt__2)))
> 9000002 9.118760e+01 # ghz : mz
> 9000003 7.982466e+01 # ghwp : mw
> 9000004 7.982466e+01 # ghwm : mw
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 1.279000e+02 # aewm1
> 2 1.166390e-05 # gf
> 3 1.180000e-01 # as
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 5 4.700000e+00 # ymb
> 6 1.720000e+02 # ymt
> 15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau
> ###################################
> ###################################
> DECAY 6 1.508336e+00 # wt
> DECAY 23 2.495200e+00 # wz
> DECAY 24 2.085000e+00 # ww
> DECAY 25 1.000000e+00 # wh1
> DECAY 35 1.000000e+00 # wh2
> DECAY 36 1.000000e+00 # wh3
> DECAY 37 1.000000e+00 # whc
> DECAY 55 1.000000e+00 # wh4
> DECAY 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0
> DECAY 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0
> DECAY 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0
> DECAY 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0
> DECAY 5 0.000000e+00 # b : 0.0
> DECAY 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0
> DECAY 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0
> DECAY 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0
> DECAY 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0
> DECAY 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0
> DECAY 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0
> DECAY 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0
> DECAY 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0
> DECAY 52 0.000000e+00 # xd : 0.0
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 3 # 3 times electric charge
> 2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
> 3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
> 4 1 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 0 # 3 times electric charge
> 2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
> 3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
> 4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 0 # 3 times electric charge
> 2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
> 3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
> 4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 0 # 3 times electric charge
> 2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)
> 3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
> 4 0 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
> ###################################
> ###################################
> 1 0 # 3 times electric charge
> 2 2 # number of spin states (2s+1)
> 3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
> 4 1 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
> #***********************************************************************
> # MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> # *
> # run_card.dat aMC@NLO *
> # *
> # This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
> # *
> # Some notation/conventions: *
> # *
> # Lines starting with a hash (#) are info or comments *
> # *
> # mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
> # *
> # Some of the values of variables can be list. These can either be *
> # comma or space separated. *
> #***********************************************************************
> #
> #*******************
> # Running parameters
> #*******************
> #
> #***********************************************************************
> # Tag name for the run (one word) *
> #***********************************************************************
> tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
> #***********************************************************************
> # Number of LHE events (and their normalization) and the required *
> # (relative) accuracy on the Xsec. *
> # These values are ignored for fixed order runs *
> #***********************************************************************
> 2000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
> -1.0 = req_acc ! Required accuracy (-1=auto determined from nevents)
> -1 = nevt_job ! Max number of events per job in event generation.
> ! (-1= no split).
> #***********************************************************************
> # Normalize the weights of LHE events such that they sum or average to *
> # the total cross section *
> #***********************************************************************
> average = event_norm ! average or sum
> #***********************************************************************
> # Number of points per itegration channel (ignored for aMC@NLO runs) *
> #***********************************************************************
> 0.01 = req_acc_fo ! Required accuracy (-1=ignored, and use the
> ! number of points and iter. below)
> # These numbers are ignored except if req_acc_FO is equal to -1
> 5000 = npoints_fo_grid ! number of points to setup grids
> 4 = niters_fo_grid ! number of iter. to setup grids
> 10000 = npoints_fo ! number of points to compute Xsec
> 6 = niters_fo ! number of iter. to compute Xsec
> #***********************************************************************
> # Random number seed *
> #***********************************************************************
> 0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
> #***********************************************************************
> # Collider type and energy *
> #***********************************************************************
> 1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type (0 = no PDF)
> 1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type (0 = no PDF)
> 6500.0 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 energy in GeV
> 6500.0 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 energy in GeV
> #***********************************************************************
> # PDF choice: this automatically fixes also alpha_s(MZ) and its evol. *
> #***********************************************************************
> lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set
> 271000 = lhaid ! If pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number. Only
> ! numbers for central PDF sets are allowed. Can be a list;
