Problem running ttjj @NLO

Asked by Javier Fernandez

Dear developers,

I´m facing a problem while generating ttjj @NLO, I have reached to a point where I just need to reweight the events, so I do:

launch -r -p -x -m -f

All the jobs end succesfully but then:
INFO: Starting run
INFO: Compiling the code
INFO: For consistency in the FxFx merging, 'jetradius' has been set to 1.0
INFO: For gauge cancellation, the width of 't' has been set to zero.
INFO: Starting run
INFO: Using 32 cores
INFO: Doing reweight
INFO: Collecting events
Command "launch -r -p -x -m -f" interrupted with error:
MadGraph5Error : A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/SubProcesses.
        The compilation fails with the following output message:
            make: *** No rule to make target `collect_events.o', needed by `collect_events'. Stop.

        Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry.
        Help might be found at
        If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_07_tag_1_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

I´m using MC@NLO 2.1.1, the debug log is below.
Thank you very much in advance for any tip.

#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* and *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for aMCatNLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/ filename *
#* *
launch -r -p -x -m -f
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 872, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_ori
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 1185, in
    evt_file =, options)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 1328, in
    self.reweight_and_collect_events(options, mode, nevents, event_norm)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 2147, in
    cwd=pjoin(self.me_dir, 'SubProcesses'))
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/
mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/", line 293, in compile
    raise MadGraph5Error, error_text
MadGraph5Error: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /mnt_pool/fanae1
The compilation fails with the following output message:
    make: *** No rule to make target `collect_events.o', needed by `collect_events
'. Stop.

Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry.
Help might be found at
If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at
Value of current Options:
              web_browser : None
              text_editor : None
        cluster_temp_path : None
             syscalc_path : None
            cluster_queue : madgraph
         madanalysis_path : None
                   lhapdf : /cvmfs/
                 mg5_path : /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_
           cluster_memory : None
    cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
             cluster_time : None
               hepmc_path : None
             pythia8_path : None
                hwpp_path : None
   automatic_html_opening : False
       cluster_retry_wait : 300
             stdout_level : None
          pythia-pgs_path : None
                  td_path : None
             delphes_path : None
              thepeg_path : None
             cluster_type : condor
      exrootanalysis_path : None
         fortran_compiler : None
              auto_update : 0
         cluster_nb_retry : 1
               eps_viewer : None
                  timeout : 60
                  nb_core : 32
                 run_mode : 0
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 2.1.1 2014-03-31 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
#* *

set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set gauge unitary
set complex_mass_scheme False
import model sm
define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define l+ = e+ mu+
define l- = e- mu-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
import model loop_sm
generate p p > t t~ j j [QCD]
output -f
## ##
## Width set on Auto will be computed following the information ##
## present in the files of the model. ##
## See arXiv:1402.1178 for more details. ##
## ##

Block loop
    1 9.118800e+01 # MU_R

Block mass
    5 4.700000e+00 # MB
    6 1.730000e+02 # MT
   15 1.777000e+00 # MTA
   23 9.118800e+01 # MZ
   25 1.250000e+02 # MH
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
  1 0.000000 # d : 0.0
  2 0.000000 # u : 0.0
  3 0.000000 # s : 0.0
  4 0.000000 # c : 0.0
  11 0.000000 # e- : 0.0
  12 0.000000 # ve : 0.0
  13 0.000000 # mu- : 0.0
  14 0.000000 # vm : 0.0
  16 0.000000 # vt : 0.0
  21 0.000000 # g : 0.0
  22 0.000000 # a : 0.0
  24 80.419002 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__4/4. - (aEW*c
  82 0.000000 # gh : 0.0

Block sminputs
    1 1.325070e+02 # aEWM1
    2 1.166390e-05 # Gf
    3 1.180000e-01 # aS

Block yukawa
    5 4.700000e+00 # ymb
    6 1.730000e+02 # ymt
   15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau

DECAY 6 1.491500e+00 # WT
DECAY 23 2.441404e+00 # WZ
DECAY 24 2.047600e+00 # WW
DECAY 25 6.382339e-03 # WH
## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions.
## Those values should be edited following the
## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values
## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5
## to external program such as Pythia.
DECAY 1 0.000000 # d : 0.0
DECAY 2 0.000000 # u : 0.0
DECAY 3 0.000000 # s : 0.0
DECAY 4 0.000000 # c : 0.0
DECAY 5 0.000000 # b : 0.0
DECAY 11 0.000000 # e- : 0.0
DECAY 12 0.000000 # ve : 0.0
DECAY 13 0.000000 # mu- : 0.0
DECAY 14 0.000000 # vm : 0.0
DECAY 15 0.000000 # ta- : 0.0
DECAY 16 0.000000 # vt : 0.0
DECAY 21 0.000000 # g : 0.0
DECAY 22 0.000000 # a : 0.0
DECAY 82 0.000000 # gh : 0.0

Block QNUMBERS 82 # gh
        1 0 # 3 times electric charge
        2 1 # number of spin states (2S+1)
        3 8 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)
        4 1 # Particle/Antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)
# MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
# *
# run_card.dat aMC@NLO *
# *
# This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
# *
# Some notation/conventions: *
# *
# Lines starting with a hash (#) are info or comments *
# *
# mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
# Running parameters
# Tag name for the run (one word) *
  tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
# Number of events (and their normalization) and the required *
# (relative) accuracy on the Xsec. *
# These values are ignored for fixed order runs *
 100000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
    -1 = req_acc ! Required accuracy (-1=auto determined from nevents)
    -1 = nevt_job! Max number of events per job in event generation.
                 ! (-1= no split).
average = event_norm ! Normalize events to sum or average to the X sect.
# Number of points per itegration channel (ignored for aMC@NLO runs) *
 0.01 = req_acc_FO ! Required accuracy (-1=ignored, and use the
                           ! number of points and iter. below)
# These numbers are ignored except if req_acc_FO is equal to -1
 5000 = npoints_FO_grid ! number of points to setup grids
 4 = niters_FO_grid ! number of iter. to setup grids
 10000 = npoints_FO ! number of points to compute Xsec
 6 = niters_FO ! number of iter. to compute Xsec
# Random number seed *
     0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy *
    1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type (0 = no PDF)
    1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type (0 = no PDF)
 6500 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 energy in GeV
 6500 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 energy in GeV
# PDF choice: this automatically fixes also alpha_s(MZ) and its evol. *
 cteq6_m = pdlabel ! PDF set
  21100 = lhaid ! if pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number
# Include the NLO Monte Carlo subtr. terms for the following parton *
# WARNING: PYTHIA6PT works only for processes without FSR!!!! *
  PYTHIA8 = parton_shower
# Renormalization and factorization scales *
# (Default functional form for the non-fixed scales is the sum of *
# the transverse masses of all final state particles and partons. This *
# can be changed in SubProcesses/set_scales.f) *
 F = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
 F = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
 91.188 = muR_ref_fixed ! fixed ren reference scale
 91.188 = muF1_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf1
 91.188 = muF2_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf2
# Renormalization and factorization scales (advanced and NLO options) *
 F = fixed_QES_scale ! if .true. use fixed Ellis-Sexton scale
 91.188 = QES_ref_fixed ! fixed Ellis-Sexton reference scale
 1 = muR_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
 1 = muF1_over_ref ! ratio of current muF1 over reference muF1
 1 = muF2_over_ref ! ratio of current muF2 over reference muF2
 1 = QES_over_ref ! ratio of current QES over reference QES
# Reweight flags to get scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
# For scale dependence: factor rw_scale_up/down around central scale *
# For PDF uncertainty: use LHAPDF with supported set *
 .true. = reweight_scale ! reweight to get scale dependence
  0.5 = rw_Rscale_down ! lower bound for ren scale variations
  2.0 = rw_Rscale_up ! upper bound for ren scale variations
  0.5 = rw_Fscale_down ! lower bound for fact scale variations
  2.0 = rw_Fscale_up ! upper bound for fact scale variations
 .false. = reweight_PDF ! reweight to get PDF uncertainty
  21101 = PDF_set_min ! First of the error PDF sets
  21140 = PDF_set_max ! Last of the error PDF sets
# Merging - WARNING! Applies merging only at the hard-event level. *
# After showering an MLM-type merging should be applied as well. *
# See for more details. *
 3 = ickkw ! 0 no merging, 3 FxFx merging
# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) *
 15 = bwcutoff
# Cuts on the jets *
# Jet clustering is performed by FastJet.
# When matching to a parton shower, these generation cuts should be *
# considerably softer than the analysis cuts. *
# (more specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f) *
   1 = jetalgo ! FastJet jet algorithm (1=kT, 0=C/A, -1=anti-kT)
 0.7 = jetradius ! The radius parameter for the jet algorithm
  10 = ptj ! Min jet transverse momentum
  -1 = etaj ! Max jet abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
# Cuts on the charged leptons (e+, e-, mu+, mu-, tau+ and tau-) *
# (more specific gen cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f) *
   0 = ptl ! Min lepton transverse momentum
  -1 = etal ! Max lepton abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
   0 = drll ! Min distance between opposite sign lepton pairs
  30 = mll ! Min inv. mass of all oppositely charged lepton pairs
# Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442 *
# When ptgmin=0, all the other parameters are ignored *
  20 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
  -1 = etagamma ! Max photon abs(pseudo-rap)
 0.4 = R0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
 1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
 1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
 .true. = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
# Maximal PDG code for quark to be considered a jet when applying cuts.*
# At least all massless quarks of the model should be included here. *
 4 = maxjetflavor

