An error occurred during the collection of results

Asked by Benedikt Maier

Hi aMC@NLO team,

I'm using the following .sh-script to generate a singletop+higgs process:

set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set loop_optimized_output True
set gauge unitary
set complex_mass_scheme False
import model sm
set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
import model sm
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define p = j
define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
define l- = e- mu- ta-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
import model loop_sm
generate p p > t~ h b j $$ w+ w- [QCD]
output aMC_tbarH_nocuts


Since I googled the error and one person had a similar error message after she had changed something with the scales muR and F1/F2, I also post the run_card-piece (although I cannot see why it should be faulty):

 T = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
 T = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
 150.0 = muR_ref_fixed ! fixed ren reference scale
 150.0 = muF1_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf1
 150.0 = muF2_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf2
# Renormalization and factorization scales (advanced and NLO options) *
 F = fixed_QES_scale ! if .true. use fixed Ellis-Sexton scale
 150.0 = QES_ref_fixed ! fixed Ellis-Sexton reference scale
 1 = muR_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
 1 = muF1_over_ref ! ratio of current muF1 over reference muF1
 1 = muF2_over_ref ! ratio of current muF2 over reference muF2
 1 = QES_over_ref ! ratio of current QES over reference QES
# Reweight flags to get scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
# For scale dependence: factor rw_scale_up/down around central scale *
# For PDF uncertainty: use LHAPDF with supported set *
 .true. = reweight_scale ! reweight to get scale dependence
  0.5 = rw_Rscale_down ! lower bound for ren scale variations
  2.0 = rw_Rscale_up ! upper bound for ren scale variations
  0.5 = rw_Fscale_down ! lower bound for fact scale variations
  2.0 = rw_Fscale_up ! upper bound for fact scale variations
 .false. = reweight_PDF ! reweight to get PDF uncertainty
  21101 = PDF_set_min ! First of the error PDF sets
  21140 = PDF_set_max ! Last of the error PDF sets


Now I definetely succeeded two days ago in generating the process, but today I got the following error:

