MA5 After Attempting Submit Job or Entering Debug Mode

Asked by Cesely Smith

macOS: Ventura 13.4
Python Version: 3.9.6
MA5 Version: 1.9.60
Root Version: 6.26

*Note that in the /madanalysis5/bin folder I edited the first line of ma5 from ""#!/usr/bin/env python" to "#!/usr/bin/env python3"

SUBMIT ERROR: The first error I receive is after executing "./bin/ma5 plots.ma5" then "submit example_plots". This causes the job to quit compiling and produces a log report, which can found below. Below I show the terminal executions under 'TERMINAL - SUBMIT ERROR' and the log report under 'LOG REPORT.'

DEBUG ERROR: The second error is produced by running "./bin/ma5 plots.ma5" which causes the system to not compile since the "python compiler not found." Below I show the terminal executions under 'TERMINAL - DEBUG ERROR'


cesely@Ceselys-MacBook-Air madanalysis5 % ./bin/ma5 plots.ma5
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: * *
MA5: * W E L C O M E to M A D A N A L Y S I S 5 *
MA5: * ______ ______ *
MA5: * /'\_/`\/\ __ \/\ ___\ *
MA5: * /\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \__/ *
MA5: * \ \ \__\ \ \ __ \ \___``\ *
MA5: * \ \ \_/\ \ \ \/\ \/\ \_\ \ *
MA5: * \ \_\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____/ *
MA5: * \/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ *
MA5: * *
MA5: * MA5 release : 1.9.60 2021/12/13 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 222-256 *
MA5: * Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014) 3103 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * The MadAnalysis Development Team - Please visit us at *
MA5: * *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Type 'help' for in-line help. *
MA5: * *
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: Platform: Darwin 22.5.0 [MAC/OSX mode]
MA5: Reading user settings ...
MA5: Checking mandatory packages:
MA5: - Python [OK]
MA5: - GNU GCC g++ [OK]
MA5: - GNU Make [OK]
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to data processing:
MA5: - Zlib [DISABLED]
MA5: - FastJet [DISABLED]
MA5: - Root [OK]
MA5: - Delphes [DISABLED]
MA5: - Delphes-MA5tune [DISABLED]
MA5: Checking the MadAnalysis 5 core library:
MA5: => MadAnalysis libraries found.
MA5: => MadAnalysis test program works.
MA5: Reading user settings ...
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to reinterpretation:
MA5: - pyhf [DISABLED]
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to histogramming:
MA5: - Root [OK]
MA5: - Matplotlib [DISABLED]
MA5: - gnuplot [DISABLED]
MA5-WARNING: gnuplot disabled. Plots in gnuplot format file will not be produced.
MA5: - pdflatex [DISABLED]
MA5-WARNING: pdflatex disabled. Reports under the pdf format will not be compiled.
MA5: - latex [DISABLED]
MA5-WARNING: latex disabled. Reports under the dvi format will not be compiled.
MA5: Package used for graphical rendering: Root
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: Particle labels exported from madanalysis/input/particles_name_default.txt
MA5: => 87 particles successfully exported.
MA5: Multiparticle labels exported from madanalysis/input/multiparticles_default.txt
MA5: => Creation of the label 'invisible' (-> missing energy).
MA5: => Creation of the label 'hadronic' (-> jet energy).
MA5: => 8 multiparticles successfully exported.
MA5: Executing the commands from the script
MA5: /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/plots.ma5...
MA5: ma5># set directory where running "./bin/ma5"; set lumi; define the signal significance
MA5: ma5>set main.currentdir = /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5 # need to change this directory path --> exit and type "pwd" to get the path
MA5: currentdir = /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5
MA5: ma5>set main.lumi = 40.0
MA5: ma5>set main.fom.formula = 4
MA5: figure of merit (fom) - formula num 4: S/sqrt(S+B)
MA5: ma5># import samples --> change the path to the LHE file
MA5: ma5>import samples/signal.lhe as sample_1
MA5: -> Storing the file 'signal.lhe' in the dataset 'sample_1'.
MA5: ma5>import samples/bkg.lhe as sample_2
MA5: -> Storing the file 'bkg.lhe' in the dataset 'sample_2'.
MA5: ma5># define bg and signal samples
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.type = signal
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.type = background
MA5: ma5># define weights for the samples
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.weight = 1
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.weight = 1
MA5: ma5># titles for the plots
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.title = "Signal"
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.title = "Background"
MA5: ma5># line styles and colors
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.linecolor = blue
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.linestyle = dash-dotted
MA5: ma5>set sample_1.linewidth = 4
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.linecolor = black
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.linestyle = dashed
MA5: ma5>set sample_2.linewidth = 3
MA5: ma5># a jet can be from a light quark or b quark
MA5: ma5>define jets = j
MA5: ma5>define e = e+ e-
MA5: ma5>define mu = mu+ mu-
MA5: ma5>define ta = ta+ ta-
MA5: ma5>define lept = e mu ta
MA5: ma5># define which plots to make
MA5: ma5>plot PT(jets[1])
MA5: ma5>plot ETA(jets[1])
MA5: ma5>plot PHI(jets[1])
MA5: ma5>plot PT(jets[2])
MA5: ma5>plot ETA(jets[2])
MA5: ma5>plot PHI(jets[2])
MA5: ma5>plot DELTAR(jets[1], jets[2])
MA5: ma5>plot M(jets[1] jets[2])
MA5: ma5>plot MET
MA5: ma5>plot sdETA(j[1] j[2])