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Rikkert Frederix
Last query:
Last reply:

This question was reopened

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javier,

Can you go to the /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/tt2j_2/tt2j_gridpack/work/mgbasedir/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/SubProcesses directory and type from there

make collect_events

and tell me what you get?

Best regards,

Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rikkert,

thanks for your help. After your tip, I get the same error as reported

make: *** No rule to make target `collect_events.o', needed by `collect_events'. Stop.

However, in the mean time, I have managed to solve my problem from a fresh new directory, but now I´m facing a different issue with this particular process tt+2j, it is totally unrelated to the problem which generated this thread, so I guess I should create a new one.

Nevertheless, let me explain it in brief here: 3 or 4 subprocess out of 359 create from the tt+2j request, get always stuck while running, CPU is at 100% but they can even last up to 80h generating the events or crash at some point before

They are ussually: P0_gg_ttxgg/GF62, P0_gg_ttxgg/GF61, P0_gg_ttxgg/GF22). Since I need them all successfully completed in order to merge properly the full result, it is quite frustrating.

So, my question now would be if there´s any way to improve the subprocess generation, speed it up or at least have any control on the hanging/stuck subprocesses in order to recreate/regenerate them without the need to start the full task from scratch.

Thank you very much in advance,

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

At which of the three stages is the computation? 'Setting up grids', 'computing upper envelope' or 'generating events'? If it's the latter, you can change the parameter nevt_job to split the event file generation. If it's the 'computing upper envelope' there is no way around, unfortunately. (It should not be the 'Setting up grids', if it is, let me know).


Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rikkert,

thank you! It is at the 'generating events' step, the .lhe file gets corrupted in some way.

I see I have set:

-1 = nevt_job! Max number of events per job in event generation.

So, lowering this value may help indeed. Thank you very much!

Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rikkert,

I followed your suggestion on lowering the value in nevt_job, so I have used

500 = nevt_job

which seems reasonable but, despite there´s not been any job apparently failing, reweighting crashes (full log is below, here just the crashing part):

INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 436 [ 24h 33m ]
INFO: Doing reweight
CRITICAL: Some jobs have been lost in the multicore treatment.
CRITICAL: The results might be incomplete. (Trying to continue anyway)
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 433 [ current time: 11h08 ]
tail: cannot open `/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF63_1/events.lhe.rwgt' for reading: No such file or directory
Error detected in "launch -f -o -p -x -m"
write debug file /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/run_04_tag_1_debug.log
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
aMCatNLOError : An error occurred during reweight. Check the'reweight_xsec_events.output' files inside the 'SubProcesses/P*/G*/ directories for details

I have checked the reweight_xsec_events.output file in that particular subprocess:

 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 Enter event file name
 Enter 1 to save all cross sections on tape
       0 otherwise
 QES_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muR_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF1_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF2_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 This event file cannot be reweighted [2] 1

but information is not very useful in order to debug. Any idea of what can be check in addition?
In particular, is there any way to generate only the crashed subprocesses?

Thank you very much in advance,

INFO: Starting run
INFO: Compiling the code
INFO: For consistency in the FxFx merging, 'jetradius' has been set to 1.0
INFO: For gauge cancellation, the width of 't' has been set to zero.
INFO: Starting run
INFO: Using 32 cores
INFO: Generating events without running the shower.
INFO: Updating the number of unweighted events per channel

      Intermediate results:
      Random seed: 40
      Total cross-section: 5.742e+02 +- 9.3e+00 pb
      Total abs(cross-section): 4.303e+03 +- 9.8e+00 pb

