dijet mjj distribution @ 8TeV LHC

Asked by Jure Drobnak

Hi guys,

I am trying to compute the mjj spectrum of the dijet production @ 8TeV LHC using MG5 (version 1.5.9) and I seem to be running into some sort of issue that I dont really understand.

I am looking only at partonic level analysis for now and only Standard Model. All I am trying to do is to get x-sections sigma_i for p p > j j process where "i" denotes the i-th m_jj bin. To get this I have simply implemented the m_jj lower and higher cut in the run_card.dat.

My issue is the following. I choose the m_jj bin to be for instance [2100 GeV, 2200 GeV] and set the cuts in the run_card.dat accordingly. I then compute the sigma_i x-section. The precision I use is set to 10.000 events. As MG5 computes the sigma_i it gives me the result and the estimated error which is well below 1%. But then I repeat this procedure 100 times - computing the same thing every time and I get results which seem to have significant fluctuations.

In particular based on these 100 computations of sigma_i, i get avg(sigma_i) = 1905 pb, with standard deviation of this sample std(sigma_i) = 276 pb which is of the order 15%! Further, the spread {sigma_i^min, sigma_i^max} = {836.8, 2560} which seems really high.

I am trying to understand why I am seeing such substantial fluctuations which are clearly not compatible with the MG estimated precision which well below 1% level.

My definition of jets includes the b quark. The light quarks are massless and I am using the following cuts in the run_card.dat
30 = ptj ! minimum pt for the jets
2.5 = ej ! minimum E for the jets
5 = etaj ! max rap for the jets
0.0 = drjj ! min distance between jets
2100 = mmjj ! min invariant mass of a jet pair
2200 = mmjjmax ! max invariant mass of a jet pair

I am using adaptive ren/fact scale with scalefact set to 0.707 and cteq6_m pdf.

Please let me know if you have any idea of what I might be causing these fluctuations?
I will be happy to supply any additional information/cards.

Best Regards
Jure Drobnak

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MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Hi Jure,

I'm not expected at all that you have weird behavior for such type of cut.
The phase-space integrator is not optimize for such type of strong cut.
And clearly the integration in your case starts to do bullshit.

The next version of MG5 (1.5.12) should improve the gestion of MMJJ (but not the one of MMJJMAX) which leads to faster integration for WBF processes and should be able to help for your process as well. But in any case at a point, you will always such type of problems.



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