MA5: ma5>plot PT(lept[1])
MA5: ma5>plot ETA(lept[1])
MA5: ma5>plot PT(lept[2])
MA5: ma5>plot ETA(lept[2])
MA5: ma5>plot PT(lept[3])
MA5: ma5>plot ETA(lept[3])
MA5: ma5># set the plot/graph parameters
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].xmax = 1000
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].nbins = 200
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[1].titleX = "p_{T}[j_{1}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].xmax = 8
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].xmin = -8
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].nbins = 160
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[2].titleX = "#eta[j_{1}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].xmax = 3.2
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].xmin = -3.2
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].nbins = 64
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[3].titleX = "#phi[j_{1}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].xmax = 500
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].nbins = 100
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[4].titleX = "p_{T}[j_{2}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].xmax = 8
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].xmin = -8
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].nbins = 160
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[5].titleX = "#eta[j_{2}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].xmax = 3.2
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].xmin = -3.2
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].nbins = 64
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[6].titleX = "#phi[j_{2}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].xmax = 15
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].nbins = 75
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[7].titleX = "#Delta#eta[j_{1},j_{2}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].xmax = 8000
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].nbins = 160
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[8].titleX = "M[j_{1},j_{2}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].xmax = 1000
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].nbins = 100
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[9].titleX = "#slash{E}_{T} (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[10].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[10].titleX = "#Delta#phi(j_{1},j_{2})"
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].xmax = 1000
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].nbins = 200
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[11].titleX = "p_{T}[l_{1}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].xmax = 4
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].xmin = -4
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].nbins = 80
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[12].titleX = "#eta[l_{1}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].xmax = 1000
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].nbins = 200
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[13].titleX = "p_{T}[l_{2}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].xmax = 4
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].xmin = -4
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].nbins = 80
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[14].titleX = "#eta[l_{2}]"
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].xmax = 1000
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].xmin = 0
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].nbins = 200
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].logY = true
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[15].titleX = "p_{T}[l_{3}] (GeV)"
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].xmax = 4
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].xmin = -4
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].nbins = 80
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].logY = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].logX = false
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].rank = PTordering
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].stacking_method = normalize2one
MA5: ma5>set selection[16].titleX = "#eta[l_{3}]"
MA5: ma5># apply selections
MA5: ma5>select PT(jets[1]) > 30 and ETA(jets[1]) > -5 and ETA(jets[1]) < 5
MA5: ma5>select PT(jets[2]) > 30 and ETA(jets[2]) > -5 and ETA(jets[2]) < 5
MA5: ma5>select DELTAR(jets[1], jets[2]) > 4.2
MA5: ma5>select M(jets[1] jets[2]) > 750
MA5: ma5>select MET > 75
MA5: ma5>select PT(lept[1]) > 30 and ETA(lept[1]) > -2.1 and ETA(lept[1]) < 2.1
MA5: ma5>select PT(lept[2]) > 10 and ETA(lept[2]) > -2.1 and ETA(lept[2]) < 2.1
MA5: ma5>#select PT(lept[3]) > 10 and ETA(lept[3]) > -2.1 and ETA(lept[3]) < 2.1
ma5>submit example_plots
MA5: Creating folder 'example_plots'...
MA5-WARNING: A directory called '/Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/example_plots' is already defined.
Would you like to remove it ? (Y/N)
Answer: Y
MA5: Copying 'SampleAnalyzer' source files...
MA5: Inserting your selection into 'SampleAnalyzer'...
MA5: Writing the list of datasets...
MA5: Writing the command line history...
MA5: Creating Makefiles...
MA5: Compiling 'SampleAnalyzer'...
MA5-ERROR: impossible to compile the project. For more details, see the log file:
MA5-ERROR: /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/example_plots/Build/Log/compilation.log
MA5-ERROR: job submission aborted.