INFO: Generating events
INFO: Idle: 395, Running: 32, Completed: 9 [ current time: 10h34 ]
INFO: Idle: 394, Running: 32, Completed: 10 [ 1m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 393, Running: 32, Completed: 11 [ 1m 21s ]
INFO: Idle: 392, Running: 32, Completed: 12 [ 1m 26s ]
INFO: Idle: 391, Running: 32, Completed: 13 [ 1m 42s ]
INFO: Idle: 390, Running: 32, Completed: 14 [ 1m 48s ]
INFO: Idle: 389, Running: 32, Completed: 15 [ 1m 50s ]
INFO: Idle: 388, Running: 32, Completed: 16 [ 1m 55s ]
INFO: Idle: 387, Running: 32, Completed: 17 [ 1m 59s ]
INFO: Idle: 386, Running: 32, Completed: 18 [ 3m 13s ]
INFO: Idle: 385, Running: 32, Completed: 19 [ 3m 20s ]
INFO: Idle: 384, Running: 32, Completed: 20 [ 3m 39s ]
INFO: Idle: 383, Running: 32, Completed: 21 [ 4m 9s ]
INFO: Idle: 382, Running: 32, Completed: 22 [ 8m 8s ]
INFO: Idle: 381, Running: 32, Completed: 23 [ 9m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 380, Running: 32, Completed: 24 [ 9m 34s ]
INFO: Idle: 379, Running: 32, Completed: 25 [ 9m 34s ]
INFO: Idle: 378, Running: 32, Completed: 26 [ 9m 43s ]
INFO: Idle: 377, Running: 32, Completed: 27 [ 9m 44s ]
INFO: Idle: 376, Running: 32, Completed: 28 [ 10m 2s ]
INFO: Idle: 375, Running: 32, Completed: 29 [ 10m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 374, Running: 32, Completed: 30 [ 10m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 373, Running: 32, Completed: 31 [ 10m 5s ]
INFO: Idle: 372, Running: 32, Completed: 32 [ 10m 21s ]
INFO: Idle: 371, Running: 32, Completed: 33 [ 10m 24s ]
INFO: Idle: 370, Running: 32, Completed: 34 [ 10m 31s ]
INFO: Idle: 369, Running: 32, Completed: 35 [ 10m 57s ]
INFO: Idle: 368, Running: 32, Completed: 36 [ 11m 3s ]
INFO: Idle: 367, Running: 32, Completed: 37 [ 11m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 366, Running: 32, Completed: 38 [ 11m 42s ]
INFO: Idle: 365, Running: 32, Completed: 39 [ 12m 24s ]
INFO: Idle: 364, Running: 32, Completed: 40 [ 13m 10s ]
INFO: Idle: 363, Running: 32, Completed: 41 [ 13m 28s ]
INFO: Idle: 362, Running: 32, Completed: 42 [ 13m 51s ]
INFO: Idle: 361, Running: 32, Completed: 43 [ 14m 0s ]
INFO: Idle: 360, Running: 32, Completed: 44 [ 14m 12s ]
INFO: Idle: 359, Running: 32, Completed: 45 [ 15m 13s ]
INFO: Idle: 358, Running: 32, Completed: 46 [ 16m 48s ]
INFO: Idle: 357, Running: 32, Completed: 47 [ 17m 23s ]
INFO: Idle: 356, Running: 32, Completed: 48 [ 17m 32s ]
INFO: Idle: 355, Running: 32, Completed: 49 [ 17m 51s ]
INFO: Idle: 354, Running: 32, Completed: 50 [ 18m 16s ]
INFO: Idle: 353, Running: 32, Completed: 51 [ 18m 39s ]
INFO: Idle: 352, Running: 32, Completed: 52 [ 19m 14s ]
INFO: Idle: 351, Running: 32, Completed: 53 [ 19m 27s ]
INFO: Idle: 350, Running: 32, Completed: 54 [ 20m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 349, Running: 32, Completed: 55 [ 36m 49s ]
INFO: Idle: 348, Running: 32, Completed: 56 [ 39m 56s ]
INFO: Idle: 347, Running: 32, Completed: 57 [ 40m 9s ]
INFO: Idle: 346, Running: 32, Completed: 58 [ 45m 56s ]
INFO: Idle: 345, Running: 32, Completed: 59 [ 52m 4s ]
INFO: Idle: 344, Running: 32, Completed: 60 [ 57m 49s ]
INFO: Idle: 343, Running: 32, Completed: 61 [ 58m 38s ]
INFO: Idle: 342, Running: 32, Completed: 62 [ 1h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 341, Running: 32, Completed: 63 [ 1h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 340, Running: 32, Completed: 64 [ 1h 5m ]
INFO: Idle: 339, Running: 32, Completed: 65 [ 1h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 338, Running: 32, Completed: 66 [ 1h 55m ]
INFO: Idle: 337, Running: 33, Completed: 66 [ 2h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 336, Running: 31, Completed: 68 [ 2h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 335, Running: 31, Completed: 69 [ 2h 51m ]
INFO: Idle: 334, Running: 31, Completed: 70 [ 3h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 333, Running: 31, Completed: 71 [ 3h 2m ]
INFO: Idle: 332, Running: 31, Completed: 72 [ 3h 5m ]
INFO: Idle: 331, Running: 31, Completed: 73 [ 3h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 330, Running: 31, Completed: 74 [ 3h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 329, Running: 31, Completed: 75 [ 4h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 328, Running: 31, Completed: 76 [ 4h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 327, Running: 31, Completed: 77 [ 5h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 326, Running: 31, Completed: 78 [ 5h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 325, Running: 31, Completed: 79 [ 6h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 324, Running: 31, Completed: 80 [ 6h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 323, Running: 31, Completed: 81 [ 7h 6m ]
INFO: Idle: 322, Running: 31, Completed: 82 [ 7h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 321, Running: 31, Completed: 83 [ 8h 2m ]
INFO: Idle: 320, Running: 31, Completed: 84 [ 8h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 319, Running: 31, Completed: 85 [ 8h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 318, Running: 31, Completed: 86 [ 9h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 317, Running: 31, Completed: 87 [ 9h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 316, Running: 31, Completed: 88 [ 9h 50m ]
INFO: Idle: 315, Running: 31, Completed: 89 [ 10h 14m ]
INFO: Idle: 314, Running: 31, Completed: 90 [ 10h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 313, Running: 31, Completed: 91 [ 10h 26m ]
INFO: Idle: 312, Running: 31, Completed: 92 [ 10h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 311, Running: 31, Completed: 93 [ 10h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 310, Running: 31, Completed: 94 [ 10h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 309, Running: 31, Completed: 95 [ 10h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 308, Running: 31, Completed: 96 [ 10h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 307, Running: 31, Completed: 97 [ 10h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 306, Running: 31, Completed: 98 [ 10h 59m ]
INFO: Idle: 305, Running: 31, Completed: 99 [ 11h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 304, Running: 31, Completed: 100 [ 11h 7m ]
INFO: Idle: 303, Running: 31, Completed: 101 [ 11h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 302, Running: 31, Completed: 102 [ 11h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 301, Running: 31, Completed: 103 [ 11h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 300, Running: 31, Completed: 104 [ 11h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 299, Running: 31, Completed: 105 [ 11h 59m ]
INFO: Idle: 298, Running: 31, Completed: 106 [ 12h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 297, Running: 31, Completed: 107 [ 12h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 296, Running: 31, Completed: 108 [ 12h 5m ]
INFO: Idle: 295, Running: 31, Completed: 109 [ 12h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 294, Running: 31, Completed: 110 [ 12h 13m ]
INFO: Idle: 293, Running: 31, Completed: 111 [ 12h 18m ]
INFO: Idle: 292, Running: 31, Completed: 112 [ 12h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 291, Running: 31, Completed: 113 [ 12h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 290, Running: 31, Completed: 114 [ 12h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 289, Running: 31, Completed: 115 [ 12h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 288, Running: 31, Completed: 116 [ 12h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 287, Running: 31, Completed: 117 [ 12h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 286, Running: 31, Completed: 118 [ 12h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 285, Running: 31, Completed: 119 [ 12h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 284, Running: 31, Completed: 120 [ 12h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 283, Running: 31, Completed: 121 [ 12h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 282, Running: 31, Completed: 122 [ 12h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 281, Running: 31, Completed: 123 [ 13h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 280, Running: 31, Completed: 124 [ 13h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 279, Running: 31, Completed: 125 [ 13h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 278, Running: 31, Completed: 126 [ 13h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 277, Running: 31, Completed: 127 [ 13h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 276, Running: 31, Completed: 128 [ 13h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 275, Running: 31, Completed: 129 [ 13h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 274, Running: 31, Completed: 130 [ 13h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 273, Running: 31, Completed: 131 [ 13h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 272, Running: 31, Completed: 132 [ 13h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 271, Running: 31, Completed: 133 [ 13h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 270, Running: 31, Completed: 134 [ 13h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 269, Running: 31, Completed: 135 [ 14h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 268, Running: 31, Completed: 136 [ 14h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 267, Running: 31, Completed: 137 [ 14h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 266, Running: 31, Completed: 138 [ 14h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 265, Running: 31, Completed: 139 [ 14h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 264, Running: 31, Completed: 140 [ 14h 46m ]
INFO: Idle: 263, Running: 31, Completed: 141 [ 14h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 262, Running: 31, Completed: 142 [ 14h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 261, Running: 31, Completed: 143 [ 14h 51m ]
INFO: Idle: 260, Running: 31, Completed: 144 [ 14h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 259, Running: 31, Completed: 145 [ 14h 54m ]
INFO: Idle: 258, Running: 31, Completed: 146 [ 15h 7m ]
INFO: Idle: 257, Running: 31, Completed: 147 [ 15h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 256, Running: 31, Completed: 148 [ 15h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 255, Running: 31, Completed: 149 [ 15h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 254, Running: 31, Completed: 150 [ 15h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 253, Running: 31, Completed: 151 [ 15h 27m ]
INFO: Idle: 252, Running: 31, Completed: 152 [ 15h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 251, Running: 31, Completed: 153 [ 15h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 250, Running: 31, Completed: 154 [ 15h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 249, Running: 31, Completed: 155 [ 15h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 248, Running: 31, Completed: 156 [ 15h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 247, Running: 31, Completed: 157 [ 15h 53m ]
INFO: Idle: 246, Running: 31, Completed: 158 [ 15h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 245, Running: 31, Completed: 159 [ 15h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 244, Running: 31, Completed: 160 [ 16h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 243, Running: 31, Completed: 161 [ 16h 16m ]
INFO: Idle: 242, Running: 31, Completed: 162 [ 16h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 241, Running: 31, Completed: 163 [ 16h 35m ]
INFO: Idle: 240, Running: 31, Completed: 164 [ 16h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 239, Running: 31, Completed: 165 [ 16h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 238, Running: 31, Completed: 166 [ 16h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 237, Running: 31, Completed: 167 [ 16h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 236, Running: 31, Completed: 168 [ 16h 51m ]