> ! PDF sets beyond the first are included via reweighting.
> #***********************************************************************
> # Include the NLO Monte Carlo subtr. terms for the following parton *
> # WARNING: PYTHIA6PT works only for processes without FSR!!!! *
> #***********************************************************************
> HERWIG6 = parton_shower
> 1.0 = shower_scale_factor ! multiply default shower starting
> ! scale by this factor
> #***********************************************************************
> # Renormalization and factorization scales *
> # (Default functional form for the non-fixed scales is the sum of *
> # the transverse masses divided by two of all final state particles *
> # and partons. This can be changed in SubProcesses/set_scales.f or via *
> # dynamical_scale_choice option) *
> #***********************************************************************
> False = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
> False = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
> 91.118 = mur_ref_fixed ! fixed ren reference scale
> 91.118 = muf_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale
> -1 = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one (or more) of the predefined
> ! dynamical choices. Can be a list; scale choices beyond the
> ! first are included via reweighting
> 1.0 = mur_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
> 1.0 = muf_over_ref ! ratio of current muF over reference muF
> #***********************************************************************
> # Reweight variables for scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
> #***********************************************************************
> 1.0, 2.0, 0.5 = rw_rscale ! muR factors to be included by reweighting
> 1.0, 2.0, 0.5 = rw_fscale ! muF factors to be included by reweighting
> True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variation using the
> ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of
> ! booleans of equal length to dynamical_scale_choice to
> ! specify for which choice to include scale dependence.
> False = reweight_pdf ! Reweight to get PDF uncertainty. Should be a
> ! list booleans of equal length to lhaid to specify for
> ! which PDF set to include the uncertainties.
> #***********************************************************************
> # Store reweight information in the LHE file for off-line model- *
> # parameter reweighting at NLO+PS accuracy *
> #***********************************************************************
> False = store_rwgt_info ! Store info for reweighting in LHE file
> #***********************************************************************
> # ickkw parameter: *
> # 0: No merging *
> # 3: FxFx Merging - WARNING! Applies merging only at the hard-event *
> # level. After showering an MLM-type merging should be applied as *
> # well. See for details. *
> # 4: UNLOPS merging (with pythia8 only). No interface from within *
> # MG5_aMC available, but available in Pythia8. *
> # -1: NNLL+NLO jet-veto computation. See arxiv:1412.8408 [hep-ph]. *
> #***********************************************************************
> 0 = ickkw
> #***********************************************************************
> #
> #***********************************************************************
> # BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma). Determines which resonances are *
> # written in the LHE event file *
> #***********************************************************************
> 15.0 = bwcutoff
> #***********************************************************************
> # Cuts on the jets. Jet clustering is performed by FastJet. *
> # - When matching to a parton shower, these generation cuts should be *
> # considerably softer than the analysis cuts. *
> # - More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
> #***********************************************************************
> 1.0 = jetalgo ! FastJet jet algorithm (1=kT, 0=C/A, -1=anti-kT)
> 0.7 = jetradius ! The radius parameter for the jet algorithm
> 10.0 = ptj ! Min jet transverse momentum
> -1.0 = etaj ! Max jet abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
> #***********************************************************************
> # Cuts on the charged leptons (e+, e-, mu+, mu-, tau+ and tau-) *
> # More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
> #***********************************************************************
> 0.0 = ptl ! Min lepton transverse momentum
> -1.0 = etal ! Max lepton abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
> 0.0 = drll ! Min distance between opposite sign lepton pairs
> 0.0 = drll_sf ! Min distance between opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
> 0.0 = mll ! Min inv. mass of all opposite sign lepton pairs
> 30.0 = mll_sf ! Min inv. mass of all opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
> #***********************************************************************
> # Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442. When ptgmin=0, *
> # all the other parameters are ignored. *
> # More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
> #***********************************************************************
> 20.0 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
> -1.0 = etagamma ! Max photon abs(pseudo-rap)
> 0.4 = r0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
> 1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
> 1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
> True = isoem ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
> #***********************************************************************
> # For aMCfast+APPLGRID use in PDF fitting (*
> #***********************************************************************
> 0 = iappl ! aMCfast switch (0=OFF, 1=prepare grids, 2=fill grids)
> #***********************************************************************
> Do you have any feedback on this issue ? Thank you very much in advance.
> Cheers,
> Alvaro Lopez
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

