Can we append some code to messages?

Asked by R. Myers

I manage the Web site for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and we'd like to offer our readers an announcements mailing list for breaking news items. I have the authorization to go ahead with it with the stipulation that we can add some javascript or other code to the messages so it can include advertising.

My question is: Does Mailman allow unedited HTML or XML to be passed through in a list signature or other field? And if so, how difficult is it to set this up?

I'd appreciate any feedback you can give.

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English Edit question
GNU Mailman Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Mark Sapiro
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Best Mark Sapiro (msapiro) said :

Mailman's list headers and footers (list sig) are always added to or as a text/plain part, so if you add HTML or XML tags in these, they will just be displayed as text by any compliant MUA.

You can either not filter content or set content filtering to pass text/html parts and include your own HTML in the post sent to the list.

Revision history for this message
R. Myers (rmyers808) said :

Thanks Mark Sapiro, that solved my question.