INFO: Idle: 235, Running: 31, Completed: 169 [ 16h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 234, Running: 31, Completed: 170 [ 16h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 233, Running: 31, Completed: 171 [ 17h 5m ]
INFO: Idle: 232, Running: 31, Completed: 172 [ 17h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 231, Running: 31, Completed: 173 [ 17h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 230, Running: 31, Completed: 174 [ 17h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 229, Running: 31, Completed: 175 [ 17h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 228, Running: 31, Completed: 176 [ 17h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 227, Running: 31, Completed: 177 [ 17h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 226, Running: 31, Completed: 178 [ 17h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 225, Running: 31, Completed: 179 [ 17h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 224, Running: 31, Completed: 180 [ 17h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 223, Running: 31, Completed: 181 [ 18h 9m ]
INFO: Idle: 222, Running: 31, Completed: 182 [ 18h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 221, Running: 31, Completed: 183 [ 18h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 220, Running: 31, Completed: 184 [ 18h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 219, Running: 31, Completed: 185 [ 18h 55m ]
INFO: Idle: 218, Running: 31, Completed: 186 [ 19h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 217, Running: 31, Completed: 187 [ 19h 16m ]
INFO: Idle: 216, Running: 31, Completed: 188 [ 19h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 215, Running: 31, Completed: 189 [ 19h 55m ]
INFO: Idle: 214, Running: 31, Completed: 190 [ 19h 59m ]
INFO: Idle: 213, Running: 31, Completed: 191 [ 20h 2m ]
INFO: Idle: 212, Running: 31, Completed: 192 [ 20h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 211, Running: 31, Completed: 193 [ 20h 6m ]
INFO: Idle: 210, Running: 31, Completed: 194 [ 20h 7m ]
INFO: Idle: 209, Running: 31, Completed: 195 [ 20h 10m ]
INFO: Idle: 208, Running: 31, Completed: 196 [ 20h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 207, Running: 31, Completed: 197 [ 21h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 206, Running: 31, Completed: 198 [ 21h 14m ]
INFO: Idle: 205, Running: 31, Completed: 199 [ 21h 15m ]
INFO: Idle: 204, Running: 31, Completed: 200 [ 21h 16m ]
INFO: Idle: 203, Running: 31, Completed: 201 [ 21h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 202, Running: 31, Completed: 202 [ 21h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 201, Running: 31, Completed: 203 [ 21h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 200, Running: 31, Completed: 204 [ 21h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 199, Running: 31, Completed: 205 [ 21h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 198, Running: 31, Completed: 206 [ 21h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 197, Running: 31, Completed: 207 [ 21h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 196, Running: 31, Completed: 208 [ 21h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 195, Running: 31, Completed: 209 [ 21h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 194, Running: 31, Completed: 210 [ 21h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 193, Running: 31, Completed: 211 [ 21h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 192, Running: 31, Completed: 212 [ 21h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 191, Running: 31, Completed: 213 [ 21h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 190, Running: 31, Completed: 214 [ 21h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 189, Running: 31, Completed: 215 [ 21h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 188, Running: 31, Completed: 216 [ 21h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 187, Running: 31, Completed: 217 [ 21h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 186, Running: 31, Completed: 218 [ 21h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 185, Running: 31, Completed: 219 [ 21h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 184, Running: 31, Completed: 220 [ 21h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 183, Running: 31, Completed: 221 [ 21h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 182, Running: 31, Completed: 222 [ 21h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 181, Running: 31, Completed: 223 [ 21h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 180, Running: 31, Completed: 224 [ 21h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 179, Running: 31, Completed: 225 [ 21h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 178, Running: 31, Completed: 226 [ 21h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 177, Running: 31, Completed: 227 [ 21h 35m ]
INFO: Idle: 176, Running: 31, Completed: 228 [ 21h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 175, Running: 31, Completed: 229 [ 21h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 174, Running: 31, Completed: 230 [ 21h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 173, Running: 31, Completed: 231 [ 21h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 172, Running: 31, Completed: 232 [ 21h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 171, Running: 31, Completed: 233 [ 21h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 170, Running: 31, Completed: 234 [ 21h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 169, Running: 31, Completed: 235 [ 21h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 168, Running: 31, Completed: 236 [ 21h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 167, Running: 31, Completed: 237 [ 21h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 166, Running: 31, Completed: 238 [ 21h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 165, Running: 31, Completed: 239 [ 21h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 164, Running: 31, Completed: 240 [ 21h 46m ]
INFO: Idle: 163, Running: 31, Completed: 241 [ 21h 46m ]
INFO: Idle: 162, Running: 31, Completed: 242 [ 21h 47m ]
INFO: Idle: 161, Running: 31, Completed: 243 [ 21h 50m ]
INFO: Idle: 160, Running: 31, Completed: 244 [ 21h 50m ]
INFO: Idle: 159, Running: 31, Completed: 245 [ 21h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 158, Running: 31, Completed: 246 [ 21h 52m ]
INFO: Idle: 157, Running: 31, Completed: 247 [ 21h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 156, Running: 31, Completed: 248 [ 21h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 155, Running: 31, Completed: 249 [ 21h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 154, Running: 31, Completed: 250 [ 21h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 153, Running: 31, Completed: 251 [ 21h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 152, Running: 31, Completed: 252 [ 22h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 151, Running: 31, Completed: 253 [ 22h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 150, Running: 31, Completed: 254 [ 22h 4m ]
INFO: Idle: 149, Running: 31, Completed: 255 [ 22h 6m ]
INFO: Idle: 148, Running: 31, Completed: 256 [ 22h 6m ]
INFO: Idle: 147, Running: 31, Completed: 257 [ 22h 8m ]
INFO: Idle: 146, Running: 31, Completed: 258 [ 22h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 145, Running: 31, Completed: 259 [ 22h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 144, Running: 31, Completed: 260 [ 22h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 143, Running: 31, Completed: 261 [ 22h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 142, Running: 31, Completed: 262 [ 22h 13m ]
INFO: Idle: 141, Running: 31, Completed: 263 [ 22h 16m ]
INFO: Idle: 140, Running: 31, Completed: 264 [ 22h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 139, Running: 31, Completed: 265 [ 22h 18m ]
INFO: Idle: 138, Running: 31, Completed: 266 [ 22h 19m ]
INFO: Idle: 137, Running: 31, Completed: 267 [ 22h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 136, Running: 31, Completed: 268 [ 22h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 135, Running: 31, Completed: 269 [ 22h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 134, Running: 31, Completed: 270 [ 22h 22m ]
INFO: Idle: 133, Running: 31, Completed: 271 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 132, Running: 31, Completed: 272 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 131, Running: 31, Completed: 273 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 130, Running: 31, Completed: 274 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 129, Running: 31, Completed: 275 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 128, Running: 31, Completed: 276 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 127, Running: 31, Completed: 277 [ 22h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 126, Running: 31, Completed: 278 [ 22h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 125, Running: 31, Completed: 279 [ 22h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 124, Running: 31, Completed: 280 [ 22h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 123, Running: 31, Completed: 281 [ 22h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 122, Running: 31, Completed: 282 [ 22h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 121, Running: 31, Completed: 283 [ 22h 26m ]
INFO: Idle: 120, Running: 31, Completed: 284 [ 22h 26m ]
INFO: Idle: 119, Running: 31, Completed: 285 [ 22h 26m ]
INFO: Idle: 118, Running: 31, Completed: 286 [ 22h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 117, Running: 31, Completed: 287 [ 22h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 116, Running: 31, Completed: 288 [ 22h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 115, Running: 31, Completed: 289 [ 22h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 114, Running: 31, Completed: 290 [ 22h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 113, Running: 31, Completed: 291 [ 22h 29m ]
