Question about running maddump off-axis

Asked by Amalia Betancur

Hello maddump team,

I am trying to run maddump in off-axis mode. To do this, I am following this link:

When I do this, I get that the number of events entering the detector is too small.
I don't think that should be the case for the parameters I am using, I wonder if this is because the way I am running off-axis is not correct. This is the command card:

import model inelasticDM_withHiggssector
define mmm = a h z h3
import_events decay Fluxes/filtered41.hepmc
decay pi0 > ~chi2 ~chi1 a
define darkmatter ~chi1
add process ~chi1 e- > ~chi2 e- @electron /mmm
output preliminary_results/new_results/scan2
set flux_norm 7.7e24
set prod_xsec_in_norm false
set d_target_detector 57400.0
set detector_density 1.3954
set Z_average 18
set A_average 40
set off-axis True
set thetac 0.031358
set theta_aperture 0.00348432
set off_axis_depth 500

If you could give me any suggestions about running maddump off-axis, I would appreciate it.
Thank you,

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Revision history for this message
Luca (lbuono) said :

Dear Amalia,

it may be that the specifications of the off-axis volume have changed from what was reported in
(at least in some development versions of the maddump)

In the following, I am giving an example used to model the active volume of ICARUS

set Z_average 18.
set A_average 40.
set prod_xsec_in_norm false
set d_target_detector 78505.8
set detector_density 1.3954

set off_axis True

set yc 7876.86
set radius 226.274
set depth 2099.1

set cylinder False
set parallelepiped False

where depth is the projection of the "radial" length of the detector along the original beamline, say aligned on the z-axis.
In the orthogonal plane (x-y), the section is circular with a radius of "radius" and yc is the "height" from the beamline of the center of the first interacting surface located at distance z1 = set d_target_detector.

Can you please try to use these settings?


Revision history for this message
Amalia Betancur (amaliab2) said :

Dear Luca,

Thank you for the suggestions.

I changed the settings accordingly and I still get :
Exception : Error: numbers of events entering the detector too small! n_passed = 0

Below is a portion of the debug file.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1514, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1463, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 278, in do_import
    self.cmd.do_import(self, *args, **opts)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 5287, in do_import
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1660, in import_command_file
    self.exec_cmd(line, precmd=True)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1543, in exec_cmd
    stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1463, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/PLUGIN/maddump/new_interface/", line 482, in do_launch
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1543, in exec_cmd
    stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 1463, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/PLUGIN/maddump/new_interface/", line 233, in do_launch
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/madgraph/interface/", line 6961, in new_fct
    original_fct(obj, *args, **opts)
  File "/home/amalia.betancur/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/PLUGIN/maddump/new_interface/", line 376, in run_launch
    raise Exception, "Error: numbers of events entering the detector too small! n_passed = %s " % hist2D_energy_angle.npass
Exception: Error: numbers of events entering the detector too small! n_passed = 0
Value of current Options:
              text_editor : None
      notification_center : True
                    pjfry : None
       cluster_local_path : None
  default_unset_couplings : 99
       group_subprocesses : Auto
ignore_six_quark_processes : False
    loop_optimized_output : True
    cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
         fortran_compiler : None
               hepmc_path : None
                  collier : ./HEPTools/lib
              auto_update : 7
             pythia8_path : None
                hwpp_path : None
low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation : False
                    golem : None
          pythia-pgs_path : ./pythia-pgs
                  td_path : ./td
             delphes_path : ./Delphes
              thepeg_path : None
             cluster_type : condor
        madanalysis5_path : None
      exrootanalysis_path : ./ExRootAnalysis
                      OLP : MadLoop
                 applgrid : applgrid-config
               eps_viewer : evince
                  fastjet : None
                 run_mode : 2
              web_browser : firefox
   automatic_html_opening : True
        cluster_temp_path : None
             cluster_size : 100
            cluster_queue : None
             syscalc_path : ./SysCalc
         madanalysis_path : ./MadAnalysis
                   lhapdf : /home/amalia/heptools/MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/HEPTools/lhapdf6/bin/lhapdf-config
             stdout_level : 20
                  nb_core : None
            f2py_compiler : None
                    ninja : ./HEPTools/lib
                  amcfast : amcfast-config
       cluster_retry_wait : 300
      output_dependencies : external
           crash_on_error : False
mg5amc_py8_interface_path : None
         loop_color_flows : False
                  samurai : None
         cluster_nb_retry : 1
                  timeout : 60
                    gauge : unitary
      complex_mass_scheme : False
             cpp_compiler : None
   max_npoint_for_channel : 0

Any ideas on how to debug are greatly appreciated.

Revision history for this message
Luca (lbuono) said :

Dear Amalia,

The error you are encountering is due to the absence of particles entering the specified active volume of the detector.

In your run folder, you should find directories such as
Events_to_decay/Events/run_XXX_decayed_1, which contain the LHE event files for the decay process.

By examining these files, you can verify whether the decay process has been generated correctly and investigate the distribution of the decay particles. This will help you determine if there are indeed no particles directed toward the detector.

To expedite the debugging process, I suggest that I try to reproduce the error. If you don't mind sharing a sample of events and your model file, please feel free to contact me at <email address hidden>.


Revision history for this message
Amalia Betancur (amaliab2) said :

Dear Luca,

Thanks for the help.
I sent you an email with all the files you suggested.


Revision history for this message
Luca (lbuono) said :

Dear Amalia,

slowly working on it, I wrote you privately.


Revision history for this message
Luca (lbuono) said :
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.