INFO: Using 8 cores
INFO: Cleaning previous results
INFO: Doing NLO matched to parton shower
INFO: Setting up grid
INFO: Idle: 56, Running: 8, Completed: 0 [ current time: 16h59 ]
INFO: Idle: 55, Running: 8, Completed: 1 [ 45m 44s ]
INFO: Idle: 54, Running: 8, Completed: 2 [ 45m 49s ]
INFO: Idle: 53, Running: 8, Completed: 3 [ 46m 2s ]
INFO: Idle: 52, Running: 8, Completed: 4 [ 46m 28s ]
INFO: Idle: 51, Running: 8, Completed: 5 [ 1h 34m ]
INFO: Idle: 50, Running: 8, Completed: 6 [ 1h 35m ]
INFO: Idle: 49, Running: 8, Completed: 7 [ 1h 35m ]
INFO: Idle: 48, Running: 8, Completed: 8 [ 1h 35m ]
INFO: Idle: 47, Running: 8, Completed: 9 [ 1h 36m ]
INFO: Idle: 46, Running: 8, Completed: 10 [ 1h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 45, Running: 8, Completed: 11 [ 1h 59m ]
INFO: Idle: 44, Running: 8, Completed: 12 [ 2h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 43, Running: 8, Completed: 13 [ 2h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 42, Running: 8, Completed: 14 [ 2h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 41, Running: 8, Completed: 15 [ 2h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 40, Running: 8, Completed: 16 [ 2h 57m ]
INFO: Idle: 39, Running: 8, Completed: 17 [ 2h 59m ]
INFO: Idle: 38, Running: 8, Completed: 18 [ 3h 0m ]
INFO: Idle: 37, Running: 8, Completed: 19 [ 3h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 36, Running: 8, Completed: 20 [ 3h 2m ]
INFO: Idle: 35, Running: 8, Completed: 21 [ 3h 17m ]
INFO: Idle: 34, Running: 8, Completed: 22 [ 3h 40m ]
INFO: Idle: 33, Running: 8, Completed: 23 [ 3h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 32, Running: 8, Completed: 24 [ 3h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 31, Running: 8, Completed: 25 [ 3h 44m ]
INFO: Idle: 30, Running: 8, Completed: 26 [ 3h 49m ]
INFO: Idle: 29, Running: 8, Completed: 27 [ 3h 56m ]
INFO: Idle: 28, Running: 8, Completed: 28 [ 3h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 27, Running: 8, Completed: 29 [ 4h 1m ]
INFO: Idle: 26, Running: 8, Completed: 30 [ 4h 14m ]
INFO: Idle: 25, Running: 8, Completed: 31 [ 4h 16m ]
INFO: Idle: 24, Running: 8, Completed: 32 [ 4h 20m ]
INFO: Idle: 23, Running: 8, Completed: 33 [ 4h 21m ]
INFO: Idle: 22, Running: 8, Completed: 34 [ 4h 23m ]
INFO: Idle: 21, Running: 8, Completed: 35 [ 4h 24m ]
INFO: Idle: 20, Running: 8, Completed: 36 [ 4h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 19, Running: 8, Completed: 37 [ 4h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 18, Running: 8, Completed: 38 [ 4h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 17, Running: 8, Completed: 39 [ 4h 25m ]
INFO: Idle: 16, Running: 8, Completed: 40 [ 4h 27m ]
INFO: Idle: 15, Running: 8, Completed: 41 [ 4h 28m ]
INFO: Idle: 14, Running: 8, Completed: 42 [ 4h 30m ]
INFO: Idle: 13, Running: 8, Completed: 43 [ 4h 31m ]
INFO: Idle: 12, Running: 8, Completed: 44 [ 4h 32m ]
INFO: Idle: 11, Running: 8, Completed: 45 [ 4h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 10, Running: 8, Completed: 46 [ 4h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 9, Running: 8, Completed: 47 [ 4h 33m ]
INFO: Idle: 8, Running: 8, Completed: 48 [ 4h 37m ]
INFO: Idle: 7, Running: 8, Completed: 49 [ 4h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 8, Completed: 50 [ 4h 38m ]
INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 8, Completed: 51 [ 4h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 8, Completed: 52 [ 4h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 3, Running: 8, Completed: 53 [ 4h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 8, Completed: 54 [ 4h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 8, Completed: 55 [ 4h 39m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 56 [ 4h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 7, Completed: 57 [ 4h 41m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 6, Completed: 58 [ 4h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 59 [ 4h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 60 [ 4h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 61 [ 4h 42m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 62 [ 4h 43m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 63 [ 4h 58m ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 64 [ 6h 10m ]
ERROR: not all jobs terminated correctly

ERROR: not all jobs terminated correctly

INFO: Return code of the event collection: None
INFO: Output of the event collection:
N of directories: 64
Determining the number of unweighted events per channel
1 jobs did not terminate correctly
Found 63 correctly terminated jobs
63 64
Integrated abs(cross-section)
P0_ug_htbxd/GF8/res_0: Final result [ABS]: 2.95989742506967111E-006 +/- 1.12704517939810448E-007
1 jobs did not terminate correctly
Found 63 correctly terminated jobs
63 64
Integrated cross-section
P0_ug_htbxd/GF8/res_0: Final result: 5.98451501446658586E-007 +/- 1.14108042576254843E-007

Error detected in "launch auto "
write debug file /afs/
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
aMCatNLOError : An error occurred during the collection of results



The debug log gives:

 launch auto
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/afs/", line 825, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/afs/", line 818, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/afs/", line 1058, in do_launch
    evt_file =, options)
  File "/afs/", line 1333, in run
    self.cross_sect_dict = self.read_results(output, mode)
  File "/afs/", line 1380, in read_results
    raise aMCatNLOError('An error occurred during the collection of results')
aMCatNLOError: An error occurred during the collection of results
Value of current Options:
              web_browser : None
              text_editor : None
        cluster_temp_path : None
       group_subprocesses : Auto
            cluster_queue : None
         madanalysis_path : None
                   lhapdf : /afs/
ignore_six_quark_processes : False
                 mg5_path : /afs/
    loop_optimized_output : True
    cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
             pythia8_path : None
   automatic_html_opening : True
             stdout_level : 20
          pythia-pgs_path : None
                  td_path : None
             delphes_path : None
              auto_update : 7
             cluster_type : condor
         fortran_compiler : None
   MCatNLO-utilities_path : /afs/
      exrootanalysis_path : None
               eps_viewer : None
                  timeout : 60
                  fastjet : /afs/
                    gauge : unitary
      complex_mass_scheme : False
                  nb_core : 8
                 run_mode : 2


I do not understand what is going wrong - can you please help me with it??



Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) said :

Dear Ben,

Can you tell me what the contents of the SubProcesses/P0_ug_htbxd/GF8/log.txt is? (Either include it as a file, or copy the contents here).


Revision history for this message
Benedikt Maier (bmaier) said :

Dear Rikkert,

here is the content of the log.txt file of the job that didnt terminate correctly (I'm realizing however that there has been a typo in my run card, so I used the wrong PDF set - can this be the reason? Other jobs terminated correctly!):

 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999
 Unimplemented distribution= cteq6qm
 Implemented are: mrs02nl,mrs02nn,mrs0119,mrs0117,mrs0121,mrs01_j,mrs99_1,mrs99_2,mrs99_3,mrs99_4,mrs99_5,mrs99_6,mrs99_7,mrs99_8,mrs99_9,mrs9910,mrs9911,mrs9912,mrs98z1,mrs98z2,mrs98z3,mrs98z4,mrs98z5,mrs98ht,mrs98l1,mrs98l2,mrs98l3,mrs98l4,mrs98l5,cteq3_m,cteq3_l,cteq3_d,cteq4_m,cteq4_d,cteq4_l,cteq4a1,cteq4a2,cteq4a3,cteq4a4,cteq4a5,cteq4hj,cteq4lq,cteq5_m,cteq5_d,cteq5_l,cteq5hj,cteq5hq,cteq5f3,cteq5f4,cteq5m1,ctq5hq1,cteq5l1,cteq6_m,cteq6_d,cteq6_l,cteq6l1,
 Setting it to default cteq6l1
 New value of alpha_s from PDF cteq6l1: 0.13000000000000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 Gf = 1.16639000000000003E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 ymt = -173.00000000000000
 ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 MT = 173.00000000000000
 MB = 4.7000000000000002
 MZ = 91.188000000000002
 MH = 125.00000000000000
 MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 WT = 0.0000000000000000
 WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 WW = 2.0476000000000001
 WH = 7.46108800000000027E-003
  Internal Params

 CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 conjg__CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 CA = 3.0000000000000000
 TF = 0.50000000000000000
 CF = 1.3333333333333333
 complexi = ( 0.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 )
 MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 MH__exp__2 = 15625.000000000000
 Ncol__exp__2_m_1 = 8.0000000000000000
 MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 Ncol__exp__2_m_1_0 = 8.0000000000000000
 aEW = 7.54677111397888348E-003
 MW = 80.419002445756163
 sqrt__aEW = 8.68721538467815552E-002
 ee = 0.30795376724436879
 MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 cw = 0.88190334743339216
 sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 sw = 0.47143025548407230
 g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 gw = 0.65323293034757990
 v = 246.21845810181637
 v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 lam = 0.12886910601690263
 yb = 2.69955542504654901E-002
 yt = -0.99366614581500623
 ytau = 1.02066170006547170E-002
 muH = 88.388347648318430
 AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 VectorZUp = 7.54305075882732989E-002
 VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 I1x33 = ( 2.69955542504654901E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 I2x33 = (-0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 I3x33 = (-0.99366614581500623 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 I4x33 = ( 2.69955542504654901E-002, 0.0000000000000000 )
 Vector_tbGp = ( 1.0206617000654716 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 Axial_tbGp = ( 0.96667059156454072 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 Vector_tbGm = ( -1.0206617000654716 , 0.0000000000000000 )
 Axial_tbGm = ( 0.96667059156454072 , -0.0000000000000000 )
 gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 ee__exp__2 = 9.48355227599988748E-002
 sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 yb__exp__2 = 7.28759949289825397E-004
 yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
  Couplings of loop_sm