INFO: Idle: 112, Running: 31, Completed: 292 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 111, Running: 31, Completed: 293 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 110, Running: 31, Completed: 294 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 109, Running: 31, Completed: 295 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 108, Running: 31, Completed: 296 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 107, Running: 31, Completed: 297 [ 22h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 106, Running: 31, Completed: 298 [ 22h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 105, Running: 31, Completed: 299 [ 22h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 104, Running: 31, Completed: 300 [ 22h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 103, Running: 31, Completed: 301 [ 22h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 102, Running: 31, Completed: 302 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 101, Running: 31, Completed: 303 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 100, Running: 31, Completed: 304 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 99, Running: 31, Completed: 305 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 98, Running: 31, Completed: 306 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 97, Running: 31, Completed: 307 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 96, Running: 31, Completed: 308 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 95, Running: 31, Completed: 309 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 94, Running: 31, Completed: 310 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 93, Running: 31, Completed: 311 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 92, Running: 31, Completed: 312 [ 22h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 91, Running: 31, Completed: 313 [ 22h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 90, Running: 31, Completed: 314 [ 22h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 89, Running: 31, Completed: 315 [ 22h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 88, Running: 31, Completed: 316 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 87, Running: 31, Completed: 317 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 86, Running: 31, Completed: 318 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 85, Running: 31, Completed: 319 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 84, Running: 31, Completed: 320 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 83, Running: 31, Completed: 321 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 82, Running: 31, Completed: 322 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 81, Running: 31, Completed: 323 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 80, Running: 31, Completed: 324 [ 22h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 79, Running: 31, Completed: 325 [ 22h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 78, Running: 31, Completed: 326 [ 22h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 77, Running: 31, Completed: 327 [ 22h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 76, Running: 31, Completed: 328 [ 22h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 75, Running: 31, Completed: 329 [ 22h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 74, Running: 31, Completed: 330 [ 22h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 73, Running: 31, Completed: 331 [ 22h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 72, Running: 31, Completed: 332 [ 22h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 71, Running: 31, Completed: 333 [ 22h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 70, Running: 31, Completed: 334 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 69, Running: 31, Completed: 335 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 68, Running: 31, Completed: 336 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 67, Running: 31, Completed: 337 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 66, Running: 31, Completed: 338 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 65, Running: 31, Completed: 339 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 64, Running: 31, Completed: 340 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 63, Running: 31, Completed: 341 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 62, Running: 31, Completed: 342 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 61, Running: 31, Completed: 343 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 60, Running: 31, Completed: 344 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 59, Running: 31, Completed: 345 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 58, Running: 31, Completed: 346 [ 22h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 57, Running: 31, Completed: 347 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 56, Running: 31, Completed: 348 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 55, Running: 31, Completed: 349 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 54, Running: 31, Completed: 350 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 53, Running: 31, Completed: 351 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 52, Running: 31, Completed: 352 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 51, Running: 31, Completed: 353 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 50, Running: 31, Completed: 354 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 49, Running: 31, Completed: 355 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 48, Running: 31, Completed: 356 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 47, Running: 31, Completed: 357 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 46, Running: 31, Completed: 358 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 45, Running: 31, Completed: 359 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 44, Running: 31, Completed: 360 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 43, Running: 31, Completed: 361 [ 22h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 42, Running: 31, Completed: 362 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 41, Running: 31, Completed: 363 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 40, Running: 31, Completed: 364 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 39, Running: 31, Completed: 365 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 38, Running: 31, Completed: 366 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 37, Running: 31, Completed: 367 [ 22h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 36, Running: 31, Completed: 368 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 35, Running: 31, Completed: 369 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 34, Running: 31, Completed: 370 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 33, Running: 31, Completed: 371 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 32, Running: 31, Completed: 372 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 31, Running: 31, Completed: 373 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 30, Running: 31, Completed: 374 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 29, Running: 31, Completed: 375 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 28, Running: 31, Completed: 376 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 27, Running: 31, Completed: 377 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 26, Running: 31, Completed: 378 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 25, Running: 31, Completed: 379 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 24, Running: 31, Completed: 380 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 23, Running: 31, Completed: 381 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 22, Running: 31, Completed: 382 [ 22h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 21, Running: 31, Completed: 383 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 20, Running: 31, Completed: 384 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 19, Running: 31, Completed: 385 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 18, Running: 31, Completed: 386 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 17, Running: 31, Completed: 387 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 16, Running: 31, Completed: 388 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 15, Running: 31, Completed: 389 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 14, Running: 31, Completed: 390 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 13, Running: 31, Completed: 391 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 12, Running: 31, Completed: 392 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 11, Running: 31, Completed: 393 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 10, Running: 31, Completed: 394 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 9, Running: 31, Completed: 395 [ 22h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 8, Running: 31, Completed: 396 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 7, Running: 31, Completed: 397 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 31, Completed: 398 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 31, Completed: 399 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 31, Completed: 400 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 3, Running: 31, Completed: 401 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 31, Completed: 402 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 31, Completed: 403 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 31, Completed: 404 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 31, Completed: 404 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 32, Completed: 404 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 31, Completed: 405 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 27, Completed: 409 [ 22h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 22, Completed: 414 [ 22h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 21, Completed: 415 [ 22h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 19, Completed: 417 [ 22h 46m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 18, Completed: 418 [ 22h 46m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 17, Completed: 419 [ 22h 47m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 16, Completed: 420 [ 22h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 14, Completed: 422 [ 22h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 12, Completed: 424 [ 22h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 11, Completed: 425 [ 22h 50m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 11, Completed: 425 [ 22h 51m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 11, Completed: 425 [ 22h 53m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 10, Completed: 426 [ 22h 54m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 10, Completed: 426 [ 22h 55m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 9, Completed: 427 [ 22h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 9, Completed: 427 [ 22h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 9, Completed: 427 [ 23h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 428 [ 23h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 428 [ 23h 3m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 6, Completed: 430 [ 23h 5m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 7m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 9m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 11m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 13m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 15m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 431 [ 23h 18m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 432 [ 23h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 432 [ 23h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 433 [ 23h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 433 [ 23h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 433 [ 23h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 433 [ 23h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 45m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 48m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 51m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 434 [ 23h 54m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 23h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 3m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 6m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 9m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 12m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 15m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 18m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 27m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 435 [ 24h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 436 [ 24h 33m ]
INFO: Doing reweight
CRITICAL: Some jobs have been lost in the multicore treatment.
CRITICAL: The results might be incomplete. (Trying to continue anyway)
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 433 [ current time: 11h08 ]
tail: cannot open `/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF63_1/events.lhe.rwgt' for reading: No such file or directory
Error detected in "launch -f -o -p -x -m"
write debug file /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/run_04_tag_1_debug.log
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
aMCatNLOError : An error occurred during reweight. Check the'reweight_xsec_events.output' files inside the 'SubProcesses/P*/G*/ directories for details