Revision history for this message
Alvaro Lopez (alvarolopezsolis) said :

Hi Olivier,

I don't have such a file. However, I have five files called : check_poles.log gensym.log test_MC.log test_ME.log


Revision history for this message
marco zaro (marco-zaro) said :

Dear Alvaro,
can you copy-paste the log.txt file inside
/home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_s2hdmhxx_gg_101_1/SubProcesses/P0_uux_h1xdxdx/GF1 ?(the path is different from the one asked by olivier)
Then, do I see correctly that xd has a mass of 1 GeV? This may be too light and give rise to instabilities...


Revision history for this message
Alvaro Lopez (alvarolopezsolis) said :

Hi Marco,

Yes, I chose that mass to get an on-shell decay of one mediator that couples to DM in this model. I can increase it, the mediator mass is fixed to > 200 GeV.

The corresponding lines are :
LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/lhapdf/share/LHAPDF/NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121/NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121_0000.dat
NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121 PDF set, member #0, version 2; LHAPDF ID = 271000
 INFO: MadFKS read these parameters from FKS_params.dat
  > IRPoleCheckThreshold = 1.0000000000000001E-005
  > PrecisionVirtualAtRunTime = 1.0000000000000000E-003
  > NHelForMCoverHels = 4
  > VirtualFraction = 1.0000000000000000
  > MinVirtualFraction = 5.0000000000000001E-003
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF lhapdf : 0.12100233088321839
 using LHAPDF
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_gPXd = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lam3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_laP1 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_laP2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_sinp = 0.70710700000000004
 aEWM1 = 127.90000000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 172.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_tanbeta = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_sinbma = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_MZ = 91.187600000000003
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 172.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_mhc = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_mh1 = 125.00000000000000
 mdl_mh2 = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_mh3 = 500.00000000000000
 mdl_mh4 = 101.00000000000000
 mdl_MXd = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4952000000000001
 mdl_WW = 2.0850000000000000
 mdl_WT = 1.5083359999999999
 mdl_whc = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Wh1 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Wh2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Wh3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Wh4 = 1.0000000000000000
  Internal Params