      UV_GQQb = 0.00000E+00 0.22605E-01
      UV_GQQt = 0.00000E+00 -0.48815E-02
     UV_bMass = 0.00000E+00 0.12824E+01
     UV_tMass = 0.00000E+00 0.34177E+00
   UVWfct_b_0 = -0.13642E+00 -0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_t_0 = -0.98778E-03 -0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_2 = 0.40088E-02 0.00000E+00
   UVWfct_G_1 = -0.18563E-01 0.00000E+00
      R2_sxcW = -0.00000E+00 -0.11566E-01
       R2_bbH = 0.00000E+00 0.95598E-03
       R2_ttH = -0.00000E+00 -0.35188E-01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33698E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 0.45657E+01
  UV_Htt_1eps = -0.00000E+00 -0.26391E-01
  UV_Hbb_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.71698E-03
       UV_Htt = -0.00000E+00 -0.13881E-02
       UV_Hbb = -0.00000E+00 0.52082E-02
         GC_4 = -0.12177E+01 0.00000E+00
         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
       R2_GQQ = -0.00000E+00 -0.30492E-01
       R2_QQq = 0.00000E+00 0.12520E-01
       R2_QQb = 0.00000E+00 0.11769E+00
       R2_QQt = 0.00000E+00 0.43320E+01
 UV_GQQg_1eps = 0.00000E+00 -0.62890E-01
 UV_GQQq_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.38115E-02
 UV_bMass_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.17653E+00
 UV_tMass_1eps = 0.00000E+00 0.64980E+01
 UVWfct_b_0_1eps -0.18780E-01 0.00000E+00
 UVWfct_G_2_1eps -0.31300E-02 0.00000E+00
        GC_31 = 0.00000E+00 0.52532E+02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19089E-01
        GC_37 = 0.00000E+00 0.70263E+00
        GC_47 = 0.00000E+00 0.46191E+00

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 8000.0000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = cteq6l1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 1 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 1 loops.
 Renormalization scale fixed @ 150.00000000000000
 Factorization scales fixed @ 150.00000000000000 150.00000000000000

 getting user params
Enter number of events and iterations:
 Number of events and iterations -1 12
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 5.00000000000000028E-002
 Enter alpha, beta for G_soft
   Enter alpha<0 to set G_soft=1 (no ME soft)
 for G_soft: alpha= 1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Enter alpha, beta for G_azi
   Enter alpha>0 to set G_azi=0 (no azi corr)
 for G_azi: alpha= -1.0000000000000000 , beta= -0.10000000000000001
 Doing the S and H events together
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Explicitly summing over helicities
Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 1
Enter running mode for MINT:
0 to set-up grids, 1 to integrate, 2 to generate events
 MINT running mode: 0
Set the three folding parameters for MINT
xi_i, phi_i, y_ij
           1 1 1
 'all ', 'born', 'real', 'virt', 'novi' or 'grid'?
 Enter 'born0' or 'virt0' to perform
  a pure n-body integration (no S functions)
 doing the novB of this channel
 Normal integration (Sfunction != 1)
 Not subdividing B.W.
 about to integrate 13 -1 12 1
 imode is 0
# FastJet release 3.0.1
# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
# Please cite arXiv:1111.6097 if you use this package for scientific
# work and optionally also Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210].
# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
 ------- iteration 1
 Update # PS points (even): 1040 --> 1040
Using random seed offsets: 1 , 1 , 0
  with seed 33
 Ranmar initialization seeds 11949 9408
 Total number of FKS directories is 10
 For the Born we use nFKSprocesses # 2 5
 FKS process map (sum= 3 ) :
           1 --> 5 : 1 6 7 8 9
           2 --> 2 : 2 10
           3 --> 1 : 3
           4 --> 1 : 4
           5 --> 1 : 5
nFKSprocess: 1. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 1. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 2. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 2. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 3. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 3. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 4. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 4. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 5. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 5. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 6. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 6. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 7. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 7. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 8. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 8. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 9. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 9. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 10. Absolute lower bound for tau at the Born is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 10. Lower bound for tau is 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
nFKSprocess: 10. Lower bound for tau is (taking resonances into account) 0.14317E-02 0.30270E+03 0.80000E+04
 bpower is 1.0000000000000000
 From cuts.f
 Jets are defined with the anti-kT algorithm
 with a mimumal pT of 0.0000000000000000 GeV
 and no maximal pseudo-rapidity.
 Charged leptons are required to have at least 0.0000000000000000 GeV of transverse momentum and
 pseudo rapidity of maximum 100.00000000000000 .
 Opposite charged lepton pairs need to be separated by at least 0.0000000000000000
 and have an invariant mass of 0.0000000000000000 GeV
 Scale values (may change event by event):
 muR, muR_reference: 0.150000D+03 0.150000D+03 1.00
 muF1, muF1_reference: 0.150000D+03 0.150000D+03 1.00
 muF2, muF2_reference: 0.150000D+03 0.150000D+03 1.00
 QES, QES_reference: 0.545132D+03 0.545132D+03 1.00