2643249.998u 730.526s 24:34:57.55 2987.6% 0+0k 0+0io 29677pf+0w

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

What does the SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF63_1/log_MINT2.txt file say? Any errors? Is the event file in that directory okay? Does it end with the "</LesHouchesEvents>" tag?


Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rikkert,

log file looks OK (see below) and lhe file too, it ends with the </LesHouchesEvents> tag.

 INFO: MadFKS read these parameters from FKS_params.dat
  > IRPoleCheckThreshold = 1.0000000000000001E-005
  > PrecisionVirtualAtRunTime = 1.0000000000000000E-003
  > NHelForMCoverHels = 4
  > VirtualFraction = 1.0000000000000000
  > MinVirtualFraction = 5.0000000000000001E-003
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.00000000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.3823389999999999E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_complexi = ( 0.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15625.000000000000
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2_m_1 = 8.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2_m_1_0 = 8.0000000000000000
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12886910601690263
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.388347648318430
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = ( 2.6995554250465490E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I2x33 = ( 0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I3x33 = ( 0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I4x33 = ( 2.6995554250465490E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = ( -1.0206617000654716 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = ( 0.96667059156454072 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = ( -1.0206617000654716 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
  Couplings of loop_sm

       UV_3Gb = -0.22605E-01 -0.00000E+00
       UV_3Gt = 0.48815E-02 0.00000E+00
       UV_4Gb = 0.00000E+00 0.55053E-01
      UV_4Ggt = 0.00000E+00 -0.11889E-01
      UV_GQQb = 0.00000E+00 0.22605E-01
      UV_GQQt = 0.00000E+00 -0.48815E-02
     UV_tMass = 0.00000E+00 0.34177E+00
   UVWfct_t_0 = -0.98778E-03 -0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_2 = 0.40088E-02 0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_1 = -0.18563E-01 0.00000E+00
         GC_4 = -0.12177E+01 0.00000E+00
         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
         GC_6 = 0.00000E+00 0.14828E+01
       R2_3Gq = 0.76230E-02 0.00000E+00
       R2_3Gg = 0.31445E-01 0.00000E+00
  R2GC_137_43 = 0.00000E+00 0.11603E-02
  R2GC_137_44 = -0.00000E+00 -0.34810E-02
  R2GC_138_45 = -0.00000E+00 -0.11603E-02
  R2GC_138_46 = 0.00000E+00 0.34810E-02
  R2GC_139_47 = -0.00000E+00 -0.46413E-02
  R2GC_140_48 = 0.00000E+00 0.77356E-03
  R2GC_140_49 = -0.00000E+00 -0.69620E-02
  R2GC_141_50 = -0.00000E+00 -0.13924E-01
  R2GC_141_51 = -0.00000E+00 -0.48734E-01
  R2GC_142_52 = 0.00000E+00 0.13924E-01
  R2GC_142_53 = 0.00000E+00 0.48734E-01
  R2GC_143_54 = 0.00000E+00 0.12764E-01
  R2GC_143_55 = 0.00000E+00 0.52215E-01
  R2GC_144_56 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10443E-01
  R2GC_144_57 = -0.00000E+00 -0.59177E-01
  R2GC_145_58 = -0.11603E-02 0.00000E+00
  R2GC_145_59 = 0.34810E-02 0.00000E+00
       R2_GQQ = -0.00000E+00 -0.30492E-01
       R2_GGq = 0.00000E+00 0.62601E-02
       R2_GGb = -0.00000E+00 -0.82971E+00
       R2_GGt = -0.00000E+00 -0.11242E+04
     R2_GGg_1 = 0.00000E+00 0.28170E-01
     R2_GGg_2 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18780E-01
       R2_QQq = 0.00000E+00 0.12520E-01
       R2_QQt = 0.00000E+00 0.43320E+01
  UV_3Gg_1eps = 0.62890E-01 0.00000E+00
  UV_3Gb_1eps = -0.38115E-02 0.00000E+00
  UV_4Gg_1eps = 0.00000E+00 -0.15316E+00
  UV_4Gb_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.92827E-02
 UV_GQQg_1eps = 0.00000E+00 -0.62890E-01
 UV_GQQq_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.38115E-02
 UV_tMass_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.64980E+01
 UVWfct_b_0_1eps -0.18780E-01 0.00000E+00
 UVWfct_G_2_1eps -0.31300E-02 0.00000E+00

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = cteq6_m
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1180 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1180 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 1
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 2
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 3
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 4
# FastJet release 3.0.5 [fjcore]
# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 5
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 6
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 7
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 8
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 9
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 10
 getting user params
Enter number of events and iterations:
 Number of events and iterations -1 12
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.9999999999999999E-002
 Enter alpha, beta for G_soft
   Enter alpha<0 to set G_soft=1 (no ME soft)
 for G_soft: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Enter alpha, beta for G_azi
   Enter alpha>0 to set G_azi=0 (no azi corr)
 for G_azi: alpha= -1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Doing the S and H events together
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Summing over 1 helicities/event for virt
Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 54
Enter running mode for MINT:
0 to set-up grids, 1 to integrate, 2 to generate events
 MINT running mode: 2
 Generating events, doing only one iteration
Set the three folding parameters for MINT
xi_i, phi_i, y_ij
           1 1 1
 'all ', 'born', 'real', 'virt', 'novi' or 'grid'?
 Enter 'born0' or 'virt0' to perform
  a pure n-body integration (no S functions)
 doing the all of this channel
 Normal integration (Sfunction != 1)
 Using dconfig= 9000
 BW Setting 3 3 3 3 3
 about to integrate 13 -1 1 54
 Generating 11159 events
 Generating virt :: novi approx. 594 10565
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 imode is 2
Using random seed offsets: 54 , 1 , 0
  with seed 33
 Ranmar initialization seeds 12002 9408
 Total number of FKS directories is 10
 FKS process map (sum= 3 ) :
           1 --> 3 : 1 6 7
           2 --> 3 : 2 8 9
           3 --> 1 : 3
           4 --> 1 : 4
           5 --> 2 : 5 10
 process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
  1 map 1
  1 inv. map 1
  2 map 1
  2 inv. map 1
  3 map 1
  3 inv. map 1
  4 map 1
  4 inv. map 1
  5 map 1
  5 inv. map 1
  6 map 1 1 1 1
  6 inv. map 4
  7 map 1 1 1 1
  7 inv. map 4
  8 map 1 1 1 1
  8 inv. map 4
  9 map 1 1 1 1
  9 inv. map 4
 10 map 1 1 1 1
 10 inv. map 4
nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 5. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 5. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 10. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 10. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
 bpower is 4.0000000000000000
 Scale values (may change event by event):
 muR, muR_reference: 0.514527D+03 0.514527D+03 1.00
 muF1, muF1_reference: 0.396615D+03 0.396615D+03 1.00
 muF2, muF2_reference: 0.396615D+03 0.396615D+03 1.00
 QES, QES_reference: 0.102035D+04 0.102035D+04 1.00

 muR_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 muF1_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 muF2_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 QES_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state

 alpha_s= 9.3678781372376493E-002
 alpha_s value used for the virtuals is (for the first PS point): 0.11571455130368773
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from MadLoopParams.dat
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-003
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 3
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = T
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.2 |
| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.4 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 02-01-2014 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
 alpha_s value used for the virtuals is (for the first PS point): 0.10062226690345914
 another call to 1949653
 vetoed calls in 1938494
 failed generati 507212
 events gen novi 10591
 ubound fail nov 156
 events gen virt 568
 ubound fail vir 20
 Generation efficiencies: 5.7076032216081636E-003 6.0388271066788577E-003
 Maximum weight found: 31009901897.719032
 Found for: 0.17270681064815119 0.99950634988898168
 Satistics from MadLoop:
   Total points tried: 53187
   Stability unknown: 0
   Stable PS point: 52540
   Unstable PS point (and rescued): 647
   Exceptional PS point (unstable and not rescued): 0
   Double precision used: 52540
   Quadruple precision used: 647
   Initialization phase-space points: 1
   Unknown return code (100): 0
   Unknown return code (10): 0
   Unknown return code (1): 0
 Time spent in clustering : 250.181641
 Time spent in PDF_Engine : 44.3704262
 Time spent in Reals_evaluation: 31385.3828
 Time spent in IS_evaluation : 32787.7422
 Time spent in OneLoop_Engine : 215397.781
 Time spent in PS_Generation : 84.8152161
 Time spent in other_tasks : 1375.85938
 Time spent in Total : 281326.125
Time in seconds: 281513

Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rikkert,

I have tried reducing by a factor 2 the number of events/job (250 = nevt_job) but it ended with the same problem in Subprocess /P0_gg_ttxgg/GF63_1

but no "apparent" source of error is reported in the logs (see below for a full output).

