Are packages for EOL'd releases still available?

Created by Lionel Le Folgoc
EOL, packages, old-releases
Last updated by:
Lionel Le Folgoc

The official Ubuntu archive has an old-releases address <> that holds a repository of EOL'd releases (e.g. Gutsy Gibbon) packages.

There is no such thing for Medibuntu, as packages from old unsupported releases are kept on the main mirror. For example, for Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), creating a "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" file containing the following line:

deb gutsy free non-free

will still let users download and install packages for this release.

However, please note that:
  * these packages are not updated anymore (no security nor bug fix), and are provided only to avoid breaking migrations with "repository not found" errors ;
  * these packages are not visible on the html frontend available at <> ;
  * the pre-created sources.list.d files for these old unsupported releases are not available on <>.