 muR_reference [functional form]:
 muF1_reference [functional form]:
 muF2_reference [functional form]:
 QES_reference [functional form]:
    sum_i mT(i), i=final state

 alpha_s= 0.12048759161256335
 process combination map (specified per FKS dir):
  1 map 1 2
  1 inv. map 1 2
  2 map 1 2
  2 inv. map 1 2
  3 map 1 2
  3 inv. map 1 2
  4 map 1 2
  4 inv. map 1 2
  5 map 1 2
  5 inv. map 1 2
  6 map 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
  6 inv. map 4 8
  7 map 1 2
  7 inv. map 1 2
  8 map 1 2
  8 inv. map 1 2
  9 map 1 1 2 2
  9 inv. map 2 4
 10 map 1 2
 10 inv. map 1 2
 |int|= 6.96897888610889006E-004 +/- 2.05340243654011500E-004 ( 29.464896796187979 %)
  int = 4.96191841476905835E-004 +/- 2.05900135927698341E-004
 Chi^2 per d.o.f. 0.0000000000000000
 accumulated result |int|= 6.96897888610889006E-004 +/- 2.05340243654011500E-004 ( 29.464896796187979 %)
 accumulated result int = 4.96191841476905835E-004 +/- 2.05900135927698341E-004
 accumulated result Chi^2 per DoF = 0.0000000000000000
 nFKSprocess 0 1 2 3 4 5
 ------- iteration 2
 Update # PS points (even): 2080 --> 2080
 |int|= 1.14492785314789696E-003 +/- 2.42407056389633318E-004 ( 21.172256026714042 %)
  int = 3.18268917343057334E-004 +/- 2.43603576473623020E-004
 Chi^2= 1.0012630057932006
 accumulated result |int|= 9.02367764304968438E-004 +/- 1.56681686568366652E-004 ( 17.363395808919186 %)
 accumulated result int = 4.14692282623195117E-004 +/- 1.57253245184444383E-004
 accumulated result Chi^2 per DoF = 1.0012630057932006
 nFKSprocess 0 1 2 3 4 5
 ------- iteration 3
 Update # PS points (even): 4160 --> 4160
 |int|= 2.05658558098476040E-003 +/- 3.20574614977342499E-004 ( 15.587710909839252 %)
  int = 5.25780389206214347E-004 +/- 3.22053330997944427E-004
 Chi^2= 5.8488731825364786
 accumulated result |int|= 1.28129370744901557E-003 +/- 1.40767944320905898E-004 ( 10.986391605806528 %)
 accumulated result int = 4.51138611819662928E-004 +/- 1.41307608289391453E-004
 accumulated result Chi^2 per DoF = 3.4250680941648395
 nFKSprocess 0 1 23 4 5
 ------- iteration 4
 Update # PS points (even): 8320 --> 8320
 error C in xmcsubt_PY6Q
  2.76838456161866914E-004 2.76857962899368837E-004
Time in seconds: 11


Revision history for this message
Stefano Frixione (stefano-frixione) said :

Dear Ben,
the typo in the PDF caused the program to run with an LO PDF, which is not recommended at the NLO,
but which isn't the cause of the problem you report above.
This is actually due to a (very rarely encountered) rounding error. We'll lower the threshold for detecting these
errors in the future. In the meanwhile, what you can do it to edit the file
At line #1917 of that file (the beginning of the routinexmcsubt_PY6Q) , replace
      if (softtest.or.colltest) then
      if (softtest.or.colltest) then

Note that you have to regenerate the process for the changes above to be taken into account.
Alternatively, you can edit the montecarlocounter.f file in the specific directory of the process
you are interested into, but since you'll have to rerun in any case, the difference between the
two options is negligible as far as computer time is concerned. On the other hand, the first option
guarantees that you'll apply the fix to all subsequent processes.
Let us know if you find further problems.
Regards, Stefano.

Can you help with this problem?

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