Could you please give me any hint on what to check in order to complete the production? Is there any way to skip this subprocess in the event weight step?

Thanks in advance,

 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 Enter event file name
 Enter 1 to save all cross sections on tape
       0 otherwise
 QES_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muR_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF1_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF2_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 This event file cannot be reweighted [2]

events.lhe ends with </event>

 INFO: MadFKS read these parameters from FKS_params.dat
  > IRPoleCheckThreshold = 1.0000000000000001E-005
  > PrecisionVirtualAtRunTime = 1.0000000000000000E-003
  > NHelForMCoverHels = 4
  > VirtualFraction = 1.0000000000000000
  > MinVirtualFraction = 5.0000000000000001E-003
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.00000000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 0.0000000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.3823389999999999E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_complexi = ( 0.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15625.000000000000
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2_m_1 = 8.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2_m_1_0 = 8.0000000000000000
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12886910601690263
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.388347648318430
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = ( 2.6995554250465490E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I2x33 = ( 0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I3x33 = ( 0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_I4x33 = ( 2.6995554250465490E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = ( -1.0206617000654716 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = ( 0.96667059156454072 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = ( -1.0206617000654716 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
  Couplings of loop_sm

       UV_3Gb = -0.22605E-01 -0.00000E+00
       UV_3Gt = 0.48815E-02 0.00000E+00
       UV_4Gb = 0.00000E+00 0.55053E-01
      UV_4Ggt = 0.00000E+00 -0.11889E-01
      UV_GQQb = 0.00000E+00 0.22605E-01
      UV_GQQt = 0.00000E+00 -0.48815E-02
     UV_tMass = 0.00000E+00 0.34177E+00
   UVWfct_t_0 = -0.98778E-03 -0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_2 = 0.40088E-02 0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_1 = -0.18563E-01 0.00000E+00
         GC_4 = -0.12177E+01 0.00000E+00
         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
         GC_6 = 0.00000E+00 0.14828E+01
       R2_3Gq = 0.76230E-02 0.00000E+00
       R2_3Gg = 0.31445E-01 0.00000E+00
  R2GC_137_43 = 0.00000E+00 0.11603E-02
  R2GC_137_44 = -0.00000E+00 -0.34810E-02
  R2GC_138_45 = -0.00000E+00 -0.11603E-02
  R2GC_138_46 = 0.00000E+00 0.34810E-02
  R2GC_139_47 = -0.00000E+00 -0.46413E-02
  R2GC_140_48 = 0.00000E+00 0.77356E-03
  R2GC_140_49 = -0.00000E+00 -0.69620E-02
  R2GC_141_50 = -0.00000E+00 -0.13924E-01
  R2GC_141_51 = -0.00000E+00 -0.48734E-01
  R2GC_142_52 = 0.00000E+00 0.13924E-01
  R2GC_142_53 = 0.00000E+00 0.48734E-01
  R2GC_143_54 = 0.00000E+00 0.12764E-01
  R2GC_143_55 = 0.00000E+00 0.52215E-01
  R2GC_144_56 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10443E-01
  R2GC_144_57 = -0.00000E+00 -0.59177E-01
  R2GC_145_58 = -0.11603E-02 0.00000E+00
  R2GC_145_59 = 0.34810E-02 0.00000E+00
       R2_GQQ = -0.00000E+00 -0.30492E-01
       R2_GGq = 0.00000E+00 0.62601E-02
       R2_GGb = -0.00000E+00 -0.82971E+00
       R2_GGt = -0.00000E+00 -0.11242E+04
     R2_GGg_1 = 0.00000E+00 0.28170E-01
     R2_GGg_2 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18780E-01
       R2_QQq = 0.00000E+00 0.12520E-01
       R2_QQt = 0.00000E+00 0.43320E+01
  UV_3Gg_1eps = 0.62890E-01 0.00000E+00
  UV_3Gb_1eps = -0.38115E-02 0.00000E+00
  UV_4Gg_1eps = 0.00000E+00 -0.15316E+00
  UV_4Gb_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.92827E-02
 UV_GQQg_1eps = 0.00000E+00 -0.62890E-01
 UV_GQQq_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.38115E-02
 UV_tMass_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.64980E+01
 UVWfct_b_0_1eps -0.18780E-01 0.00000E+00
 UVWfct_G_2_1eps -0.31300E-02 0.00000E+00

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = cteq6_m
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1180 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1180 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 1
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 2
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 3
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 4
# FastJet release 3.0.5 [fjcore]
# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 5
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 6
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 7
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 8
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 9
 Diagram information for clustering has been set-up for nFKSprocess 10
 getting user params
Enter number of events and iterations:
 Number of events and iterations -1 12
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.9999999999999999E-002
 Enter alpha, beta for G_soft
   Enter alpha<0 to set G_soft=1 (no ME soft)
 for G_soft: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Enter alpha, beta for G_azi
   Enter alpha>0 to set G_azi=0 (no azi corr)
 for G_azi: alpha= -1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Doing the S and H events together
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Summing over 1 helicities/event for virt
Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 54
Enter running mode for MINT:
0 to set-up grids, 1 to integrate, 2 to generate events
 MINT running mode: 2
 Generating events, doing only one iteration
Set the three folding parameters for MINT
xi_i, phi_i, y_ij
           1 1 1
 'all ', 'born', 'real', 'virt', 'novi' or 'grid'?
 Enter 'born0' or 'virt0' to perform
  a pure n-body integration (no S functions)
 doing the all of this channel
 Normal integration (Sfunction != 1)
 Using dconfig= 9000
 BW Setting 3 3 3 3 3
 about to integrate 13 -1 1 54
 Generating 246 events
 Generating virt :: novi approx. 13 233
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 imode is 2
 Got moffset 1
Using random seed offsets: 54 , 1 , 3157
  with seed 42
 Ranmar initialization seeds 22973 12574
 Total number of FKS directories is 10
 FKS process map (sum= 3 ) :
           1 --> 3 : 1 6 7
           2 --> 3 : 2 8 9
           3 --> 1 : 3
           4 --> 1 : 4
           5 --> 2 : 5 10
 process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
  1 map 1
  1 inv. map 1
  2 map 1
  2 inv. map 1
  3 map 1
  3 inv. map 1
  4 map 1
  4 inv. map 1
  5 map 1
  5 inv. map 1
  6 map 1 1 1 1
  6 inv. map 4
  7 map 1 1 1 1
  7 inv. map 4
  8 map 1 1 1 1
  8 inv. map 4
  9 map 1 1 1 1
  9 inv. map 4
 10 map 1 1 1 1
 10 inv. map 4
nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 5. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 5. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.70838E-03 0.34600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 10. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
nFKSprocess: 10. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.79264E-03 0.36600E+03 0.13000E+05
 bpower is 4.0000000000000000
 Scale values (may change event by event):
 muR, muR_reference: 0.135888D+03 0.135888D+03 1.00
 muF1, muF1_reference: 0.262633D+02 0.262633D+02 1.00
 muF2, muF2_reference: 0.262633D+02 0.262633D+02 1.00
 QES, QES_reference: 0.395321D+03 0.395321D+03 1.00