 mdl_mh1__exp__2 = 15625.000000000000
 mdl_mh2__exp__2 = 562500.00000000000
 mdl_dm2 = 546875.00000000000
 mdl_mh3__exp__2 = 250000.00000000000
 mdl_mh4__exp__2 = 10201.000000000000
 mdl_asin__sinp = 0.78539847284644837
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_mA = 360.69436618062008
 mdl_mP = 360.69457191030858
 mdl_asin__sinbma = 1.5707963267948966
 mdl_mu1 = -7812.5000000000000
 mdl_mu3 = -0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x1 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_sinbma__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x2 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x1 = -0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_sinp__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
 mdl_TH3x3 = 0.70710656237302727
 mdl_TH3x4 = 0.70710700000000004
 mdl_TH4x3 = -0.70710700000000004
 mdl_TH4x4 = 0.70710656237302727
 mdl_tmc = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_tanbeta__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lP = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_lP1 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lP2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.1783937600012
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69142191.720053151
 mdl_mhc__exp__2 = 562500.00000000000
 mdl_tanbeta__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_mA__exp__2 = 130100.42579443924
 mdl_complexi = ( 0.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_TH3x3__exp__2 = 0.49999969055099991
 mdl_TH1x1__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x1__exp__2 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x2__exp__2 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x2__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH3x4__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
 mdl_TH4x3__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
 mdl_TH3x3__exp__3 = 0.35355306237309497
 mdl_TH3x3__exp__4 = 0.24999969055109567
 mdl_TH4x4__exp__2 = 0.49999969055099991
 mdl_TH3x4__exp__3 = 0.35355371881355413
 mdl_TH3x4__exp__4 = 0.25000030944909585
 mdl_TH1x1__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x1__exp__3 = -0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x2__exp__3 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x2__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x1__exp__4 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x1__exp__4 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH1x2__exp__4 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_TH2x2__exp__4 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29584.000000000000
 mdl_aEW = 7.8186082877247844E-003
 mdl_MW = 79.824660036055974
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.8422894590285753E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.31345100004952897
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6371.9763498719121
 mdl_sw2 = 0.23369336794341478
 mdl_cw = 0.87538941737753784
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.48341841911889827
 mdl_sw = 0.48341841911889827
 mdl_g1 = 0.35807035569216145
 mdl_gw = 0.64840516548963911
 mdl_vev = 246.21845810181625
 mdl_vev__exp__2 = 60623.529110035844
 mdl_mu2 = 509688.97088996414
 mdl_l1 = 0.12886910601690277
 mdl_l2 = 0.12886910601690277
 mdl_l3 = 1.7422617879661950
 mdl_l4 = -7.1325371609548824
 mdl_l5 = 3.5662685804774412
 mdl_l6 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_l7 = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_muP = 486.96389752549015
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465501E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.98792241086809907
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654720E-002
 mdl_I1a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I2a33 = (-0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I3a33 = (-0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I4a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I5a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I6a33 = ( 0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I7a33 = ( 0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I8a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.8251529432049817E-002
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.23369336794341478
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.76630663205658511
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
  Couplings of 2HDMPZ2II

   R2GC_255_1 = 0.00000E+00 0.28896E-02
   R2GC_256_2 = -0.00000E+00 -0.14448E-02
  R2GC_277_39 = 0.00000E+00 -0.63841E-02
  R2GC_278_40 = 0.00000E+00 0.78290E-02
        GC_10 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
       GC_139 = 0.70711E+00 0.00000E+00
       GC_155 = -0.70711E+00 0.00000E+00
       GC_111 = -0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
       GC_132 = -0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
        GC_42 = 0.00000E+00 0.57699E-01
        GC_43 = -0.00000E+00 -0.11540E+00
        GC_45 = -0.00000E+00 -0.31265E+00
        GC_46 = 0.00000E+00 0.25495E+00

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = lhapdf
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1210 running at 3 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1210 running at 3 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 1
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 2
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 3
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 4
 getting user params
Enter number of events and iterations:
 Number of events and iterations -1 12
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.9999999999999999E-002
 Enter alpha, beta for G_soft
   Enter alpha<0 to set G_soft=1 (no ME soft)
 for G_soft: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Enter alpha, beta for G_azi
   Enter alpha>0 to set G_azi=0 (no azi corr)
 for G_azi: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Doing the S and H events together
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Do MC over helicities for the virtuals
Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 1
Enter running mode for MINT:
0 to set-up grids, 1 to integrate, 2 to generate events
 MINT running mode: 0
Set the three folding parameters for MINT
xi_i, phi_i, y_ij
           1 1 1
 'all ', 'born', 'real', 'virt', 'novi' or 'grid'?
 Enter 'born0' or 'virt0' to perform
  a pure n-body integration (no S functions)
 doing the all of this channel
 Normal integration (Sfunction != 1)
 Not subdividing B.W.
 about to integrate 10 -1 12 1
 imode is 0
Time in seconds: 5


Revision history for this message
marco zaro (marco-zaro) said :

Hi Alvaro,
hmmm, strange, there is no sign of anything going wrong.

Can you please go inside

and launch the job by hand

../madevent_mintMC < input_app.txt?

and see if and how it terminates?