clang++ -Wall -O3 -fPIC -I/Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/ -I./ -stdlib=libc++ -pthread -std=c++17 -m64 -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root -o Main/main.o -c Main/main.cpp
In file included from Main/main.cpp:12:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/analysisList.h:2:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:5:
In file included from /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/SampleAnalyzer/Interfaces/root/RootMainHeaders.h:32:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TTree.h:46:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBranch.h:29:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBranchCacheInfo.h:25:
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:150:11: warning: use of bitwise '&' with boolean operands [-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical]
   return (Bool_t)lhs & rhs;
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:150:11: note: cast one or both operands to int to silence this warning
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:155:11: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical]
   return (Bool_t)lhs | rhs;
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:155:11: note: cast one or both operands to int to silence this warning
In file included from Main/main.cpp:12:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/analysisList.h:2:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:5:
In file included from /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/SampleAnalyzer/Interfaces/root/RootMainHeaders.h:39:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TCanvas.h:15:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TPad.h:15:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualPad.h:30:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TQObject.h:42:
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualQConnection.h:53:42: warning: 'sizeof (val)' will return the size of the pointer, not the array itself [-Wsizeof-pointer-div]
      constexpr size_t size = sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]);
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualQConnection.h:51:25: note: pointer 'val' declared here
   void SetArg(const T* val)
3 warnings generated.
clang++ -Wall -O3 -fPIC -I/Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/ -I./ -stdlib=libc++ -pthread -std=c++17 -m64 -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root -o SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.o -c SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp
In file included from SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:1:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:5:
In file included from /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/SampleAnalyzer/Interfaces/root/RootMainHeaders.h:32:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TTree.h:46:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBranch.h:29:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBranchCacheInfo.h:25:
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:150:11: warning: use of bitwise '&' with boolean operands [-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical]
   return (Bool_t)lhs & rhs;
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:150:11: note: cast one or both operands to int to silence this warning
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:155:11: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical]
   return (Bool_t)lhs | rhs;
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TBits.h:155:11: note: cast one or both operands to int to silence this warning
In file included from SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:1:
In file included from ./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:5:
In file included from /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/tools/SampleAnalyzer/Interfaces/root/RootMainHeaders.h:39:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TCanvas.h:15:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TPad.h:15:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualPad.h:30:
In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TQObject.h:42:
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualQConnection.h:53:42: warning: 'sizeof (val)' will return the size of the pointer, not the array itself [-Wsizeof-pointer-div]
      constexpr size_t size = sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]);
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/root/6.26.06_2/include/root/TVirtualQConnection.h:51:25: note: pointer 'val' declared here
   void SetArg(const T* val)
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:250:26: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
    for (ind[0]=0;ind[0]<_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_.size();ind[0]++)
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:22:40: note: '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:252:26: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
    for (ind[1]=0;ind[1]<_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_.size();ind[1]++)
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:23:40: note: '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:254:9: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'
    if (_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_[ind[1]]==_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_[ind[0]]) continue;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:254:53: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
    if (_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_[ind[1]]==_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_[ind[0]]) continue;
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:22:40: note: '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:260:22: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:22:40: note: '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:261:22: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:23:40: note: '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:270:12: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:22:40: note: '_P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I1I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.cpp:271:12: error: use of undeclared identifier '_P_j_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'; did you mean '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_'?
./SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.h:23:40: note: '_P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_' declared here
  std::vector<const MCParticleFormat*> _P_jets_I2I_PTorderingfinalstate_REG_;
3 warnings and 8 errors generated.
make: *** [SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/user.o] Error 1

