How to generated weighted events according to a function (biased generation)

Created by Olivier Mattelaer
customization bias weight
Last updated by:
Olivier Mattelaer

For LO generation, we will refer to
or see the new option below (for 3.5.2 and later)

For NLO, for version before 3.5.0 see

Since 3.5.0 (for NLO) and 3.5.2 (for LO):
1: You can prepare a file somewhere in your filesystem containing the fortran definition of your function (see below for LO and NLO template)
2: You can pass the path to that file within the run_card.dat within the custom_fcts entry of the run_card (this entry expects a list of path)
3: If your function needs extra parameter to be controlled directly via the run_card by adding a line in the run_card like "10.0 = newvar". Your Fortran function could then use the parameter newvar" as long as you keep the "include"

# LO Template (introduced in v3.5.2)

      subroutine bias_wgt_custom(p, original_weight, bias_weight)
      implicit none
C Parameters
      include ''
      include ''
      include '' ! include defition from the run_card (via common-block).
c for this example to work, the run_card NEED to have two non default entry defined:
c - ptj_bias_target
c - ptj_bias_enhancement_power
c be sure to enter them as float!
c in script use "edit run_card 1000. = ptj_bias_target" to add the line

C Arguments
      double precision p(0:3,nexternal)
      double precision original_weight, bias_weight
C local variables
      integer i
      double precision ptj(nexternal)
      double precision max_ptj
C Global variables
C Mandatory common block to be defined in bias modules
      double precision stored_bias_weight ! default is 1.0
      logical impact_xsec, requires_full_event_info ! default is True and False respectively
     & requires_full_event_info

      logical first
      data first /.true./ ! used to change the common-block value
C Accessing the details of the event
      logical is_a_j(nexternal),is_a_l(nexternal),
     & is_a_b(nexternal),is_a_a(nexternal),
     & is_a_onium(nexternal),is_a_nu(nexternal),
     & is_heavy(nexternal),do_cuts(nexternal)
     & is_heavy,is_a_onium,do_cuts

C -------------------------------
C Changing setup of the bias mode
C -------------------------------
      if (first)then
         impact_xsec = .false.
         first = .false.
C --------------------
C --------------------

      do i=1,nexternal
         if (is_a_j(i)) then

      do i=1,nexternal
         max_ptj = max(max_ptj,ptj(i))
      if ( then
         bias_weight = 1.0d0

      bias_weight= (max_ptj/ptj_bias_target)**ptj_bias_enhancement_power

      end subroutine bias_wgt_custom

# NLO Template (introduced in v3.5.0)

      subroutine bias_weight_function(p,ipdg,bias_wgt)
c This is a user-defined function to which to bias the event generation.
c A non-flat distribution will generate events with a certain weight
c inversely proportinal to the bias_wgt. This is particularly useful to
c generate more events (with smaller weight) in tails of distributions.
c It computes the bias_wgt factor from the momenta and multiplies the
c weight that goes into MINT (or vegas) with this factor. Before
c writing out the events (or making the plots), this factor is again
c divided out. A value different from 1 makes that MINT (or vegas) does
c not list the correct cross section, but the cross section can still be
c computed from summing all the weights of the events (and dividing by
c the number of events). Since the weights of the events are no longer
c identical for all events, the statistical uncertainty on this total
c cross section can be much larger than without including the bias.
c The 'bias_wgt' should be a IR-safe function of the momenta.
c For this to be used, the 'event_norm' option in the run_card should be
c set to
c 'bias' = event_norm
      implicit none
      include ''
      double precision bias_wgt,p(0:3,nexternal),H_T
      integer ipdg(nexternal),i


c How to enhance the tails is very process dependent. For example for
c top quark production one could use:
c do i=1,nexternal
c if (ipdg(i).eq.6) then
c bias_wgt=sqrt(p(1,i)**2+p(2,i)**2)**3
c endif
c enddo
c Or to use H_T^2 one does
c H_T=0d0
c do i=3,nexternal
c H_T=H_T+sqrt(max(0d0,(p(0,i)+p(3,i))*(p(0,i)-p(3,i))))
c enddo
c bias_wgt=H_T**2