On 13 Feb 2017, at 15:18, Alvaro Lopez <email address hidden> wrote:

> Question #455774 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:
> Alvaro Lopez posted a new comment:
> Hi Marco,
> Yes, I chose that mass to get an on-shell decay of one mediator that
> couples to DM in this model. I can increase it, the mediator mass is
> fixed to > 200 GeV.
> The corresponding lines are :
> LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /home/alopezs/Desktop/MadGraph5/lhapdf/share/LHAPDF/NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121/NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121_0000.dat
> NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0121 PDF set, member #0, version 2; LHAPDF ID = 271000
> ===============================================================
> INFO: MadFKS read these parameters from FKS_params.dat
> ===============================================================
>> IRPoleCheckThreshold = 1.0000000000000001E-005
>> PrecisionVirtualAtRunTime = 1.0000000000000000E-003
>> NHelForMCoverHels = 4
>> VirtualFraction = 1.0000000000000000
>> MinVirtualFraction = 5.0000000000000001E-003
> ===============================================================
> A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
> Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
> New value of alpha_s from PDF lhapdf : 0.12100233088321839
> using LHAPDF
> *****************************************************
> * MadGraph/MadEvent *
> * -------------------------------- *
> * *
> * *
> * *
> * -------------------------------- *
> * *
> * *
> *****************************************************
> External Params
> ---------------------------------
> MU_R = 91.188000000000002
> mdl_gPXd = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_lam3 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_laP1 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_laP2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_sinp = 0.70710700000000004
> aEWM1 = 127.90000000000001
> mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
> aS = 0.11799999999999999
> mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
> mdl_ymt = 172.00000000000000
> mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
> mdl_tanbeta = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_sinbma = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_MZ = 91.187600000000003
> mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
> mdl_MT = 172.00000000000000
> mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
> mdl_mhc = 750.00000000000000
> mdl_mh1 = 125.00000000000000
> mdl_mh2 = 750.00000000000000
> mdl_mh3 = 500.00000000000000
> mdl_mh4 = 101.00000000000000
> mdl_MXd = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_WZ = 2.4952000000000001
> mdl_WW = 2.0850000000000000
> mdl_WT = 1.5083359999999999
> mdl_whc = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_Wh1 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_Wh2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_Wh3 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_Wh4 = 1.0000000000000000
> Internal Params
> ---------------------------------
> mdl_mh1__exp__2 = 15625.000000000000
> mdl_mh2__exp__2 = 562500.00000000000
> mdl_dm2 = 546875.00000000000
> mdl_mh3__exp__2 = 250000.00000000000
> mdl_mh4__exp__2 = 10201.000000000000
> mdl_asin__sinp = 0.78539847284644837
> mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
> mdl_mA = 360.69436618062008
> mdl_mP = 360.69457191030858
> mdl_asin__sinbma = 1.5707963267948966
> mdl_mu1 = -7812.5000000000000
> mdl_mu3 = -0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x1 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_sinbma__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x2 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x1 = -0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_sinp__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
> mdl_TH3x3 = 0.70710656237302727
> mdl_TH3x4 = 0.70710700000000004
> mdl_TH4x3 = -0.70710700000000004
> mdl_TH4x4 = 0.70710656237302727
> mdl_tmc = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_tanbeta__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_lP = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_lP1 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_lP2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.1783937600012
> mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69142191.720053151
> mdl_mhc__exp__2 = 562500.00000000000
> mdl_tanbeta__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_mA__exp__2 = 130100.42579443924
> mdl_complexi = ( 0.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_TH3x3__exp__2 = 0.49999969055099991
> mdl_TH1x1__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x1__exp__2 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x2__exp__2 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x2__exp__2 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH3x4__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
> mdl_TH4x3__exp__2 = 0.50000030944900009
> mdl_TH3x3__exp__3 = 0.35355306237309497
> mdl_TH3x3__exp__4 = 0.24999969055109567
> mdl_TH4x4__exp__2 = 0.49999969055099991
> mdl_TH3x4__exp__3 = 0.35355371881355413
> mdl_TH3x4__exp__4 = 0.25000030944909585