cesely@Ceselys-MacBook-Air madanalysis5 % ./bin/ma5 -d
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: * *
MA5: * W E L C O M E to M A D A N A L Y S I S 5 *
MA5: * ______ ______ *
MA5: * /'\_/`\/\ __ \/\ ___\ *
MA5: * /\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \__/ *
MA5: * \ \ \__\ \ \ __ \ \___``\ *
MA5: * \ \ \_/\ \ \ \/\ \/\ \_\ \ *
MA5: * \ \_\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____/ *
MA5: * \/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ *
MA5: * *
MA5: * MA5 release : 1.9.60 2021/12/13 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 222-256 *
MA5: * Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014) 3103 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * The MadAnalysis Development Team - Please visit us at *
MA5: * *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Type 'help' for in-line help. *
MA5: * *
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: Platform: Darwin 22.5.0 [MAC/OSX mode]
MA5-DEBUG: Machine - Cross platform information
MA5-DEBUG: Machine type: arm64
MA5-DEBUG: Processor name: arm
MA5-DEBUG: Platform: macOS-13.4-arm64-arm-64bit
MA5-DEBUG: Platform release: 22.5.0
MA5-DEBUG: System: Darwin
MA5-DEBUG: Node: Ceselys-MacBook-Air.local
MA5-DEBUG: Number of cores: 8
MA5-DEBUG: Machine - OS-specific information
MA5-DEBUG: Java version: ('', '', ('', '', ''), ('', '', ''))
MA5-DEBUG: Windows version: ('', '', '', '')
MA5-DEBUG: Mac Os version: ('13.4', ('', '', ''), 'arm64')
MA5-DEBUG: Unix distribution: macOS-13.4-arm64-arm-64bit
MA5: Reading user settings ...
MA5-DEBUG: Opening the file: /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/madanalysis/input/installation_options.dat
MA5-DEBUG: Lines to interpret:
MA5-DEBUG: Closing the file: /Users/cesely/Desktop/madanalysis5/madanalysis/input/installation_options.dat
MA5-DEBUG: User name: cesely
MA5-DEBUG: User ID: 501
MA5-DEBUG: Expanding folder ~/: /Users/cesely/
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $USER: cesely
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $LNAME:
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $LOGNAME: cesely
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $HOME: /Users/cesely
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $posix:
MA5-DEBUG: Web access
MA5-DEBUG: enable
MA5-DEBUG: Temporary folder
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $TMPDIR: /var/folders/87/f2z1hg7n6bqd8_bcvlt42ktr0000gn/T/
MA5-DEBUG: Check if the folder /var/folders/87/f2z1hg7n6bqd8_bcvlt42ktr0000gn/T exists ...
MA5-DEBUG: -> found
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $TMP:
MA5-DEBUG: Variable $TEMP:
MA5-DEBUG: temporary folder will be used for MA5: /var/folders/87/f2z1hg7n6bqd8_bcvlt42ktr0000gn/T
MA5-DEBUG: Download dir
MA5-DEBUG: Check if the folder /var/folders/87/f2z1hg7n6bqd8_bcvlt42ktr0000gn/T/MA5_downloads exists ...
MA5-DEBUG: -> found
MA5-DEBUG: download folder will be used for MA5: /var/folders/87/f2z1hg7n6bqd8_bcvlt42ktr0000gn/T/MA5_downloads
MA5-DEBUG: Text editor
MA5-DEBUG: Look for the global variable $EDITOR ...
MA5-DEBUG: -> variable not found. VI editor is set by default.
MA5: Checking mandatory packages:
MA5-DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------------
MA5-DEBUG: Detect package python
MA5-DEBUG: Try to detect automatically the package ...
MA5-DEBUG: Extract more informations related to the package ...
MA5-DEBUG: Python release: 3.9.6
MA5-DEBUG: Python build: ('default', 'Mar 10 2023 20:16:38')
MA5-DEBUG: Python compiler: Clang 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
MA5-DEBUG: Python prefix: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9
MA5-DEBUG: Python executable used: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3
MA5-DEBUG: sys.executable: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3
MA5-ERROR: python compiler not found. Please install it before using MadAnalysis 5
MA5: - Python [FAILURE]
MA5-ERROR: This package is a mandatory package: MadAnalysis 5 can not run without it.
cesely@Ceselys-MacBook-Air madanalysis5 %

Question information

English Edit question
MadAnalysis 5 Edit question
No assignee Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Jack Y. Araz (jackaraz) said :

** MadAnalysis 5 has been mitigated to GitHub! If you have any questions or bug reports please refer to the Issues section in our new GitHub repository. Launchpad will no longer be used.

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