 muR_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 muF1_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 muF2_reference [functional form]:
    FxFx merging scale
 QES_reference [functional form]:
    H_T/2 := sum_i mT(i)/2, i=final state

 alpha_s= 0.11131270833527034
 alpha_s value used for the virtuals is (for the first PS point): 0.10722538071668661
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from MadLoopParams.dat
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-003
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 3
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = T
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.2 |
| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.4 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 02-01-2014 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
 alpha_s value used for the virtuals is (for the first PS point): 9.8069784350722874E-002
 another call to 44192
 vetoed calls in 43946
 failed generati 11308
 events gen novi 233
 events gen virt 13
 ubound fail nov 5
 Generation efficiencies: 5.5687005568700555E-003 5.5295618885580601E-003
 Maximum weight found: 7501721365.6946411
 Found for: 5.0824802099779633E-003 0.97231080666786962
 Satistics from MadLoop:
   Total points tried: 1339
   Stability unknown: 0
   Stable PS point: 1325
   Unstable PS point (and rescued): 14
   Exceptional PS point (unstable and not rescued): 0
   Double precision used: 1325
   Quadruple precision used: 14
   Initialization phase-space points: 1
   Unknown return code (100): 0
   Unknown return code (10): 0
   Unknown return code (1): 0
 Time spent in clustering : 9.19854355
 Time spent in PDF_Engine : 1.58250678
 Time spent in Reals_evaluation: 1072.69434
 Time spent in IS_evaluation : 1507.01831
 Time spent in OneLoop_Engine : 10304.3809
 Time spent in PS_Generation : 2.63594294
 Time spent in other_tasks : -315.037842
 Time spent in Total : 12582.4727
Time in seconds: 12585

#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* and *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for aMCatNLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/ filename *
#* *
launch -f -o -p -x -m
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 872, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 1185, in do_launch
    evt_file =, options)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 1530, in run
    return self.reweight_and_collect_events(options, mode, nevents, event_norm)
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 2143, in reweight_and_collect_events
    scale_pdf_info = self.run_reweight(options['reweightonly'])
  File "/mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/bin/internal/", line 2671, in run_reweight
    '\'SubProcesses/P*/G*/ directories for details')
aMCatNLOError: An error occurred during reweight. Check the'reweight_xsec_events.output' files inside the 'SubProcesses/P*/G*/ directories for details
Value of current Options:
              web_browser : None
              text_editor : None
        cluster_temp_path : None
             syscalc_path : None
            cluster_queue : madgraph
         madanalysis_path : None
                   lhapdf : /cvmfs/
                 mg5_path : /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1
           cluster_memory : None
    cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
             cluster_time : None
               hepmc_path : None
             pythia8_path : None
                hwpp_path : None
   automatic_html_opening : False
       cluster_retry_wait : 300
             stdout_level : None
          pythia-pgs_path : None
                  td_path : None
             delphes_path : None
              thepeg_path : None
             cluster_type : condor
      exrootanalysis_path : None
         fortran_compiler : None
              auto_update : 0
         cluster_nb_retry : 1
               eps_viewer : None
                  timeout : 60
                  nb_core : 32
                 run_mode : 2

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

This is strange. Can you please send me the event file of this directory (rikkert.frederix @ ?


Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rik,

sure, but to avoid bad formattings, please find it on:


Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

Thanks for the event file. I've tried to run the reweight script myself and I cannot reproduce your error. I don't know what went wrong in your case. Can you try executing the reweight script yourself as well?

Go to the SubProcesses/P*/G* directory in which there was the failure.
Execute "../reweight_xsec_events" and give the inputs "events.lhe" and "0" (without the quotation signs).


Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rik,

I get the same, so I guess the executable is not OK:

[fanae127] ~/MG5_aMC_v2_1_1/tt2j_FxFx/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF63_1 > ../reweight_xsec_events
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6_m: 0.11799999999999999
 Enter event file name
 Enter 1 to save all cross sections on tape
       0 otherwise
 QES_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muR_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF1_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 muF2_over_ref: 1.0000000000000000
 This event file cannot be reweighted [2] 1

Revision history for this message
Best Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

I think you should try to regenerate the events using

launch -f -o -p -m

(i.e. without the -x so that it does compile the code).


Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Dear Rik,

starting from scratch it worked. However I got in the summary file a message telling me to report the authors, here it goes:

      Process p p > t t~ j j [QCD]
      Run at p-p collider (6500 + 6500 GeV)
      Total cross-section: 5.707e+02 +- 9.8e+00 pb
      Ren. and fac. scale uncertainty: +5.6% -15.1%
      Number of events generated: 1000000
      Parton shower to be used: PYTHIA8
      Fraction of negative weights: 0.43
      Total running time : 194h 38m
  Number of loop ME evaluations (by MadLoop): 4393782
    Stability unknown: 0
    Stable PS point: 4352601
    Unstable PS point (and rescued): 41178
    Unstable PS point (and not rescued): 3
    Only double precision used: 4352601
    Quadruple precision used: 41181
    Initialization phase-space points: 4827
  Total number of unstable PS point detected: 3 (0.00%)
    Maximum fraction of UPS points in channel tt2j/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF22_9 (0.23%)
    Please report this to the authors while providing the file

More /mnt_pool/fanae105/user/jfernan/CMSSW_6_2_7/src/FxFx/tt2j/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttxgg/GF22_9/UPS.log
 ===== EPS # 1 =====
 mu_r = 305.98612287570938
 alpha_S = 0.11550542958154500
 MadLoop return code, pole check and accuracy reported 420 F 0.42943567109774244
 helicity (MadLoop only) 0 1
 1/eps**2 expected from MadFKS= -1.3220764498287689E-005
 1/eps**2 obtained in MadLoop = -6.3638515178902024E-005
 1/eps expected from MadFKS= -3.2797321197349342E-005
 1/eps obtained in MadLoop = 2.5708658940675708E-004
 finite obtained in MadLoop = 9.5383524898995153E-002
 Accuracy estimated by MadLop = 0.42943567109774244
 1 0.663621152895197E+03 0.000000000000000E+00 0.000000000000000E+00 0.663621152895197E+03 0.000000000000000E+00
 2 0.663621152895197E+03 -0.000000000000000E+00 -0.000000000000000E+00 -0.663621152895197E+03 0.000000000000000E+00
 3 0.252627381617741E+03 0.904127582279195E+01 -0.369412464528969E+02 0.180125493989714E+03 0.173000000000000E+03
 4 0.474001302120468E+03 0.393434728875052E+02 0.192698368153727E+03 0.395054001959150E+03 0.173000000000000E+03
 5 0.647936986757767E+02 0.121897604576115E+02 -0.129535724579214E+02 -0.623043986300387E+02 0.000000000000000E+00
 6 0.535819923376408E+03 -0.605745091679087E+02 -0.142803549242909E+03 -0.512875097318825E+03 0.000000000000000E+00

Revision history for this message
Javier Fernandez (javier-fernandez-h) said :

Thanks Rikkert Frederix, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Javi,

Ok. I'm happy that your problem is solved.

Thanks for reporting the "UPS points". These are phase-space points for which our automatic check flags that the result cannot be trusted (because of numerical instabilities) and that the weight for that phase-space point is therefore set to zero. That this happens is quite rare, and we would like to understand exactly where this problem is coming from. Therefore we ask the users of the code to help collecting them and sending them to us so that we can try to improve our code.
From your side there is nothing to worry about because there are only 3 out of 4393782 that have this problem.