> mdl_TH1x1__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x1__exp__3 = -0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x2__exp__3 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x2__exp__3 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x1__exp__4 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x1__exp__4 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH1x2__exp__4 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_TH2x2__exp__4 = 1.0000000000000000
> mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
> mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29584.000000000000
> mdl_aEW = 7.8186082877247844E-003
> mdl_MW = 79.824660036055974
> mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.8422894590285753E-002
> mdl_ee = 0.31345100004952897
> mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6371.9763498719121
> mdl_sw2 = 0.23369336794341478
> mdl_cw = 0.87538941737753784
> mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.48341841911889827
> mdl_sw = 0.48341841911889827
> mdl_g1 = 0.35807035569216145
> mdl_gw = 0.64840516548963911
> mdl_vev = 246.21845810181625
> mdl_vev__exp__2 = 60623.529110035844
> mdl_mu2 = 509688.97088996414
> mdl_l1 = 0.12886910601690277
> mdl_l2 = 0.12886910601690277
> mdl_l3 = 1.7422617879661950
> mdl_l4 = -7.1325371609548824
> mdl_l5 = 3.5662685804774412
> mdl_l6 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_l7 = 0.0000000000000000
> mdl_muP = 486.96389752549015
> mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465501E-002
> mdl_yt = 0.98792241086809907
> mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654720E-002
> mdl_I1a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I2a33 = (-0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I3a33 = (-0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I4a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I5a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I6a33 = ( 0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I7a33 = ( 0.98792241086809907 , 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_I8a33 = ( 2.6995554250465501E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
> mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.8251529432049817E-002
> mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.23369336794341478
> mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.76630663205658511
> Internal Params evaluated point by point
> ----------------------------------------
> mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
> mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
> mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
> mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
> Couplings of 2HDMPZ2II
> ---------------------------------
> R2GC_255_1 = 0.00000E+00 0.28896E-02
> R2GC_256_2 = -0.00000E+00 -0.14448E-02
> R2GC_277_39 = 0.00000E+00 -0.63841E-02
> R2GC_278_40 = 0.00000E+00 0.78290E-02
> GC_10 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
> GC_139 = 0.70711E+00 0.00000E+00
> GC_155 = -0.70711E+00 0.00000E+00
> GC_111 = -0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
> GC_132 = -0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
> GC_42 = 0.00000E+00 0.57699E-01
> GC_43 = -0.00000E+00 -0.11540E+00
> GC_45 = -0.00000E+00 -0.31265E+00
> GC_46 = 0.00000E+00 0.25495E+00
> Collider parameters:
> --------------------
> Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
> PDF set = lhapdf
> alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1210 running at 3 loops.
> alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1210 running at 3 loops.
> Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
> Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis
> Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 1
> Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 2
> Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 3
> Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 4
> getting user params
> Enter number of events and iterations:
> Number of events and iterations -1 12
> Enter desired fractional accuracy:
> Desired fractional accuracy: 2.9999999999999999E-002
> Enter alpha, beta for G_soft
> Enter alpha<0 to set G_soft=1 (no ME soft)
> for G_soft: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
> Enter alpha, beta for G_azi
> Enter alpha>0 to set G_azi=0 (no azi corr)
> for G_azi: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
> Doing the S and H events together
> Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
> Using suppressed amplitude.
> Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
> Do MC over helicities for the virtuals
> Enter Configuration Number:
> Running Configuration Number: 1
> Enter running mode for MINT:
> 0 to set-up grids, 1 to integrate, 2 to generate events
> MINT running mode: 0
> Set the three folding parameters for MINT
> xi_i, phi_i, y_ij
> 1 1 1
> 'all ', 'born', 'real', 'virt', 'novi' or 'grid'?
> Enter 'born0' or 'virt0' to perform
> a pure n-body integration (no S functions)
> doing the all of this channel
> Normal integration (Sfunction != 1)
> Not subdividing B.W.
> about to integrate 10 -1 12 1
> imode is 0
> Time in seconds: 5
> Cheers,
> Alvaro
> --
> You received this question notification because you are subscribed to
> the question.

Revision history for this message
Alvaro Lopez (alvarolopezsolis) said :

It seems that the integral is zero but it gives not other error:

 process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
  1 map 1 2
  1 inv. map 1 2
  2 map 1 2
  2 inv. map 1 2
  3 map 1 2
  3 inv. map 1 2
  4 map 1 2
  4 inv. map 1 2
nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
 bpower is 0.0000000000000000
 Scale values (may change event by event):
 muR, muR_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
 muF1, muF1_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
 muF2, muF2_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
 QES, QES_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00

 muR_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
 muF1_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
 muF2_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
 QES_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state

 alpha_s= 0.11452567556394987
Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.1.6. Please make sure to cite the paper:
  Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (



Revision history for this message
marco zaro (marco-zaro) said :

Hi Alvaro,
MG5_aMC does not handle well zeros in integrals. Is the channel/partonic process expected to give zero? If so, can you please change the parameters such that instead of having zeros you have a tiny number? (if it is a coupling, se it to 1e-6 instead of zero, and so on…)


On 13 Feb 2017, at 15:27, Alvaro Lopez <email address hidden> wrote:

> Question #455774 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:
> Alvaro Lopez posted a new comment:
> It seems that the integral is zero but it gives not other error:
> ================================
> process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
> 1 map 1 2
> 1 inv. map 1 2
> 2 map 1 2
> 2 inv. map 1 2
> 3 map 1 2
> 3 inv. map 1 2
> 4 map 1 2
> 4 inv. map 1 2
> ================================
> nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
> nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
> bpower is 0.0000000000000000
> Scale values (may change event by event):
> muR, muR_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
> muF1, muF1_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
> muF2, muF2_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
> QES, QES_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
> muR_reference [functional form]:
> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
> muF1_reference [functional form]:
> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
> muF2_reference [functional form]:
> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
> QES_reference [functional form]:
> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
> alpha_s= 0.11452567556394987
> STOP 1
> Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.1.6. Please make sure to cite the paper:
> Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (
> Cheers,
> Alvaro
> --
> You received this question notification because you are subscribed to
> the question.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

If it is a coupling, you can also used restricted model to fully remove such diagram/contribution:



> On 13 Feb 2017, at 15:32, marco zaro <email address hidden> wrote:
> Question #455774 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:
> marco zaro proposed the following answer:
> Hi Alvaro,
> MG5_aMC does not handle well zeros in integrals. Is the channel/partonic process expected to give zero? If so, can you please change the parameters such that instead of having zeros you have a tiny number? (if it is a coupling, se it to 1e-6 instead of zero, and so on…)
> Cheers,
> Marco
> On 13 Feb 2017, at 15:27, Alvaro Lopez <email address hidden> wrote:
>> Question #455774 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:
>> Alvaro Lopez posted a new comment:
>> It seems that the integral is zero but it gives not other error:
>> ================================
>> process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
>> 1 map 1 2
>> 1 inv. map 1 2
>> 2 map 1 2
>> 2 inv. map 1 2
>> 3 map 1 2
>> 3 inv. map 1 2
>> 4 map 1 2
>> 4 inv. map 1 2
>> ================================
>> nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is 0.95438E-04 0.12700E+03 0.13000E+05
>> nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.23114E-02 0.62500E+03 0.13000E+05
>> bpower is 0.0000000000000000
>> Scale values (may change event by event):
>> muR, muR_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
>> muF1, muF1_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
>> muF2, muF2_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
>> QES, QES_reference: 0.131358D+03 0.131358D+03 1.00
>> muR_reference [functional form]:
>> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
>> muF1_reference [functional form]:
>> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
>> muF2_reference [functional form]:
>> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
>> QES_reference [functional form]:
>> H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state
>> alpha_s= 0.11452567556394987
>> STOP 1
>> Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.1.6. Please make sure to cite the paper:
>> Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (
>> Cheers,
>> Alvaro
>> --
>> You received this question notification because you are subscribed to
>> the question.
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask Alvaro Lopez for more information if necessary.

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